Sunday came, sooner than Jennifer thought it would. She had stayed up late night for the past three days to prepare for her speech. She prepared for it with diligence. Once. Twice. Thrice. She made pointers of all important parts. Checked and rechecked even the smallest of the details to make sure she hadn't missed out anything. She searched all her photo albums, her baby pics and everything she had related to her past. She even made a painful trip down the memory lane to revive what she felt when Winston cheated on her.
Abby and Winston, mom and dad, servants, primary school, middle school, first year of high school, neighbors, Jennifer literally analyzed every tiny detail of her life until now into an half an hour long speech. By the time the Sunday sun rose, Jennifer was all ready and thoroughly prepared with her speech. In the day, she couldn't do it because of the servants so she slept late every night just to complete it. Jennifer folded her paper and placed into her pocket securely before running down to the place where Adrian said he would meet her.
Dressed like a hero straight out of a romance novel, Adrian appeared in his car. He waved at Jennifer and she sat beside her kissing him on his cheeks making him a blushing mess. "Are you prepared?" Adrian asked her. "Yeah! I don't think I've left anything." Jennifer waved the paper with her speech written on it in front of Adrian. Adrian smiled and drove off to the same coffee shop where the den was located. Inside the meeting room, Jennifer saw all the members of the den seated and waiting for her.
"Hi everyone." Jennifer greeted them politely. "I'm there. Don't be nervous." Adrian whispered in Jennifer's ear pretending to give her a good luck kiss and then moved to sit between James and Kaleb who were second in command. All the members were sitting in the order of their positions today. The meeting again presumed the seriousness she felt last time as Jennifer felt her nervousness settle in. She looked at Adrian whose eyes clamed her. It worked. Jennifer decided that she would give the entire speech looking into Adrian's eyes. Rest of the audience will be granted a sneak peek only.
Jennifer stuck her burning eyes to Adrian's soothing ones immediately calming down a lot. She began her speech in a low voice. "Good morning everyone, I'm Jennifer…." She spoke. One incident to another, Jennifer explained them her entire life story, everything that she had prepared. "So you see, I passed middle school that year." Jennifer went through every detail of her personal life and her love life, her emotions, the way people treated her, the way she treated people, her relationship with her mom and dad, her friendship with Abby and Winston.
When Jennifer talked about Abby, James made sure he did not make an eye contact with anyone in the room because he was trying his best to calm himself down. He pushed his tears back but when Jennifer started talking how bad she was when she cheated on her with Winston, James tensed up muscles and left the room by making an excuse to use the washroom urgently. He couldn't spoil Jennifer's moment and he couldn't let anyone know about Abby's death as well.
When Jennifer talked about how she felt when she was with Winston, all the eyes turned to Adrian who was trying his best not to get up and kiss Jennifer in the way that the name Winston would be wiped out from her pretty mouth instantly. When Jennifer talked about her first kiss, Adrian couldn't control himself anymore, his jealousy took over and her rose from his seat making her stop abruptly. Everyone in the room got up from their seats only to see Adrian move towards Jennifer and roughly attach his lips to Jennifer's.
Jennifer would have never been prepared enough for this. The passion. The aggression. The electricity making Jennifer forget what her name was. "So what was that guy's name again?" Adrian smirked. Jennifer was tongue tied. She didn't even know her name well enough to speak, let alone the name of her ex. The only thing she knew was that those lips were addicting as hell and she wanted them again but Jennifer was also aware that she was standing in room full of people she breathed, "Adrian."
Adrian smiled at the this lost state of Jennifer and licked his lips one last time before settling on his chair again expecting Jennifer continue her speech like nothing happened. Jennifer was so distracted that she stumbled upon her own words five times before she could complete a sentence. At last, she was tired and took out the paper in her pocket and read the last of her speech like she was reading a textbook. When Jennifer finished, Kaleb stood and spoke, "Congratulations Jennifer! You are now officially a member of the den."
Everyone burst into clapping tremendously. When Jennifer registered the fact that her speech was over she made her way through the crowd, ignoring every person who was trying to congratulate her. She ran straight into Adrian's arms who were open and ready to embrace her as if his life depended on it. She finally satisfied herself when she kissed him long and hard. The background consisted of loud hooting and whistles cheering them up as they both lost them in each other's eyes with other person's lips on theirs satiating the monsters inside.