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Newfound ability (indefinite hiatus)

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Lucy and Natsu go on a job to take care of a monster but then Lucy gets kidnapped, rescued by Natsu and finds a new power she somehow received.

Chapter 1 - Surprise!

At lucy's place . Lucy is having a nice deep sleep having nice dreams and stuff like that .She woke up just because she felt thirsty when she looked at her clock she realized she was late


As she dressed up and ate breakfast she almost choked cuz she was in a hurry.

So at the guild natsu and happy were waiting for her having a conversation about food as it is their favorite thing in the entire world they got super duper bored from waiting .

Natsu:"where is lucy , i am bored out my mind here"

Happy:" maybe she over slept"

Natsu: "who knows but thats not like her she always used to come here before us"


It was lucy who opened the doors as she comes in panting

Lucy: "sorry I'm late guys"

Natsu:"took you long enough"

Happy:" what took you so long"

ME: by the way its 1 pm

Lucy:" sorry i over slept"

Happy:" told ya didn't I, in your face"

Natsu ignores him and faces lucy to talk to her

Natsu:"how come you over slept, you usually show up before us"

Lucy:" lets just pick a job request and stop asking questions"

Happy:" she LOOOOOVES you"đŸ±

Lucy:" shup up you stupid cat"😠

Happy:" hehehe"

So natsu goes and picks a job request that says to get ride of some beast wondering around in a far away village and tells the bartender / receptionist about the job request and goes back to lucy to tell her about it

Natsu:" hey lucy , guess what the job is about "

Lucy:" I don't know , what is it about ?"

Natsu:" it says that there is a village is the forest with some sort of wild beast"

Lucy: " beast ? " she was terrified when natsu mentioned something about a beast

Natsu:" its okay you are not going alone"

Happy:" he LOOOOVES you "

Lucy:" say that one more time cat and you are dead"

Natsu:"come on its just a joke"

Lucy groans as they leave the guild and are on their way to the train station


Lucy:" come on , how are we supposed to get there then huh , if you have another suggestion you can tell me"

Natsu:" no I don't "

They get on the train lucy is just gazing through the window having her moment meanwhile natsu was trying to hold his puke trying not to vomit all over lucy and on the train

Natsu:" why does my stomach hate me so much" *about to puke*

Lucy:"you shouldn't worry , we still got an hour till we arrive'

Natsu:"1 hour? I'm gonna die before we even arrive"* about to puke again*

So happy just managed to fall asleep beside lucy just in case natsu might puke on him and lucy is enjoying her time just staring out the window while natsu is suffering trying to not pass out or to puke thats what happened for an entire hour until they arrive

Lucy:" natsu ? Come on we're here"

As they get off of the train natsu lays on the ground happily from getting off of the train

Natsu:" i'm still alive , i'm never riding a train again"

Happy:" you always say that but ending up on another train in the future"

Lucy:" lets go find that village"

Natsu:" right behind ya"

As they go looking for the village in the middle of the forest they find a river and follow it to find an abandoned village

Lucy:"hello? Anybody here?"

Happy:"I don't think anybody lives here anymore"

Natsu:"you think the beast killed them?"

Lucy:" HEY DON'T SAY THAT , you are creeping me out "

Happy:"aww little lucy is scared isn't she?"


As they stop their little argument they here a loud roar coming from behind ,as they look behind they find nothing

BUT when they turn forward they find the beast standing right in front of them . The beast was about to hit them but as soon as natsu saw the beast's hand rise up he directly pulled lucy and happy away from it

Natsu:" get behind me luce"

He calls her that as a nickname

Lucy:" but i wanna help you , you can't handle him on your own "

Natsu:" then summon one of your spirits then"

Lucy:" okay just one minute" *she takes a key and holds it out*" open gate of the golden bull , TAURUS"

As she says the summoning words he comes to her aid

Taurus:" what can i help you with miss lucy"

Lucy:" try and take down that thing"

She says that shaking in her boots

Taurus:" yes miss lucy"

Taurus trys to attack the beast as much as he could but he ends up injured he apologizes while disappearing back to his own world

Natsu:"well that was useless"

The beast keeps attacking non stop as natsu keeps dodging them perfectly like a pro while lucy pulls up another key and summons leo the lion to come to her aid

Lucy:" open gate of the lion, leo"

Leo:" what may i do for you lucy "

Lucy:" i think you already know"

*as she points at the beast that is running around trying to hit natsu"

Leo:" i'm on it"

Leo ALMOST took down the beast but before the final strike got injured as the beast swung his claws to only put a hole in his chest and then leo disappears back to his own world.

The beast roars of frustration and hits natsu in the head that caused him to faint and lucy got hit as hard as natsu as well , takes lucy and then leaves .

After three hours natsu was still past out poor happy shaking in fear as he tries to wake up natsu who is still knocked out , happy keeps shaking natsu to wake up until he finally does .

Natsu:" where's is lucy ?"

Happy:"THE BEAST TOOK HER NATSU , WAAAAAAA " * as he cries in natsu's arms*

To be continued