Chapter 10 - CHAPTER 10: DECISIONS.

Zeeshan was having breakfast with his mother when Parvaiz made his way down the stairs. He greeted his mother and Zeeshan, and they replied to the greeting.

"Parvaiz, son, you are up very early." He heard his mother ask.

"Yes, actually, we had planned to make Ayesha breakfast this morning, and cooking takes quite a long while, hence the early rousing," Parvaiz answered.


"Yes, Fardan and I." On cue, Fardan made his way down the stairs.

"Why don't you marry her off to this buffoon already?" Zeeshan thought to himself sarcastically.

"Well, do you need any help?"

"No, we'll be fine. We've had practice for a long time now." Fardan responded, chuckling.

They made their way to the kitchen while Zeeshan kissed his mother's forehead and bid her goodbye. He chuckled as his mother reminded him that Eid was approaching and he was responsible for his sisters' shopping. It was tradition for the eldest brother to take his younger siblings shopping for the celebrations. The last time Zeeshan took them shopping though, it was a total disaster. The girls accidentally separated from their brothers and Zeeshan had a hard time locating them.

This time, however, he had to plan to make sure no such mistake happens. Especially since Ayesha was probably going to tag along. He had heard from Lubna that they were mingling really well for the past few days. Oh, he hopes she tags along.


Ayesha woke up to the sight of her brother by her side, phone in hand. When he noticed that she had opened her eyes, he put away his phone and greeted her.

"Assalamu aleikum, Chanda(Moon). How are you doing this morning?"

"Waleikum salaam Bhai," Ayesha mumbled, rubbing her face.

Her brother then picked a tray from the nightstand. It had a plate of fried eggs, some toast, and another of what looked like chocolate chip pancakes. There was also a glass of orange juice and a cup of tea. Her brother had even made the effort to add cutlery. Ayesha chuckled and turned to her brother.

"Wow! You've made quite a lot of effort early in the morning. Anything special?"

"Nothing special. I just wanted to do something small for you. It has been a while since we were together." Her brother explained.

Ayesha smiled and broke off a piece of the pancake. She then raised her fork to her brother's face who chuckled before biting into it. Ayesha smiled happily at him and then proceeded to gobble up the breakfast. Once Ayesha was done with her breakfast, her brother ordered her to get dressed.

Parvaiz made his way out of his sister's room, his gaze on the tray. He fastened his steps as he approached the staircase, only to bump into his Aunt's daughter, Shabana. The black-eyed beauty was the epitome of a snow-white. Skin as fair as snow, hair as black as ebony, lips as red as rose. He watched as a red hue overtook the skin on her face. He chuckled when she looked away from his face, only to stare at his chest.

"Lagta hain aaj mera dinn kamaal ka hoga. (Looks like my day today is going to be wonderful) Thanks for such a beautiful greeting." Parvaiz whispered in her ears, before taking the stairs.

Shabana couldn't believe it. She rushed to her room. Once there, she shut the door and squealed. She put her shaky hands on her heated face. Instead of the heat reducing, it heightened when she remembered the mumble he whispered in her ear. Shabana sighed.

{A/N: In Islam, it is not wrong for cousins to pursue one another with the intention of marriage. It is considered that any person who does not share blood with you is legitimate for marriage. }


Parvaiz was informed that Dada and Dadi had summoned him to their room for a discussion that evening. He was very anxious about the outcome of this said discussion. Knocking thrice, he pushed the door open and found every elder of the Zaweri house along with Zeeshan seated around the aged couple. He let out a nervous chuckle as he situated himself near his uncle and aunt. Fardan, curse his punctuality, left earlier during the day and nothing Parvaiz did, stalled him until after the meeting. Now here he was, a lone wolf.

"So, Parvaiz, what is it you were saying yesterday?" Dada (Paternal grandfather) asked with a stern tone.

{A/N: The grandparents are not Ayesha and Parvaiz's but it is respectful to call them so in India than to call them by their names.}

"Well... I was asked about my plans, so I told Khalu (Maternal uncle) that I was going to move out as soon as Ayesha and I found a house."

"And why do you want to do so? Is our hospitality not good enough? Or do you just want to live alone?" Dada inquired, this time with eyes narrowed.

"No, no! That is not the case. It's just... I didn't want us to impose any further. Plus if our parents were alive, they would not appreciate Ayesha and me living here and interfering with your personal lives. And it's not like we won't visit."Parvaiz pointed out.

"What makes you think that my sister would appreciate that I left her children to fend for themselves in this cruel world? How do you think she is going to feel about you and Ayesha prancing about with Ayesha being unmarried?" His aunt pressed.

Parvaiz was starting to feel the oncoming of a headache. He didn't want to hurt his aunt's feelings, and at the same time, his aunt was making a good point. But he didn't want to impose or make his parents turn in their graves. The weight of decision-making was starting to burden his shoulders.

"I have a solution to this." They heard the youngest Zaweri daughter-in-law. "What if, Parvaiz was to stay here only until Ayesha is married. That way, they won't feel burdened and Parvaiz is free to do whatever after."

Parvaiz thought about it. Managing the business would mean long hours in the office. Particularly during the night. He definitely didn't want to leave Ayesha all alone without any supervision. The girl was an adult, yes, but she was all he had and he would be damned if someone dared to approach her.

"OK, Fine. Only until Ayesha is married." Parvaiz threw in the towel.

Zeeshan clenched his fists as he felt the urge to jump and pump it in the air with a loud 'YES!' His lips twitched as he caged in a gigantic smile. It would all have to wait until he was in his room, all alone.

"The decision is final then. Parvaiz and Ayesha stay, for now. Good decision son." His uncle patted his back.