Chereads / The Shinobi Visitor / Chapter 40 - Two Cats And One White Hat...

Chapter 40 - Two Cats And One White Hat...

Chapter 39 - Two Cats and One White Hat...

Three months had passed since Naruto made his discreet debut as the superhero Patronus and the altercation with Captain America. Crime throughout Boston had go down quite bit, but a lot of Boston PD officers and citizens doesn't consider him to be real nor brave since he doesn't stick around for photos. Even if someone whether a bystander or a news reporter did manage to take a picture of him, it wouldn't do them any good since they came out either all blurry or a mistaken target like a building.

Plus, the way he moves around and appear out of nowhere via Shunshin like a ghost only helps this notion.

Naruto sees this as a great solution. This helps him tremendously to keep his identity a secret and prevent S.H.I.E.L.D. or criminals from finding him and his family. Lastly, it keeps the knowledge of his powers under wraps from prying eyes and that was what was most important alongside keeping his family safe. That is why he doesn't use his powers whenever out on patrol except an opportunity and discretion comes along. More specifically, he doesn't fight regular criminals with his powers, just his martial arts and physical prowess.

The less anyone, especially S.H.I.E.L.D., know about him and his powers, the better. And this coincidentally falls in line with the third tenet of the Assassin Creed: Never compromise the Brotherhood directly or indirectly.

For Naruto's case, however, it's to never compromise his family and loved ones.

And speaking of the blonde…

A peaceful day ensued over the Homestead as its owners enjoyed the isolation between the land and the sea outside their manor. The animals played with their younglings, nurturing them to take their place in the natural order when the time comes while a certain person watched over them above the trees.

"Cute." Naruto mused from a branch, observing a stag and a doe together as the latter had just given birth to a lamb. He watched the new family nuzzle together. It filled his heart whenever he watched the different species of animals play with their younglings, nurturing them to take their place in the natural order when the time comes.

After seeing the stag stare at him with its unblinking eyes, Naruto took it as his cue to leave and Shunshined across the Homestead grounds and appeared in front of the Uzumaki Manor. "Home sweet home."

"Yes, it is." Kuroka agreed as she landed on her lover's back. The two shared a deep passionate kiss while entering the manor. "Where were you?"

Naruto answered her while closing the door behind them. "Around the Homestead. I saw a doe giving birth to its spawn."

"How cute."

"It was actually."

"Naruto, Kuroka. Come in here." Saeko called out from the kitchen and the two complied as they entered the kitchen where Rhea, Medusa and Saeko were putting the finishing touches of their lunch meals. "Please take the kids to their chairs."

"Kay!" Naruto and Kuroka chorused as the latter got off the former's back and picked Ashla in her arms while Naruto got Masaki before they entered the dining room. Soon lunch was served and all the occupants were enjoying their food in the company of each other.

When Kuroka mentioned about running of food, Rhea and Medusa created a garden near the manor with fresh ingredients such as vegetables, fruit trees, even a small vineyard after taking down a couple of rotten stables. As for the meat, Naruto and Rhea decided to hunt the local animals in the Homestead as part of adding their skills in case there is a situation of Naruto losing his powers.

There are times when Rhea will provide the meat with her powers such as today.

Naruto, after stuffing his belly with a big sandwich, watched his lovers and children living in content with each other without the outside world bothering them. They'd listen to the news from the crystal skull that acted as their television along with free cable for the children to watch such as Spongebob Squarepants or ICarly.

According to the Codex, the Crystal Skulls acts as television sets without drawing attention via electrical. There are three types of the crystals skulls: the first type was that of a modern telephone device thus allowing communication to those who possess one, the second type has a record-and-playback to send recorded audio-visual messages to one who has a counterpart Crystal Skull.

The last type however vexed Naruto and his tenants the most. The third type was a monitoring device that can project audio-visual surveillance via a connection with a person's blood.

To his delight, Naruto found the first two types of the Crystal Skulls in what was now the Intelligence Room. There were four of each type.

Still, he couldn't believe that they're all here. Together. Especially after that battle in the Winter War. Naruto doesn't tell the girls about it since he didn't want to worry them, but dreams or nightmares, for the better of the word, plagued him ever since they entered the new world.

Nightmares about that man. Kronos.

(Flashback Begins)

Thundering booms emanated from the various clashes from the two sides of the battle for Karakura Town in the Winter War. Their participants unleashed unfathomable power that shook the earth and ripped the sky. However, none of those can come close to the battle between the leader of the Greek leader and the former Titan King except for the battle between Aizen and Yamamoto and Ichigo.

With a loud boom, a figure was launched through the air before it crashed against several buildings, bringing them down afterwards. Finally landing rather unceremoniously, the figure shakily stood and revealed himself to be the cloaked Naruto who rubbed his cheek after being hit by a rather nasty backhand fist.

"Man, that guy is strong." Naruto muttered before he raised his sword to block a scythe from taking off his head. He locked eyes with Kronos who seemed partially amused but mostly angered. "What's going on with you?"


"I don't plan to." Naruto responded as his sword began to give way and he compensated by swiftly creating several chakra arms to pummel Kronos into the ground. He leaped backwards and put some distance away from the former Titan King. "Where are you?"

His answer arrived when the ground in front of him caved in and out came a familiar, deadly crescent-shaped blade that threaten to take his head off. Tenkaichi's blade blocked the dreaded scythe in a clash in sparks as Naruto dug his feet into the ground while spider-cracks spread from behind him.

Naruto ignored the pain of needles in his arms despite being in Kurama Mode and pushed back against the smirking Kronos. However, he wasn't being pushed back instead it was Naruto. The duo's clash cost several buildings as Kronos easily pushed Naruto through their supports and walls.

"Struggling I see." Kronos casually stated before he kicked Naruto in the stomach. A loud shockwave shook the area as it caved in under the strength behind the attack while the chakra-covered Naruto was sent tumbling uncontrollably and bouncing across the ground.

After using his blade for a sudden stop and jerk plus excruciating pain throughout his right arm, Naruto looked up before he stood and swung Tenkaichi and unleashed a wave of golden chakra. Kronos watched the incoming attack and countered with a swing of his scythe that fired its own wave of black malicious aura.

The two energy-based attacks briefly clashed in the middle between Naruto and Kronos before the winning wave broke through the opposing wave and rapidly approached a certain fighter.

"Crap!" Naruto jumped to the left in the air to dodge the attack. Despite doing so, the ninja felt just how malicious Kronos's power was from the wave. Darkness and rage. He sensed an incoming attack and blocked it with Tenkaichi, however doing so forced him back to the ground. "Double crap!"

Kronos chuckled in amusement as he stood over the struggling mortal who dared to oppose him and take his wife from him. He pushed his scythe closer and felt more resistance than before from the golden cloaked boy.

"This is how it should be: you on your back, struggling for mercy while I am about to end your life."

Naruto strained to speak. "…Fight's… not over yet…asshole…."

"What can you do?"

"Alone against you? Probably…little to none." Naruto admitted before smirking as several figures closed in on their location.

Kronos looked right and received a kick to the face from a high-heel that sent him flying away with enough force into a building. When he stood up, several golden flames bombarded him and the surrounding area plus several more buildings. Followed after that was several small blade swings of golden energy attack in the form of cross-shape attacks.

"But together with everyone…" Naruto stood up as Kuroka, Rhea and Medusa landed next to him. They brandished their weapons after Kronos stood up without a single sign of injury. "There's nothing we can accomplish."

"Trying to act tough, Naruto?" Rhea teased the blonde. "As I recall moments ago, you struggled against Kronos."

Feeling a little bashful, Naruto slightly pouted at the Titaness. "Don't do that, Rhea."

"It's true hubby." Kuroka teased slyly with her cheeks reddened after being turned on by Naruto's hidden power. She leaned closer and whispered in Naruto's ear. "After this, we'll have sex."

Rhea and Medusa groaned when they saw steam blow out of Naruto's ears like a train as he blushed heavily before trying to calm himself down.

"K-Kuroka! Did you have to say that at a time like this?!"

The Nekomata smiled at him. "Yes, to remind you about my situation."

"Flirt later, fight now!" Medusa complained as she readied her bow and arrow.

"Got it!/Right!" Naruto and Kuroka chorused before the former dashed to meet Kronos's charge, followed by his team of pretty back-ups.

The city shook underneath yet another shockwave and suffered a huge pillar of dual energy comprising of gold and black.

(Flashback Ends)



"Huh?" Naruto asked when he was snapped out of his stupor. The eyes of Rhea, Medusa, Saeko and Kuroka were on him with concern. "What is it?"

"You okay?"

"I'm fine, Rhea." Naruto assured the Titaness who didn't seem convinced. "I'm fine, really." With that, the Uzumaki group continued to eat until a rather unfortunate smell overcame that of their food. "Aw man!"

"Which one is it?" Saeko asked with amusement as she sent a smirk at her fellow girls and friends who had mirrored her own. Naruto smelled the air near Ashla and Masaki before he reacted with a disgusted face.

Naruto faked a vomit. "Both." Noticing the girls looking at him mischievously, the gears in his head clicked before he groaned. "Is it my turn already?"

"Go on, Naruto." Rhea gestured the blonde as he relented and carried the twins in his arms to their room for diaper changes, leaving herself and the girls all alone. "Okay we need to talk about this."

Her cat ears twitching a little, Kuroka paused with a piece of tuna sandwich in her mouth. "A-bout what?" She asked muffled.

"Don't speak with food, Kuroka, please." Rhea pleaded motherly and the Nekomata looked sheepishly as she swallowed her meal. "About Naruto and his heroics."

Saeko and Medusa stood straight up since it was on their mind as well. "I was thinking the exact same thing the last three weeks." The two girls chorused at the same time before they looked at each other and giggled a second later.

"Believe me when I say I adore Naruto for who he is, but—"

"Neither of us have been able to get some alone time." Kuroka interrupted with a cute pout as her cheeks puffed up. "Sure he takes the weekends off and spend every minute with us and the kids, but—"

"Sometimes it's not enough." Medusa finished lastly as she shared a collective sigh with her friends. "Should we tell him?"

Saeko shook her head and explained her reason. "He has enough on his plate as it is."

The past three months since his unwarranted fight with Captain America, Naruto's heroic alias Patronus had been rather busy in his patrols in Boston. Robbery, assaults, terror and even some villains that were centered in New York had started to come to the Independent Center of America, but he had stopped each one. However, each time he was out there, Naruto had several encounters with Captain America and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agency but always managed to elude them.

"I can never have enough when it comes to you girls." Naruto said, surprising the girls after he came back inside with his clean children while his clone had the unfortunate luck of throwing the used diaper out before it dispelled. After placing the kids in their cribs, Naruto spoke calmly to his girls. "Has this been your minds this whole time?"

"Yes dear." Rhea answered honestly as she took his hand.

"I'm sorry, girls. I should've known." Naruto said slightly solemn until he felt something bop his head. The blonde looked and found Kuroka with her raised fist next to him. "What was that for?"

"You are who you are hubby, but we want to spend more time with you."

"And I you."

"If I may offer a suggestion…" Medusa said rather timid before speaking aloud when all eyes were on her. "What if each of us go with Naruto on his patrols?"

"Come again for Hubby?" Naruto asked in case his ears weren't working at that moment while Kuroka and Saeko looked pleased as Rhea nodded her head.

Saeko answered enthusiastically. "That could work whenever he goes out to patrol, one of us can help him."

"Plus our skills won't atrophy from long periods of time of rest." Medusa clarified further while Naruto tried to speak, but they ignored him.

"You should be used to it by now, Naruto."

"I agree with Kurama here." Ashura complied "My wife was headstrong when we were alive."

Naruto simply hung his head while the girls animatedly talk about the schedule. It was a good half-hour until they finally finished and looked the male head who was playing with his children.

"Baby who? Baby you!" Naruto cooed as he made funny faces to Ashla and Masaki. The twins giggled with their hands playfully hitting their baby chair before they reached for their father's nose and grabbed it. "Yes, baby you!"

"*cough* Naruto." Saeko called out for her lover, getting him to look at them. "We decided that each of us will go out with you on patrol for a day." Afterwards, she didn't look pleased and neither did Rhea and Medusa while Kuroka was very happy if her swaying tail was any indication. "The first one to go with you is… Kuroka here."

"But what about the kids?"

Medusa sighed rather exasperatedly at her lover's denseness. "Didn't you hear? One of us will go with you on patrol while the rest of us stay here in the Homestead, either training or watching television on the skull thing with the kids."

"Oh. Okay then." Naruto looked at each of the girls and realized that they weren't going to change his mind. He sighed later while his children still grabbed his mouth and played hooky with his mouth. "Okay girls. You can come with me, but your attire will have to be different."

"Already done."

"Eh?" Naruto blinked and realized after the smiles on their faces told him the whole story. "You girls were going to do it even if I had said no, weren't you?" He accused with his finger pointed at them. The girls took mock offense as they held their hands on their bosoms.

"Naruto, you hurt our hearts with that accusation." Rhea gasped dramatically. Naruto and his partners sweat-dropped at the same time as Kuroka, Medusa and Saeko spoke of their 'hurt' feelings after Rhea finished her piece.

"I need a drink."

"So do we/So do we." Both Ashura and Kurama chorused at the same time.



Boston Museum of Art & Antiquities, Downtown Area

Boston, Massachusetts

It was closing time for the secured building as the last echelon visitors had exited its doors while its security made rounds around the perimeter. However, there was a pair of guards in suits at the front desk with very serious looks on their faces as they watched their small but clear television set in front of them.

"Come on! Come on!"

"Please just one more at-bat!"

The game between the Boston Red Sox and the New York Yankees were as intense as always due to its history of long rivalry. The two legendary baseball teams were at Game 7 in the World Series with the Red Sox at the outfield and mound while the Yankees were at-bat in Inning 7.

The score was 7-8 with Boston leading and New York having two bases full. Two strikes and two foul balls. New York was cornered at bat.

It was all up to Boston's pitcher to deliver them home.


"Come on…"

The men watched their team's pitcher throw the pitch and tensed up when it shot towards the opposing batter. The Yankee swung at the moment.

He missed and the ball was expertly caught by the catcher behind him.



The guards screamed with joy as they hugged each other after jumping out of their seats. So much joy that they didn't notice the security camera monitors flicker with static moments before it was fixed.

Unbeknownst to them, the camera feeds were spliced and replaced with a ghost feed, allowing the person responsible sneak into the museum undetected and through the ventilation system.

Said person had just opened a vent quietly after a security guard walked past it and turned the corner. The shadowed figure traversed through a series of lasers once he came across the main hall where most of the museum's artifacts and paintings are located.

"Lasers. Typical." The shadowed figure said with amusement as it touched something in its left arm. The lasers were deactivated almost immediately before the obvious thief walked casually past the several paintings and artifacts for a particular object that caught its attention. "Well, well. This is something."

The artifact was a large tome that was found underneath the stone tiles of an old villa in Tuscany, Italy. It was leather-bound with many pages while a large glyph emboldened the majority of the front cover. It somewhat resembles a creature with wings and silver body as the color briefly shined under the moonlight from above.

"Not bad for my first job after coming back from Europe."

After a bad experience with someone who was once dear, the thief went to Europe to find something or someone to fill the gap within. However, there was nothing who could help with that like cheap one night flings in hotels or bathrooms. Nothing except for the thrill of grabbing and stealing priceless jewelry and paintings from renowned museums. Nothing like doing crime.

But that also doesn't exclude trying to help people when the law left them behind. Something the dear person left a great impression in the thief's life and used the skills developed from early age to rob the corrupt millionaires and give the money—after taking a cut from it—to the unfortunate.

It wasn't the same as stealing for one's own reasons, but it still felt good.

Cutting the glass case with small silver claws extended from the fingertips, the thief took out the piece and put its hand through the hole before pulling the book out. Hearing heavy footsteps nearby, the thief quickly placed the book into its shoulder bag and raised its right arm just as a small grappling hook fired to the ceiling.

The shadowed person gleefully chuckled before being taken up and made the getaway from the museum just as the alarms rang minutes later.


(The Next Day)

Uzumaki Manor, Homestead Grounds

Forested Massachusetts

Today was going to be the day for Kuroka's first patrol with her hubby and she was so excited about the notion that she actually woke early than the others.

Too early for the matter of fact.

The Nekomata in her usual kimono attire was waiting on the couch in the reading room as her sandaled foot tapped the wooden floorboards rapidly, showing her impatience. The four cores on the table showed she had already eaten apples, but didn't cook anything since… Well she doesn't cook at all.

"Maybe I did wake up too early." Kuroka pouted with her arms crossed, pronouncing her bosom more. Her pouting was distracting enough that she didn't notice Naruto in front of her until… "Oh!" She moaned when their lips connected intensely and it only got deeper.

Feeling that it was enough, Naruto grabbed Kuroka's butt and lifted her off the chair to the table while their kiss drew deeper by the passing second. They separated as Naruto kissed her neck while Kuroka slipped her hands underneath his shirt and caressed his tone chest.

"You're so beautiful." Naruto whispered before pulling away, much to Kuroka's chagrin. "Good morning."

"Morning~" Kuroka drawled disappointingly. She got off the table and followed Naruto out the manor as he led her down the hill towards the cove. "I hate you."

"You don't mean that." Naruto joked in mock-pain as he stopped at the destination with the Codex in his hands.

Kuroka raised a brow before she followed her lover's gaze until it went to the top of the cliff where the manor resided atop. She put two-to-two together and giggled at him. "Naruto, you really won't stop training huh." She stated knowingly.

"I'm not the only one. You're doing it too."


Naruto turned around and smirked at his Nekomata girlfriend. "You need some training too. Codex, show me the Brotherhood's freerunning forms." Kuroka yelped in surprise when the Codex levitated out of Naruto's hands and opened its contents to the required page. "At least you need to know how to move like me or the Assassins themselves."

"But why?"

"Because, my pretty neko, there might be a time when we could lose our powers. Like the time when I was in Purgatory."

Kuroka gulped when her hubby mentioned that. She always does when Naruto mentioned Purgatory and was greatly surprised when he told her and the girls about losing his powers, fighting his cloned parents with Taijutsu and the Furinji Style. Since then, Naruto had implored them to learn basic but essential skills in case of such event were to happen to one or all of them.

"And it's always better to improve one's skills when given an opportunity." Naruto explained simply while Kuroka tried to interpret the several sketches of the free-form to no avail. "Lastly…" He got closer and caressed Kuroka's cheek lovingly. "I don't want that pretty face of yours to be ruined by the people we're going to face."

"A-all right." Kuroka said finally after flushing in her cheeks. "But I could just—"

"Let's get started." Naruto interrupted as he approached the rocky wall while the Codex followed him. Kuroka sighed in defeat and stood next to him as he looked at her. "Follow me and do what I do, okay."


Naruto and Kuroka began their rock climbing training with one of them struggling to keep up. Kuroka struggled to find the spots where Naruto had climbed to follow him. When the Nekomata looked up to see her hubby, he was already near the top of the cliff with the Codex behind him. She groaned while her arms, legs and back ached with pain since she hasn't really used them in battle or training.

As for Naruto, he was standing with crossed arms and a smirk when a lone hand shakily stretched out and grasped the grass on the top. Soon, his Nekomata girlfriend laid on the grass with her chest heaving up and down from exhaustion. "I*gasp*hate…*gasp*you."

"You see it?"


"You're a Bishop, correct." Naruto stated instead of questioning, which Kuroka nodded with a curious brow. Why was he saying that? "If I remember correctly, Bishops are magic experts." Another nod came from the Nekomata. "As such, you tend to have low physical abilities if you don't train like yourself."

"Oh~" Kuroka groaned as her ears flopped in sadness. She was snapped out of her stupor when Naruto laid next to her and their lips connected once more. Their kiss grew deeper once more as he laid atop of her while she moaned in pleasure. They separated, much to Kuroka's chagrin. "What was that for?"

"That was your reward." Naruto answered before he leaned in closer to her ear and whispered, "There'll be more after each round you complete."

Kuroka's eyes widened at the implication as she smiled. "Such as?" She whispered back.

"Out here at the cliff with you facing the ocean."

"I like the sound of that."

"Let's get to it." Kuroka said eagerly after Naruto helped her up. He created a clone to transport her to the bottom via Hirashin and commenced the rounds afterwards.


(Two Hours Later)

45 rounds came and went for the Shinobi and Nekomata, but the latter took longer than Naruto had expected due to her exhaustion setting in. Normally a Nekomata or any supernatural creature would do any physical activity easily. Now for a reincarnated demon and a Senjutsu-using Nekoshou, Kuroka would be able to do a lot more but frankly he was surprised. He'd heard about his girlfriend's laziness from her sister, Koneko, but he didn't think that her physical abilities would be this bad.

He looked to see Kuroka, panting heavy, was on her hands and knees to regain oxygen… with her butt in front of him.


"OH!" Kuroka gasped in surprise when she felt something familiar penetrate inside her hymen. She slyly looked back as Naruto smiled at her with lust, a look she returned. "So this is my full reward?"


Naruto went to work and began thrusting his hips as Kuroka's met his in rhythm while the latter began to moan in pleasure and lust. The sounds of flesh hitting each other echoed in the breeze as Naruto kneaded Kuroka's breasts after fully opening her kimono's top, exposing them to the world.

Kuroka moaned loudly when Naruto thrusted slow and hard, making her knees weak after each thrust. She was silenced when Naruto leaned forward and grabbed her face before he locked lips with her while thrusting deep into her.

"I want to face him!" Kuroka thought as she broke the kiss and placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder. He stopped and allowed her to lay on her back, allowing him full view of her great and luscious breasts that taunted him with their perkiness and bounciness. "DO ME!"

"You got it!" Naruto continued thrusting while burying his face into her bosom.

Wanting him to be closer, Kuroka wrapped her legs around his waist, causing her pleasure to amplified by the sudden contact and Naruto's increased rhythm. Each thrust brought pain yet joy as Kuroka sank her fingers through Naruto's shirt and into his back., most likely causing him to bleed by now. But he didn't care and neither did she.

They were one once more. Now on a land that was theirs and no one sans the girls and children around to interrupt them from their blissful isolation.

Naruto thrusted hard one more time before the rhythm stopped and removed his head from the bountiful bosom as he scooted up to be align with Kuroka's face and kissed her lips once more. They were still connected and neither of them would separate since they didn't cum.

After ending the kiss, Naruto gently pushed aside a lone hair to see the beautiful face of his Nekomata who was practically glowing like she always does. "You're so beautiful."

"I know." Kuroka answered lustfully with her half-lidded eyes. She whispered into his ear. "Now finish fucking me until I cum."

"Say no more."

Naruto resumed thrusting as hard as he could into Kuroka's pussy, eliciting screams of pleasure and lust. Her crimson-flushed face only prompted to thrust faster and faster while the screams grew louder and louder with each thrusts. Her legs tightened around his waist from the lustful pleasure and wanting more of him inside her.

His arms wrapped around her back as hers tightened their grip on his back, Naruto's cock felt Kuroka's pussy tightened and they knew it from there that it was almost time.



His hips thrusted into her one last time as Naruto and Kuroka screamed in joy while they climaxed together and went slack at the same time. He lifted himself off just enough to face Kuroka again, both with smiles on their faces and glowing.

"Hubby…" Kuroka spoke after a while as Naruto affectionately caressed her cheek.


A serious expression was on the Nekomata's face. "I want babies." She said absolute and Naruto chuckled before he kissed her again.

"I know." He looked down where their parts were still connected and oozed their mixed juices together. "If you're not pregnant after this, then—" His joke was cut short when Kuroka's gaze hardened.

"I'm serious."

Naruto saw it in her eyes and knew what she was referring about, but he couldn't blame her. Kuroka's race, the Nekomata race, consisted entirely of females and they would mate with other males of different races, though they preferred human males. However, the race is nearly extinct due to the newborns always being females; males are extremely rare.

For Kuroka's case, she is a Nekoshou: a rare subspecies of Nekomata that can manipulate Senjutsu and that made them more powerful, but also supposedly drunk with said power. Back in the Soul Universe, the Three Factions viewed them as dangerous thus they hunted them down with their agents.

Kuroka was claimed to have become drunk with power from Senjutsu and killed her master with glee, thus earning the wrath of the Underworld. But Naruot knew there was more to the story and had asked her in private about the real events, hoping that she trusted him enough at the time.

She did. In reality, Kuroka did it to protect her sister from their master who wanted to use Koneko to figure out how to use Senjutsu and went along with the story to draw the Underworld's attention onto her.

As far as he knows, Kuroka and her sister, Shione better known as Koneko, were one of the few Nekoshou alive.

Since they became boyfriend and girlfriend, Kuroka had been persistent at having children with Naruto since her hopes of that they will be born strong and powerful with Shinobi genes AKA chakra.

"I know I'm good, but these things take time even for us." Naruto reasoned Kuroka to understand. "You're impatient, but I don't want you to regret it later on."

"What do you mean?"

Naruto continued to caress Kuroka's cheek as he said, "You're rushing it and once you get what you want… you'll feel empty." The slight widen of her eyes caused him to chuckle in relief.

"…I get a bit jealous whenever I see you playing with your kids, with Ashla and Masaki." Kuroka admitted, much to Naruto's surprise. "I just thought I'd be a mother by now."

Kissing her lips once more out of love and concern, Naruto smiled at her. "When it happens, it'll happen…and you'll be the happiest woman just as I'll be the happiest man in the worlds."

She stared into his eyes and knew that he was right. It may take time even for her kind and the amount of sex being longer, but she'll be truly happy when it comes. "You're right." Kuroka admitted as she initiated a kiss this time.

"And the best thing you not being pregnant yet…"


Naruto leaned closer to her ear. "We get to keep trying~" He said in singsong.

"Damn right~" Kuroka responded with a smirk before saying, "But we would still do it even if I was pregnant."

"Is that so?"

The two cringed as they looked back to see the pajama-wearing group—Saeko, Medusa and Rhea who was carrying the ever curious twins in her arms—who all had strained smiles on their faces with signs of sleepiness. Saeko for one had her sheathed katana in her hands before she pulled out the blade and pointed the edge at the connected couple.

"Your screams woke us all up!"

With clear swiftness, Naruto, still inside Kuroka, grabbed her buttocks and Shunshined out of the way just as Saeko's blade missed him. Sooner or later, the Homestead had become a playground for a game of cat-and-mouse for the two teams while Rhea watched with the Codex floating next to her as Ashla and Masaki cooed against her bosom.



South Boston Neighborhood

Boston, Massachusetts

The Assassin/ninja clad in his robes stood atop one of the buildings as the night sky provided him with the needed coverage from his potential enemies.

Well, in this case, one enemy. Although he's not sure about if the person is an enemy at all.

After prowling across the rooftops throughout four of Boston's neighborhood, Naruto discovered that he had a tail on him. It was a black Chevrolet van that looked to be fitting for tracking down on someone and room for several people. This van and its driver had been following him sometime after he stopped a bank robbery two weeks ago.

At first, Naruto thought that he imagined it when he saw the van nearby a burning building after saving the residents, but his suspicions grew with each reappearance in different locations where he stopped different types of crime. Now again, the van was stationed in a nearby alley close to a jewelry store two blocks away from his location.

"Perhaps it's time this person and I get acquainted." Naruto said aloud before he Shunshined to the alley.

Upon arriving, the ninja saw that the van was slightly rocking back-and-forth and heard some curses from inside before the engine blared to life. A chuckle escaped from his lips before Naruto grabbed the bumper with his hand just as the van accelerated, but it didn't go anywhere if the loud sound of screeching tires was a sign of it.

His strength was the product of constant training plus an additional aid from his and the girls' battle against Kronos. Sometimes he scares himself to how strong his body and mind becomes over time.

Naruto smirked under his hood as he dragged the van further inside the alley from the wandering eyes of the public. The vehicle finally ceased its current action and Naruto released his grip as he walked to the front of the van, specifically the driver side.

"Hello there. Name's Patronus." Naruto introduced himself with a deep voice. Thanks to Kurama's chakra, he could modify his voice tone and made it deeper to prevent anyone from recognizing him. "May I ask why you've been stalking me for the past two weeks?"

The driver was a young woman in her early adult years, most likely the middle twenties. She was of Asian descent given her slight accent and had short black wavy hair covered by a gray beanie. Her attire was a dark brown jacket over a black shirt and pants and boots as her wrists adorned wristbands.

"H-hello." She gulped when a golden retractable blade emerged from Patronus's left wrist after he flicked it. "The name's Skye."

"Skye? What kind of name is Skye?"

"What kind of name is Patronus?"

Naruto cleared his throat as Skye smirked at him. "It's Latin and it means 'protector'."

"Kind of egotistical, don't you think?"

"No, not really." Naruto responded before getting back to business. "Again why have you been following me?"

"…" Skye opened and closed her mouth before she finally answered. "I want to help you out."


"You saved my life."

"I saved a lot of people during the past three months so forgive me if I don't remember."

"It was when that mutant saved someone from a burning building. He had super strength." Skye clarified before she went to the back of her van and gestured Patronus to come around. So he did and found the sliding door already open where Skye was sitting in front of a laptop and few bulk-looking electric boxes nearby. His glance around also showed him several clothing in a large plastic bag and an air mattress in the back of the van.

"You live in here?" He asked after retracting his Hidden Blade.

"Yep." Skye answered curtly as her fingers rapidly touched the keyboard, bringing up the several data files on the large screen. "Can't choose where you live, right?"

Naruto hesitated before asking. "Where are your parents?" His hesitation was warranted when Skye briefly paused her typing before she resumed. "Sorry."

"Don't be." Skye answered before she opened the chosen file and slightly moved out of the way for Patronus to see. "Remember him now?"

Within his hood, Naruto looked closely at the photo and remembered the man. It was a burning building near Fenway Park, the home of the Boston Red Sox and he was on his way to watch a game when he had caught sight of the smoke that day. However, when he arrived there, Naruto discovered the man in a hoodie jumped from the two-story building with a woman in his arms and landed under a crater.

Naruto wanted to congratulate the man before he had taken off, but suspicion arose when he overheard the firemen about the mysterious origin of the fire. Something about a 'firebug' and a chemical called 'kerosene'. Naruto later traced his location to an abandoned warehouse where the man had taken a captive woman—apparently Skye—and demanded that she release information about government officials and corporations such as Oscorp and Stark Industries, believing that they were responsible for his condition.

Soon enough, they had fought with Naruto as the clear winner and sent the man to jail for arson and kidnapping.

"Ever since then, I looked you up: saving the mayor and his family from Crossbones was your debut." Skye remarked. "At first I wanted to post videos of you taking down thugs and stopping crime, but I realized something." She looked at the hooded hero. "You don't have technical support at all."

"I'm not all that with computers." Patronus admitted sheepishly.

"Is that a 'yes'?"


"Okay then." Skye didn't seem disappointed. Actually, she was expecting this. The computer displayed an open window about a robbery the night before, bringing Patronus's attention. "How'll this convince you: there was a robbery late last night at the Boston Museum of Art & Antiquities. There were several guards, a top-notch security system, but the thief managed to break in the museum and escape with it."

"'It'? As in one?"


Patronus pondered about this for a little while before saying, "Do you have any pictures on the thief? Is the thief going to sell it?" Skye chuckled in accomplishment. She got him.

"Unfortunately, the thief knew where the cameras were so he or she managed to evade them, but I did hack into several known fences' phones and computers." Along into the Boston PD's database to help with the search, but Skye wasn't going to tell the vigilante about it. He might turn her in for the hacking so she thought to play it safe…for now at least.

"How did you hack into their phones and computers?" Patronus asked surprised. "Don't you need to be there in person?" Skye stared at him blankly before she laughed… loudly. "Oi, something funny?"

Skye calmed herself down soon after with tears present in her eyes. "You…you really are a caveman."


"Fine, fine! In one of the fences' phone records, it mentioned of a meeting at a warehouse near Boston Harbor." Skye informed proudly, secretly hoping that Patronus would accept her help in fighting crime.

As for Naruto, he was debating internally about this. Should he accept Skye's help or reject her to fight crime on his own? On one hand, the hacker can provide him information faster than he could and better with technology. However, on the other hand, she could have a different agenda that may threaten him and his family.

"I think you're overlooking something, Naruto."

Naruto quirked a raised eyebrow under his hood. "And what's that, Ashura?"

"You dultz! My power can sense negative emotions!" Kurama urged his Jinchuriki. "I understand your paranoia, but neglecting to use the great power of the Nine-Tails is unacceptable."

"Why are you in a foul mood?" Naruto asked curiously. He hasn't done anything to set him off… lately.

Ashura chuckled through the link. "Do you really have to ask? He's Kurama after all." Both he and Naruto ignored the curses from the fox in favor of nodding in agreement. "While you were discussing with Skye here, Kurama and I took the liberty of sensing her emotions the entire time. She doesn't have any agenda."

"Besides you're really crappy with technology. It's a miracle you could use a cell phone."

"After destroying five." Ashura teased casually.

"That included Miu's first one, right?"

"She was really angry that day." Ashura emphasized as Naruto slightly shook in his place while Skye noticed it.

The image of an angry Miu with her blonde hair flaring out just like his mother in 'Habanero Mode' flashed across the trio's mind as they shared collective gulps.

"Even I was afraid of her. And I don't get scared that easily." Kurama admitted honestly. "Joking aside, it would be good to have someone familiar with this world on your side. Although if she betrays us, let me take care of her."

"…Deal." Naruto finally said to himself but loud enough for Skye to hear.

"Really? I thought I had to do some sort of trial or something akin to being thrown off a cliff." Skye noticed Patronus's body stiff at the mention of 'cliff'. "You okay?"

"I-I'm fine. Now where did you say the meeting was?"

Skye smiled at him.


Boston Harbor

Naruto grunted after leaping high across the gap on one of the building's rooftops across from the warehouse where the meeting is supposedly located. Already he's seen several men in black patrol the perimeter armed with pistols and rifles similar to the ones back at the Homestead. Back home or at a mission back in the Soul Universe, Naruto preferred to go with a team or at least someone to back him up although it wasn't necessary from Kurama's input.

Speaking of which, he was alone as no one next to him. Sure Skye is backing him up in technical support, but combat wise.

As for why he was alone tonight… Kuroka was simply not ready to go. As much as he wanted her to come with him, Naruto saw her skills after the training and knew that it wouldn't cut it. Of course, the Nekomata didn't like it and stormed off into their room before he went out on patrol.

"So this is where the deal is supposed to go down." Patronus mused aloud before a cackle erupted in his left ear, annoying him from the static as he created and sent his clones to take the men surrounding the perimeter. They shimmered briefly before turning invisible.

="You dare doubt me?"=

Skye had given Naruto an earbud which will allow communication between the duo much like the radio he and Konoha 11 used back in his world. Apparently it has great range since Skye parked her van five blocks away from the warehouse. As for her eyes, she employed a drone called the 'Quadcopter' that hovered high in the air above the warehouse.

"Not yet since you're part of a hacktivist group. What do you know about the stolen artifact?"

="First of all, my former crew since I'm officially your technological helper. Secondly, the artifact is a book."=

"Care to elaborate and why it might be important?"

="According to the museum logs I hacked earlier tonight, the book was founded by some young British girl. Speaking of her and after seeing her photo, she looks hot."=

"It's kinda weird since I don't hear that quite often."

="Oh really?"=

Jumping across the gap and skillfully traversing the telephone lines, Patronus quietly landed on the roof of one of the warehouses. "Actually yeah." The blonde whispered into his earbud he got from his informant as the men in black on the ground floor were being taken out stealth-like by his clones while also avoiding being seen by Skye's Quadcopter.

Patronus received the memories of his clones stashing away the unconscious henchmen to prevent alerting the remaining two on the roof, which he will handle himself.

="Anyway!"= Patronus chuckled as the shadows provided him cover while his ally continued spouting. ="This book supposedly has some sort of supernatural voodoo or something. Now if you ask me, I think you could return it to the museum... for something in return."=

"Like what?" The ninja whispered before hugged the wall as one of the crooks walked past him before he wrapped his arms around the neck while covering the mouth at the same time. Ignoring the muffled groans, Patronus felt the body go slack and placed him behind one of the air conditioning units before he sprinted towards the last one and struck his neck that knocked him out.

After expertly catching the man's rifle and placing them with his fellow man, he reached one of the large paneled windows that allowed him to see the inside of the warehouse.

="For a finder's fee. Anyway, from what the British girl wrote on her dossier, it contains knowledge of a secret society that's been at a war with an opposing faction for powers in both the mystical and dark arts."=

Patronus sighed in response. "Again why does this have to do with me?"

="'Cause you're a hero, man. Of course, not in the same level as the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, Daredevil and—"=

"I get it, I get it." Naruto didn't like to be compared with the more well-known heroes. First off, he's not trying to put himself on the map. All he wants to do is save people until the time limit is reached. "Now radio silence. I'm about to go to work." The earbud crackled as he entered the opened window and landed on the metallic beams.

The total number of the poor suckers about to meet his fists was around 20 at most. The one in the middle seem to be the leader and a rich one given that he was wearing a rather expensive suit with a large diamond ring that briefly shined on his left index finger.

"Most likely the buyer. Now to wait for the thief." Naruto mused as he and the men below waited for several minutes.

"Naruto, why are we here?"

"He's a hero, Kurama." Ashura explained for the fifteenth time, clearly annoyed. "The city of Boston and its people are safer thanks to his intervention in crime."

"But each time he patrols, the dangers to himself and his family are great. I don't like this world, especially with that S.H.I.E.L.D. agency around."

Naruto smirked in amusement. "You're taking your godfather role seriously, huh."

And he couldn't blame the fox since Ashla and Masaki are his first children. One night on his way to the bathroom, Naruto had caught the miniature Tailed Beast in the twins' room, watching them in their sleep with his tails curled around their cribs protectively.

"Silence!" He didn't see it but knew Kurama was blushing in embarrassment and Ashura laughing in his head just proved it.

"Perhaps this is a good time to try one of my new weapons." Naruto whispered to himself as he reached for his pouch attached to his belt and pulled out his desired weapon: a small dart with a purple feather at the pommel.

The Assassins used darts throughout history from as early in the Renaissance to the Age of Empire including the Golden Age of Piracy, the Seven Years' War, the American Revolution and so on until World War where both the Order and Templars were wiped out. In the Codex, there were the recipes for three types of darts: poison, berserk and sleep. Poison darts were the bread and butter for the Assassins since they allowed stealthy assassinations or distractions, but in this case in the modern times, it calls for two types.

One in particular was perfect in this situation.

"Here goes." The ninja released the dart with such swiftness that the air before him cut slightly before it hit one of the men in the neck.

The targeted man screamed in pain, attracting his colleagues' attention. "What's the matter?" The guy closet to him asked while he rubbed his neck.

"I don't…know…exac…HuhHHHAAAAHHHHH!"

Naruto watched the drugged man-turned berserker attack his stunned friends with his bat, waving it wildly. The closest guy fell to the ground after he was struck in the head while three others rushed towards him in an attempt to halt his bewildered attacks. They too fell to the berserk man by some well-placed strikes to the legs, chest and heads.

"Time to work." Patronus muttered with a sigh before he jumped off the beam and landed roughly on two of the men, knocking them out while also attracting the attention of the rest. "Hello boys."

"Crap! It's the Pretender!"

Patronus dashed and knocked out the one who said that with a straight punch before he smoothly circled around to dodge a knife strike from another. Upon being behind the knife-wielder, Patronus swiftly smacked his open palms directly onto the man's ears before he lifted and threw him at the incoming men, causing them to collide and fumble into an unconscious heap of thugs.

"Come on! He's just one man!" The lead thug commanded his men to attack. Patronus smirked under his hood as he met their charge and lashed his arms out front of the nearest men. Suddenly, his Admantine Hidden Blades emerged and lodged into their shoulders before he swiftly kicked their knees to bring them down and followed that with quick knee strikes to the head.

Hearing the cocking of a gun's hammer, Naruto quickly turned around and flicked his left arm just as a rope dart shot out with surprising speed and lodged itself into the gun wielder's shoulder. "AAAHHHH!" The man screamed before he was pulled by the rope and clotheslined by Patronus's arm in the neck.

Quickly dislodging the rope dart from his shoulder, Patronus threw it again with the same accuracy like the shuriken, but this time at their legs as it was pulled taunt. He leapt the tied man and knocked him out with an elbow before throwing a pair of shuriken at two more men's shoulders.

As they screamed in pain while the rest were reluctant, Naruto decided that it was enough playing around.

"Good night, boys." Patronus stated before he jumped high in the air and thrusted his arms forward with palms out. "Wind Style: Gale Palm." Dual jet streams of air burst forward and slammed the remaining men including the berserker into the ground. Their heads hit the hard concrete and with the added pressure from the wind, they fell unconscious.

After landing softly, Naruto walked to the leader and checked his pockets and found a cell phone. "Now let's check the last number." The blonde said as he looked at the recent outgoing calls. "…Where is this from?"

="And this is where I come in. Also what was that about 'gale palm'?"=

"Just a rant. And thanks Skye." Naruto replied gratefully.


="What was that?"=


"Trouble." Naruto responded. "Call the Boston PD to the warehouse to pick the thugs up." He tied the men with nearby robe before picking up his robe dart and clipping it to his belt. Upon jumping to the roof, Naruto saw the streets aflame with a broken gasoline tanker but his attention was drawn to the roof of the building across from the warehouse. "What is she doing here?"

"And who is she fighting?"

="Who's she, Patronus?"=

"Talk later."


(Minutes Before)

"Who does he think he is, leaving me behind?! I'll show him I'm ready!" Kuroka decreed with fury after exiting through the portal.

She was really looking forward to patrolling with her hubby tonight, but when he had left her with no warning, that told her about his doubts of being ready. By focusing on his Chakra with Senjutsu, Kuroka teleported to Boston, specifically his last location. It was the rooftop across a warehouse and her hubby was in there.

Since they were going to patrol Boston with Naruto, Rhea figured that they should wear the signature uniform of the Order and thus created robes for each of them like she did for Naruto.

Akin to the Assassin robes, Kuroka's robes was a modified version of her kimono. It had the same black color except the kimono-like robe had a hood and more tight-fitting instead of loose like her regular kimono. The bottom of her robe hid her long legs that was also covered in black knee-stockings while a hole was in the back of the robe for her tails to fit through comfortably. Her hood had cat-shaped mitten for her cat ears to fit in comfortably. Lastly, like Naruto's, her robe was fastened by a purple belt around the waist with the Assassin insignia in the front.

At first, she was downtrodden since her cleavage was no longer visible for anyone, especially her hubby, to see but Kuroka realized that the robe made her delightful breasts look even bigger. Perhaps bigger than even Rhea's!

"Yay me." Kuroka mused to herself under her hood her two tails swayed lazily in the air. With her Senjutsu active, she turned to her left as an unidentified signature was approaching via a similar way to her hubby's freerunning from behind her. Perhaps she could intervene before the unknown person could reach the warehouse. That way she could prove to Naruto about her readiness to patrol the Boston city.

With that in mind, the hooded Kuroka turned around and waited for the newcomer to arrive as she sensed him rather approaching and expected him to arrive in three…two…one.

"Scratch out the 'him'."

"Who are you?"

"…I could ask you the same question." The Nekomata answered back as her yellow eyes pierced underneath her hood that also shadowed her face sadly.

Kuroka observed the newcomer and silently admitted that she was slightly jealous of her costume. The young woman was wearing a tight black leather costume that accentuated her figure with white fur around her wrists, part of her legs and mainly the neckline that showed her rather impressive cleavage. The flowing platinum blonde hair reached her shoulders as her cerulean blue eyes stared back at her while her creamy white skin was exposed for Kuroka to see. The domino eye mask only enhanced her beauty as her black combat high heels slightly clicked on the roof.

The young woman observed the hooded figure and was greatly displeased by the impossible assets she had. At first when she saw her, the thought of Boston's own superhero flashed across her mind but it was instantly vanquished when she noticed three things.

First of all, the hooded figure was taller. Secondly, the costume had varying colors of black and orange along with a sword on his back. Lastly, he didn't have a tail… two tails for that matter.

"A knock-off of sorts or a side-kick. Don't really see much of those these days." The woman mused with a subtle hint of disappointment. She spoke aloud a moment later. "The name's Black Cat and you're in my way."

"Well, you're going to stop whatever it is you were going to do and hand that whatever you have in that bag of yours." Kuroka demanded as she and Black Cat circled around with their eyes on each other like cats about to fight for territory. "Black Cat huh? Could be better but I'll think of something."

"What are you going to do about it if I refuse?" Black Cat asked before she secured the bag, already knowing what's about to happen. She flexed her gloved fingers as Kuroka's tails tensed slightly, showing that she's being prepared also.

No word was spoken when Black Cat charged towards Kuroka who smirked inside her hood as she summoned several condensed Senjutsu spheres floating behind her in a circle formation. With a smile, the Nekomata gestured her hand and the energy spheres darted towards Black Cat with swift speed.

To her surprise, Black Cat dodged the first sphere with ease before she vaulted over the second and slid under the last few remaining as she continued to get closer to her. Kuroka gritted her teeth before she conjured more spheres and fired them at the approaching enemy who continued to dodge them with cat-like reflexes and agility.

Upon reaching her in close range, Black Cat flexed her hands and small silver retractable claws emerged from her fingertips as she swiped them with deadly aim. In response, Kuroka back-stepped to dodge the attacks but fell on her backside after tripping on her foot.

"Hopefully she can ignore that." Kuroka hoped when she stood up and saw that Black Cat was staring at her with widened eyes. With a hidden raised brow, she looked around and found herself near to the edge of the rooftop. "Oh right, I'm also a reincarnated demon but I still have my cat-like reflexes."

"Come here darling." Black Cat taunted as she dashed once more towards the hooded Nekomata and slashed wildly at her.

Kuroka ducked under a swipe and pounced away from Black Cat to put some distance between themselves. She landed on all fours and her tails swayed side-to-side as her ears stood rigid just like a cat. Summoning more Senjutsu blasts, Kuroka fired them at her assailant once more. And she missed.

Three blasts hit some parts of the roof.

Two destroyed the vents and air conditioners.

And one made contact with a—


"Oh no."

A gasoline filler tuck was hit by the lone blast. The entire block was lit by the fiery show as the nearby buildings were showered with flames. Screams chorused from within the buildings as their occupants were taken by surprise.

Kuroka stared in horror at what she'd done, staring at the ablaze show in front of her. So much that Black Cat had escaped with the bag in hand and away from the perimeter. "W-what've I—" She stopped when someone entered her field of vision in a black hooded haori. "H-hu—"

"Patronus, Nekohime." Naruto said as he gestured above him.

Kuroka looked up and saw a robotic device high in the high air with a camera, realizing that someone is watching them. She also noticed that Naruto wasn't angry, but disappointed from his tone. Thankfully the hood shadowed her face so he wouldn't see her downtrodden expression. "I-I'm sorry."

"We'll talk later. Right now we have to save the people and take out the fire." Naruto placed a hand on Kuroka's shoulder. "Together."

They shared a look before leaping from the rooftop with a swan dive and commencing to save the people and put out the fires. Afterwards, the duo met up with Skye who had anonymously called the police to arrest the men Naruto had fought in the warehouse.

"Is she okay?" Skye asked Patronus. Both she and the ninja looked down the alley where the hooded Nekomata was standing away from the van with her head slightly hung.

"First night out." Patronus answered curtly, glancing at Kuroka solemnly. He looked at Skye and gave her the thug's phone. "Can you figure out the contacts in this?"

Skye connected the phone to her computer and ran a program to find the last number recently called. From Naruto understands given Skye's brief lecture, the program will trace the most recent calls and the caller's location, hopefully they're able to locate the buyer behind the theft.

*Ping* *Ping*

"Is that a good ping?" Naruto asked as Skye typed several keys, bringing up a screen that focused on a city. A city very well-known as the epicenter of heroism and villainy. "New York City?" He noticed the displeasure look on the hacker's face. "What's wrong?"

"I didn't get you the exact location of the caller nor any clue of his identity."

"Any information is fine." Patronus assured Skye. "Thanks." He offered a hand to the hacker and she took it as they shook their limbs. Then the radio near Skye's laptop blared with the latest report.

='All Units! Robbery in progress within Chinatown. Hostiles are considered armed and dangerous.'=

"Are you ready for an entire night of crime fighting?"

"Born ready."

Naruto and Skye looked at the christened Nekohime who was making circles with her gloved finger. She felt the stares on her and saw they were waiting for her. Naruto was giving her a second chance. And she took it as Kuroka walked over to them and nodded.

Smiling despite her jealousy of the woman's large assets, Skye gave Nekohime an earbud as well.

After helping Kuroka with the earbud, Naruto looked between them and said, "Let's go."

Boston and its citizens had gained two members to aid their own resident hero to fight crime. Five in total if you count Rhea, Medusa and Saeko with Naruto and Kuroka together along with Skye.


(Morning – The Next Day)

200 John Street, Manhattan

New York City, New York

Staring out the panoramic window at the city's famous skyline as the sun began to rise over the horizon, a lone person stood with an aura of understanding and amusement. It wasn't that long ago when he arrived in New York to warn the city's heroes of an impending danger that will soon arrive to hunt them down.

Actually, to hunt him down. The one considered by some of the population to be the heart of the city.

But for now, he will keep making preparations and contingencies with the backing of his wealth and that of the organization that his company, WebCorps, is funding and sheltering as a base of operations.

"Mr. Sims?" The man turned around to see his secretary near the door with files in her arms. "Here are the latest reports on the target, plus a new file on another." The woman placed the files on top of his desk and he nodded for her to leave for the day. "Have a good night."

"Thank you, Martha." Sims thanked before he looked back at the window and caught his reflection on it. He was elderly but looked to be able to do activities like a young man in his prime. His white-silver hair was short while his sideburns were scruffy and slightly longer. His brown suit looked slightly worn and wrinkled from the day's usual tiring work, but his feet had not complained at all.

Since he had acquired them that day and began amassing his wealth with his gifts, Sims found great comfort being barefoot in his office and personal time throughout the city.

After much time pondering, Sims walked to his deck and sat on his luxurious chair before he picked up the reports regarding his main target. However, he decided to read them later since the new file caught his attention as it was about the vigilante defending Boston from crime.

The hooded figure who is known as Patronus.

One of his contacts that he and his company meticulously and carefully planted in S.H.I.E.L.D. had informed him of the scuffle between the new vigilante and Captain America. Normally, he wouldn't keep tabs on heroes or villains except those who catch his intrigue besides his main target.

The heroes who are in this category are Captain America, the Hulk, Iron Man, the X-Men, the Inhumans and now Patronus.

To his surprise, however, the pictures that the Hunter he and the organization assigned to Boston to keep tabs on Patronus did not help at all. They were all blurry on the person so he could only rely on Captain America's description of the new vigilante.

'A black hooded robe with a katana on his back and a small blade from under his right wrist.'" Sims began reading. "'He seemed to be well-versed in martial arts. Patronus also looked to be rather secretive about his existence as he refused to hear my words. His physical prowess and his martial arts enabled him to match my attacks blow by blow. I was quite amazed and surprised at the time due to my assuming him to be a normal person just defending his city.'

"Patronus huh?" Sims mused to himself. "And it's not animal-related for a start."

This Patronus character could prove to be beneficial to his plans regarding the major threat soon to be arriving. Like the report stated, he's a complete unknown and from what his S.H.I.E.L.D. informant explained in an encrypted message, the agency along with its sister agencies like S.W.O.R.D. are trying to find more intel on the new hero.

"Now it's only a matter of finding and bringing him to Manhattan for a talk."


Uzumaki Manor, Homestead Grounds

Forested Massachusetts



Naruto and Kuroka stayed silently after returning from their night of patrolling. They took care of the attempted robbery and many other crimes along with hacker and ally, Skye. Upon calling it a night, Naruto had returned the earbuds to Skye, after wiping them clean off of his and Kuroka's DNA to prevent any tracing to them, and set up a rendezvous point for them to meet so they could head towards New York City.

Before they left, Kuroka informed Naruto and Skye about Black Cat who still had the artifact and whom the hacker was familiar with the latter's site of operations which happened to be in New York City as well.

Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

Upon reaching home, Naruto and Kuroka chose to hold off the foreboding discussion for sleep when they're better rested. Now they are sitting next to each other in their pajamas until Naruto finally spoke.


"I'm sorry. That fire… It was an accident." Kuroka apologized timidly. "I just… I wanted to prove that I could do what you do. I wanted to stop that Black Cat, but I made everything go downhill. I didn't even know that she was a thief until you told me last night. Guess I'm not for this superhero business."

"Kuroka…" Naruto took her hand into his. "I admit I was disappointed and appalled when you endangered the people in those buildings." Kuroka's ears hung down as she was chastised by her hubby. "But…I guess I was at fault as well." Her ears perked up as she looked at Naruto who sighed. "I shouldn't have left you behind here and took you with me instead. I'm not perfect at this, Kuroka. I'm still learning as I go, but I use my skills and training to do my best. And that's what I should have with you."

The Nekomata tilted her head while her ears twitched. "What do you mean?"

"I should've trusted your abilities and skills back then."

"Is that why you didn't send me home after what happened?" Kuroka asked with wide eyes, surprised by the notion. "You wanted me to learn from experience."

"And your mistakes. First, always check your surroundings." Naruto explained. "Whenever you're facing someone like a thug or…Black Cat as you call her."

"She gave herself that name."

Naruto chuckled at Kuroka's pout as her cheeks puffed out, making her look cute. "Well, I think Nekohime is better than Black Cat."

"I like it too." Kuroka leaned forward and licked Naruto's hand. "Still I think I should have some time away from the heroing."

"We all make mistakes, Kuroka. It is just a matter of learning and coping with them. And remember we'll always be here for each other." Naruto leaned forward and licked Kuroka's cheek rather slowly. The Nekomata purred as she licked her mouth sensually. "I'll always be here for you girls."

"You better." Kuroka purred again as she began to undo her black gown's front, slowly revealing her bountiful breasts. "'Cause you still need to get me pregnant with strong babies."

"Oh I know."

It was agreed that Naruto would go with Skye to New York City as it was better. The rendezvous point was set at ten in the morning.

Naruto looked at the clock and it was about 8:45 in the grandfather clock in the reading room. An hour and fifteen minutes of playtime.

"Hubby~" Kuroka called out as she spread her legs wide for him to see her glory while playing with her right boob.

"Oh yeah. Plenty of time."

The ninja playfully attacked her as she cried out joyfully, entering another round of unbelievable pleasure before he resumed his heroic duty that will take him to a city down south.

A city that is the very epicenter of technological advances and cultural significance. A city that will test his skills and beliefs he grew up with since childhood. A city that will place him at the frontlines of good and evil.