The king thought all his men dead and went to check out the east wing himself but was stopped by the scientist. "Sire don't go we have cameras and all of the men were killed in seconds." The villain found the intercom and started to say something "I know your here child of prophesy... I will find you" the prince was scared but didn't show it. He told his father to let him handle it. He had somewhat control of all his abilities but not all of them. He found the intercom room and started to investigate. He found nothing but heard something move behind him. "So that's where you are" The fight began and the prince started to win until his powers started acting up. "Haha you don't even have control over your powers" "I am working on that" said the prince. He doesn't know how long he has before another ability acts up. *one more slip up and it could end badly for me* for the abilities he knows he can control he has the upper hand but doesn't know his surroundings are changing. *wait a minute were in a different place than we were* "So you have the power to move people into a new location if they are unaware" "well aren't you smart... but your wrong its when I am staring at them for a certain period of time... and now your where I want you"...