Matteo Mcnelli 23 years old ,2nd son of the Mcnelli family Matteo is known for being a Playboy, the Mcnelli family is the second richest mafia in the world the leader of the McLean family Antonio Mcnelli loves his wife Stefania Mcnelli so much and they have four children the Antonio had always wanted a girl after 3 boys so when he heard that his wife was going to have a girl he was over the moon happy that he spoiled her rotten and that got in her head she grew up to become a selfish brat Mateo had always hated his sister because she's a spoiled brat and a shopping addict but now hearing that he has another sister he didn't know whether to feel sad or happy cause he knows that his father will never cheat on his mother even if the world was coming to an end so where did another sister come from ?
'Well,' Elijah said but was cut off by Amanda 'let me' she said handing a brown file to Matteo that brown file contained pictures of Derieck and a young woman that woman was none other than Yazmin Mcnelli but why was he meeting Derieck his new sister's father 'am sure you are wondering why she's meeting him' Amanda said bringing Matteo out of his thoughts. 'doesn't that man look familiar' Amanda asked Matteo before he could answer the doctor came and said that her breathing is back to normal 'do you want to see her? ' Elijah asked Matteo, he stood there indecisively not knowing what to do Xander decided to break the ice by saying take your time and entered the room where Arianna was. Matteo still stood there not knowing what to do he felt as if his whole life has been a lie. He was in deep thoughts and Elijah could feel his pain for so many years Matteo had always though that Yazmin was his sister even though he didn't like who are we kidding Matteo hated Yazmin since they were young but now to find out that he has another sister who has been abuse for so many years and that abuser also knows Yazmin what a coincidence. Matteo decided to go to the source of the problem and call his father 'Dad where are you? we need to talk' even his father on the phone was shocked by the seriousness of his son' why did you card decline? ' The father asked jokingly *you won't be making jokes soon *Matteo thought to himself he picked up all the file plus the blood test and told Elijah 'Do me a Favour' Elijah was curious about the favour Matteo wanted 'what is it? ' 'Take care of her for me' he said getting a nod from Elijah and left not before looking at the door of the room in which Arianna was sleeping in. Meanwhile Arriana had woken up Anna 'how are you?' Amanda said in a worried voice. 'What am I doing here?'