Chereads / Fallenism / Chapter 43 - Ch.43

Chapter 43 - Ch.43

"Get down!" A man's shout cried out, echoing across the mountains and into the clear sky.

A long tail swung over the ducked heads of men.

"Fuck! Get the chains!!"

"Bring the chains!"

"Throw them!! Throw them!!"

A monstrous roar shook the mountains.

Chains of metal were thrown over the body of the creature covered in scales. Its long wings, torn into by blades.

The dozens of men held the dragon down with the chains that surrounded its body, staying clear of its bite.

"Grab it's fucking tail already!!" One of them shouted orders, prompting a dozen men to grab the tail in their arms.

Two bolts were shot into its eyes, blinding the creature. It cried out and pulled at the chains, prompting the men to pull harder.

Blade met its lower neck, hacking in repetition until its leathery flesh was torn into, and the warrior could finally plunge his sword into its throat.

Off on the sidelines, a safe distance away from the dozens of men trying to bring down the dragon, Chester was standing in watch. There were carriages awaiting behind him with a large number of tradesmen awaiting the creature's death.

Among the many men, Chester stood out the most in his fine clothing and clean haircut. By his side stood a robed mage.

In the time that had passed, Chester had put on some weight, a hefty gut hanging from his belt. He looked to the men and the dragon with a calm expression, a sharp eye behind his thin glasses, a frown of impatience. Finally, as the dragon's body fell to the ground dead, the men cheered in victory.

Chester turned around to his carriage and spoke. "Do the job you were paid for, cryomancer." He walked to his carriage as the robed mage approached the deceased dragon.

"To town." Chester instructed his chauffeur, at which he would lightly snap the reins in urging the horses forward.

Chester would later sit with the mayor of the local town, near the foot of the mountain. The town was covered in snow.

A servant would offer them both hot tea as the two men sat across from each other in the confines of the mayor's office.

"I would like to thank you, Mayor Hodsfy, for the location of the dragon."

"No, no; please. It is I, who is thankful to you for funding the hunt."

"Of course, mayor. We both benefitted greatly from this."

"Yes, Lord Chester."

A light and sly grin crept upon Chester's lips, one of contempt "Please... I am no lord. I am merely a servant, a steward to my own. Just Sir Brendolf is fine."

"You are humble, Sir Brendolf. I must ask, simply out of curiosity, would you not mind?"

"Go ahead."

"Why is it that your, lord, seeks the body of a dragon? From my understanding, its value is rather small."

"Indeed. A creature with such hollow bones and tough meat, its only real value would be its leather and scales, but my lord has no need for that. My lord seeks the creature for its seed."

The dragon's corpse would see its delivery to Innah'vadah across the land to Capricene. The caravan would ride to the run-down old gate, south of Capricene, guarded by Seratholic soldiers.

One of the guards approached the first carriage and opened the door. Chester, without even looking to the man, handed off a pouch of coins to the guard, who too, looked away.

"Open the gate!" He shouted, prompting the soldiers behind the gate to pull open the entrance into the city.

Once inside, they rode down the streets of Calvin, directly to port. The town was no longer a run-down slum, but now a beautiful and clean town of hard-working citizens and happy children, all of whom made way for the coming caravan with respect.

They made their way to the docks where Innah'vadahn ships were awaiting in the water. All of their cargo was loaded onto the ships in crates. One boat, in particular, housed a room of iron that the frozen corpse of the dragon was loaded into.

Soon after, the ships set sail across the open water, with Chester on board. Over a fortnight would elapse before they docked in Innah'vadah's port, and the moment that Chester set foot off the deck and onto the stone docks, he felt a sense of familiarity.

Upon receiving word of their arrival, Erik personally went down to the docks. The docks were bustling with workers efficiently unloading the cargo, all of whom greeted him as he passed. "My lord."

He would only nod in response as he was approached by Chester.

"My lord! It is good to see you again."

"Indeed, Chester. It has been a long time."

"Yes, my lord. It has. I have actually gotten you a gift, my lord. I would like to give it to you now." Chester took out a small box from his coat, handing it to his lord with a massive and eager grin.

As they walked, Erik opened it to find a pocket watch inside, polished and ticking; it stated the early morning's time precisely. "A welcome gift, Chester. I will keep it with me."

"Thank you, my lord, I am glad you like it! Allow me to show you the corpse."

The iron doors creaked as they were pulled open, a cold fog spilling out from the cracks.

Inside, the body of the dragon lay frozen within. Erik merely glanced at it before turning away in ordering. "Break it into pieces."

The corpse was butchered by its joints and thrown onto multiple carriages. Its wings, legs, tail, torso, and head were all sent off to be skinned for its scales and leather, while the meat and bones would be thrown to the dogs. One organ in particular would be harvested from the dragon's corpse and placed in a container to be sent off to the Temple of Fall, the dragon's reproductive organ.

The dragon's organ was taken to the temple's Hall of Pools, a large cavern-like room within the carved-in mountain that was full of dimly glowing pools of water. Each pool was man-made, even the room itself, was mined by arm. There were dozens of pools of water, each one of varying sizes and depths, but all harboring runes etched into the stone encircling them.

The handful of priestesses accompanied Marasia who was tasked with handling the insemination, with one of them carrying a bowl of its seed. They approached a pool of still water, where large eggs like pearls, rested, submerged beneath the still water. A priestess carefully scooped one of them with the assistance of two others, using a large ladle. They carried the egg to a separate, smaller pool, and slowly submerged it in the water. They then poured the bowl of dragon's seed, swirling the previously clear water into a blurry mixture.

They would need to wait to see if the eggs would birth life, only learning a day later the result of their hand in their insemination.

"It was a success." Erik's calm words spoke out.

"Congratulations, my lord. I am proud to have been able to assist you in this accomplishment." Chester said in response, his hand on his chest.

It was the next day, and the two men were sitting across from each other in Erik's study.

"Have you settled back in well?"

"I have, my lord. Much has changed in the year I've been away."

"That it has. I take it you have been informed of my marriage."

"I have, my lord. Congratulations, yet again."

"Yes, I suppose so."

"I also heard that Madam Kalia and Madam Astra gave birth. Truly wonderful news."

"So you were. Yes. Henry and Celia, named after my grandfather and mother."

"And may I ask, how shall we refer to them? Prince and princess, perhaps?"

"They may be my children, but they are of no higher a standing than any other child."

"I understand, my lord. Sir and lady it is."

"Now then, Chester. Inform me of the proceedings in Highland."

"Yes, my lord. The company now has thirty-six established stores in every major city across the country. With the revenue we made, we were able to pay off the bank loans and we have established a good reputation among the commoners and nobles. As for the motor car, development is going smoothly. The resources and metals have been received, and currently, research is steady. It is estimated, that your vision of horseless carriages will be fulfilled within the year to come, two years at most. Many wealthy merchants have decided to invest in exchange for portions of the profits to come. Slowly, we are making our way to Highland."

"Good. What of the rifles?"

"They have been sold off to the southern kingdoms who are currently at war with the Seratholics. Rumor has been spread that they originated from the dwarves, and there are no trails that lead back to Innah'vadah."

"Good. Then things will proceed as planned."

"Yes, my lord..." Chester cleared his throat, momentarily thinking his words through before finally asking. "...Though... My lord. The amount of rifles that were given to the kingdoms were far from enough to arm an army. May I ask what your intentions are?"

"Those weapons are as simple as can be. They are merely sticks with metal bolts holding it together. They are loud, their range is short compared to their low accuracy, and the time it takes to load each bullet will render the holder at a stalemate for a short period of time. This is purposeful, as is the few that were made. My reasoning is because, I do not want them to wage wars and win immediately. Arm a hundred thousand men with these weapons, they will be able to storm into the capital and win within days. However, arm only a hundred with powerful, but limited weaponry, you will force them to draw out their wars, while the opposing side, will fear charging in recklessly. This is what I seek. Time, where the kingdoms' forces are spread out upon the front lines. This will leave their cities vulnerable. Throw in a plague and rumors. The kingdom will crumble. From those ruins of a shatter kingdom, they are easier conquered."