Toka Hixston is a hyperactive but polite girl 17 years of age; with the ability to stop anyone in their tracks with beauty (she offten used this ability to get out of trouble a fact her parents were not proud of). She woke up to a knock on the door.

"Yo, what's up Toka," Link said with smile before Toka shut the door in front of him.

"I'm going back to bed!" Toka yells walking away from the door.

"But we got a job; apparently a pack of wolves are causing trouble at the northern border of village. George is waiting for us at the Guild, get dressed and grab your sword," Link said with his unique ability telepath that allows him to communicate with any humanoid creature capable of thinking.

A few minutes later Toka emerged from her house and the two friends started walking to the Guild.

The Guild was no more than an old abandoned hotel that the village nerds gained ownership of after the rift opened and they insisted that because we now live in a world of swords and sorcery now we need a guild to mange adventurous people AKA Adventurers like Toka, Link, and George.

Once the two arrived at the Guild they were welcomed by two overweight middle aged men arguing over which monster was cooler a Dragon or a Basilisk. "Hello how are you today Toka and Link?" Said one of the men.

"We're good," Link answered

"That good, the one you seek is in the ye'old tavern waiting for you."

"Thanks for the info," Link replied.

"There is no need to thank me, I am but humble servant of the people," by the time the man realized Link and Toka were gone he had finished his speech. He then went back to the argument.

"Yo what's up George," Link say with an optimistic voice as if trying to avoid the up coming speech about why they shouldn't make people wait.

"You shouldn't make people wait Link."

"It was Toka's fault; she wouldn't get up from bed," Link snitches.

"Thank for throwing me under the bus man."

"What ever, I'm not upset this time... because I got a better quest while I was waiting apparently the next village over needs a group of adventurers to deal with some Goblins," George informs his party.

"Okay sounds cool, let's kill some Goblins," Toka says enthusiastically.

After saying their goodbyes to their families they venture forth to save the Goblin plagued village.

And so the Adventure begins...