Is it just me or does everyone in Xoxia have some obsession with hiding underground?
Dennis and I stand over the manhole, spying through like mice at the men below, at the Suppressors.
For the life of me I can't begin to fathom what more trouble Dennis or any meta really would want with the Suppressors. From our little hole I can make out the type of Suppressors these are.
They aren't the ones with the powers no, at least not powers that have any major impact or use in their brutal work oppressing other metas. These guys are the unit that started it all, the ones that powered with those dark cobalt suits and their skill alone suppressed the first set of metas.
Or at least, that's how it's been told.
But I'm not about to doubt legend right now, the suits alone are otherworlder technology and as I've learned, even to this day are something of a treasure of might.
I still remember the droids from that day…