It's Reth's Birthday (Anniversary?) this Sunday! If you'd like to join me for the LIVE voicechat with Reth Merch giveaways, and some fun surprises, visit and join my discord chat. The event will be there at 1pm PST, Sunday, 6 February (Los Angeles date and time!) See you there! (This message added after publication so you aren't charged for the words.)
Rika gasped and shrank behind him as Tarkyn materialized from between the trees.
Gar's heart raced, but he didn't react, turning slowly to meet the Captain and the half-a-dozen disformed who stood at his shoulders and behind him, two equine guards on their heels.
Tarkyn's jaw was tight and his eyes darting back and forth between Gar, the horse thing, and Rika.
"That is the human we've been tracking. You knew where she was the entire time?"