It's Reth's Birthday (Anniversary?) this Sunday! If you'd like to join me for the LIVE voicechat with Reth Merch giveaways, and some fun surprises, visit and join my discord chat. The event will be there at 1pm PST, Sunday, 6 February (Los Angeles date and time!) See you there! (This message added after publication so you aren't charged for the words.)
They were back at the cave. Her parents, Gar, Tarkyn, Lhern, Huncer, and several messengers standing in the tunnel and outside the cave waiting to be called to action. On Tarkyn's insistence, a guard had been placed around Elreth and Aaryn, though El refused to have them in the cave itself. They stood in the meadow, and over the hole above the bathing pools, ensuring no one could enter without permission. Tarkyn had been extremely clear in his instructions—no one that was not invited by name, by himself, or the royals.