She didn't like the look that had been on Aaryn's face when she left the cave, but she also didn't see how she could change it. He was still holding back something. And even if it wasn't his own work, or his own story, how could he choose someone else's comfort over hers? How could he put her rule at risk holding back anything that might help her?
She'd finally decided this was important enough to wake her parents, if necessary. But when she stalked out of the cave with half-hearted promises to Aaryn to come back feeling better, the lights were still on in their tree, though dim, as if they only had one lantern lit in the living room. Maybe only one of them was up, but she decided the time was past to try and dance around whatever had happened between her parents.
She was Queen.
There were humans in Anima.
And the disformed knew something about it.