As Alex was walking down the hallway he took in the seen of of children playing outside there apartments garbage bags sitting on the sides of the apartment doors and the flickering lights on the ceiling. Alex thought to himself "even the streets of Kabul weren't this filthy" As he stepped over a garbage bag of what once looked like leftovers of a spaghetti dinner and now looked like a furry fungus mesh of many colors and smelled only slightly worse then the army issued spaghetti and meatball MRES. Alex knew it wasn't there falt for the nightmare that the apartment was coming to about 3 weeks ago the whole maintenance and janitorial staff quit after the latest budget and pay cuts Alex couldn't blame them 50 to 60 hour work weeks minimum wage and no benefits. Alex finished his journey from his apartment door to the elevator with no garbage on His pants or shoes which he was great full for there were several occasions in were he was not so lucky including a very unfortunate fall were his left shoe was filled with what was once milk but had become a fine chunk of cottage cheese. As Alex was waiting for the elevator he noticed a that someone on the other side of the hallway was headed in his direction "oh it's that cute Lil Asian girl" Alex first noticed her his first week there the first time he saw here was in apartments laundry room sitting on the dryer reading some emails from his lawyer and how he can only visit them once a week and they can only visit every other weekend. Alex first noticed her walking in and start to put I. Her laundry Into a washer a few machines ahead of him he was very taken by her beautiful face her amazing long black hair with blonde highlights. Alex was very pleased with what she was wearing a pair of black short shorts that showed off her long pale legs and very beautiful small but ferm butt a black band t shirt from some band he never heard of some band call AFI.
Alex also noticed all the panties she was putting in the washing machine for a moment Alex visualized her wearing all the different colors and types. A few moments passed then she turned around a noticed that he was looking at Alex blushed a gave her a nervous smile and wave she smiled back and gave him a wave back. Alex snapped back and tried not to notice her walking towards him a moment later she had made it to the elevator "are you headed to the first floor as too solider boy" she said standing next to him for a second Alex was shocked that she new he was in the armed forces but then he remembered that his dogtags were always draped around his neck" yes Alex said as he smiled at her "you look like your heading out for a night on the town too" said Jammie as she stood next to him waiting for the elevator to show up. Alex turned towards her with a smile and said "yeah my buddy are forcing me to go out for drinks with them they keep telling me to blow off some steam" the elevator doors opened Alex allowed Jammie to enter first then himself Jammie pushed the first floor button and the elevator door slowly pulled shut and started moving "so soldier boy got a name?" Alex was about to answer but Jammie stood in font of Alex and gently looked over his dogtags Alex just stood there slightly blushed and nervous he could smell her perfume and a slight hit of shampoo looking at realizing that she was even more beautiful then he first realized "Alex P Parker of the United States marine Corp blood type 0 religion Baptist" Jammie smiled at Alex then released the dogtags " Alex recovered from his moment of blush and asked with a smile "how about you what's your name" Alex said " I'm Jammie" he said while giving him a silly peace sign they both traded smiles as Jammie continued "so what brings handsome soldier boy to a place like thi....." before Jammie could finish the elevator started rattling and the lights started dimming the a big crash sound Jammie and Alex both lost there balance and fell a few seconds later and the lights came back on and both were lying on the elevator floor when Alex opened his eyes he saw Jammie on the floor across from him he could see that Jammie was wearing pink panties Alex quickly look away slightly blushing he lifted him self up and helped Jammie up. "Are you OK? Jammie he ask as his pick Jammie up" yeah just got the shit scared out of me" after picking up Jammie Alex examined the elevator "hmm that was weird" As he was pressing the emergency button a voice over the intercom was saying "don't worry everything is OK just a few technical issues we are working as fast as possible to get everything back in order" "Well shit" said Jammie we may be stuck here for a while God damn it " Jammie kicked the elevator door "how long do you think" Alex ask continued to press the elevator buttons Jammie gave a big sigh then explained "my neighbor tarry told me that him and his wife once got stuck in this elevator for 4 hours last year and that's why he always used that stairs" Jammie kicked the elevator door again " and to think I would always teased him for using the stairs" Alex said well no phone signal on my phone either" guess we had no choice but to hang tight and wait for rescue. Jammie turned to face Alex "so what do we do to kill time"