"Calm down Neese, Quin convinced Eve and she said I could swim in here".
I look over at Quin and Eve who were sunbathing and laughing at whatever it is they are doing.
"Eve how could you, auntie would not be happy about this."
"Neese, look at yourself!" Quin yelled " This is not like you".
"I feel not welcomed ". Josh complains
As he gets out of the pool now showing his perfect abs and toned skin.
And he is walking towards me.
"We came here to discuss further about the event and possibly talk about us ".
"Yes from four years ago Neese".
"What about it Joshua Rossi?".
"That, Neese Andrews, the anger, the hate, the bitterness, let it go it was years ago".
"Neese his right , that's why I let him in". Eve joins in from the other end of the pool and then carries on with her conversation with Quin who seems not to care.
"Now is not the time Josh".
"When Neese Andrews? Because everyone can literally see that you don't like me ".
"Because I don't Josh, I don't like your sorry ass where I am".
"Because of what happened, what did I even do?"
"What did you do, you cheated you bastard with your boss Mrs. Lawrence whom you were doing part time jobs for and you dare to ask what you did".
"Stuff happens and I did not cheat!"
"Excuse me, clearly kissing an older woman whose your boss, who has two children when you have a girlfriend on no more than one occasion is not cheating?"
"It wasn't like that Neese".
"Then explain to me what was happening and then you did not even tell me you went into school in New York , you decided I was not worth knowing and just told me it's over and left. Then years later you come back like it never happened".
"I had to move on, you should have done the same".
"Oh easy for you to say when I loved you with everything I had and you just left me wondering if you even cared Josh. You disguise me". I walk back to the house and I am in tears. I hear Eve run after me but I run to my room and shut the door as quickly as I can
"Josh, leave our house please!" Eve yells
Why did the pain from four years ago still feel like it just happened yesterday?