Zeus sat languidly in front of the fireplace holding the bowl of stew in his hand swirling it around oblivious to the girls internal conflict as she silently moved backwards trying to escape.
She was having a deep thought, seriously reflecting on whether she had somehow triggered the anger of her ancestors when she was a child and they decided to curse, how else can she describe her magnitude of bad luck. Was it an offence she had made when she was a baby or even a fetus?
An image of mini Zeus with long fluffy tails and ears chasing her and crying "mommy, mommy" flashed through her brain making goosebumps appear all over her skin and she shudder.
That would be a nightmare.
For the 100th time, she thank god their marriage was a sham. Among all the 8 billion people on earth, why did it have to be her that winded up with a half demon half animal for a husband?