In a red and black themed room, Zeus held an empty glass of wine rocking himself back and forth on a chair staring at the stretching mass of green vegetation below him from the tinted glass windows fixed in the stony walls. The lights were off on the fifth floor of the building as well as on all the rooms that had windows to the outside connecting world.
It has been a rule to lay low and unnoticed by both humans and other creatures and that is why they made their secret haven in carved in the middle of a mountain in the middle of the woods. It was surrounded by magical plants and just as a precautionary measure lights were always off in those places.
" Lord, your medicine is ready." A timid young demon with bob cut stuttered, holding a steaming blue liquid in a bowl in his hand.
Without sparing him a glance, Zeus nodded his head.
"My Lord, does that mean I should bring it over or I should go F myself." Zeus pursed his lips and finally raised his head.