I threw all my caution to the wind and gave into the animal instincts that I was feeling. Wasn't that what he had done the other night?
I grabbed the lapels of his suit jacket and pulled him to me. Well, closer to me since he was already right there and he was already touching me.
I dragged him down to me though, until I could press my lips to his. The feeling of it was like a memory coming back to me from a long time ago. My lips remembered him just like my body had remembered him. That spark of desire, that flooding of juices at my core was almost instantaneous. I could feel the need and the want growing within me. And the closer he pressed against me the more I could feel it growing inside of him as well.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and used that leverage to pull myself up onto him. I wrapped my legs around him just like I had envisioned myself doing. This position I was in now managed to press my throbbing core against his quivering erection.