Chereads / My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World / Side Story: Laura's Unusual Morning-1

My Paranoia Saved My Life in the Other World

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Side Story: Laura's Unusual Morning-1

*Laura's POV*


I wake up this morning with an unusual amount of energy. Usually on school days, I always wake up still feeling exhausted no matter how many hours I slept and last night, I went to sleep later than usual as well. I remember tossing and turning till about 1 in the morning unable to sleep. r

Then why am I feeling so refreshed right now?

I have no idea why that is, but I'll take it. Most of the time I have to set 5 alarms just to make sure that I don't fall back asleep.

I get up, stretch away any kinks in my body and hop in the shower. When I open up the tap, water with my preferred temperature comes on immediately.

"Okay this is freaky; I think something bad is going to happen today. There's no way everything so far is going perfectly without something horrible about to happen right…right?"

After finishing my shower and getting dressed, I grab my backpack in the corner of the room and head downstairs. I'm about to halfway downstairs when I hear a yell come from the bottom of the stairs. The level of the shout could rival a jet engine with its excessive volume.

"Lora, breakfast is ready!" [Mom]

"No need to yell mom, I'm already coming downstairs." [Laura]

Seeing how I'm already halfway down the stairs, Mom seems a bit startled and begins to look at me like I'm some sort of mythical creature.

"Huh? Really? O-okay." [Mom]

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, Mom is still looking at me in disbelief. Getting kind of annoyed at her, I snap.

"I get up early sometimes, there's nothing special about me waking up early." [Laura]

A serious look flashes on mom's face as she takes a deep breathe.

"You know, I've known you for 17 years and not once, NOT ONCE, have you ever gotten up early. I remember when we first brought you home when you were an infant. Your first night in a new place must have placed some stress on you or something because you fell asleep for 22 hours. 22 HOURS. Your father and I took you to the hospital after the 16th hour because we thought something was wrong with you. When we finally saw the doctor, he said that you were completely healthy, and didn't see a problem, but he recommended we stay there overnight just to be sure. When you woke up on next day, the doctor said that, although you were a little beyond the norm, perhaps you just preferred your sleep." [Mom]

'It's been 17 years since then, I could have changed, Mom." [Laura]

"Yeah, could have, but you haven't. You always slept for 10 hours minimum. I always have to go upstairs and literally drag you out of bed. Are you feeling unwell? Is that why you're up early? Or is your curse lifted?" [Mom]

Ha-ha Mom, very funny. Especially that last one.

"I'm fine Mom. What's for breakfast?" [Laura]

"I'm making eggs today, with avocado toast." [Mom]

"Ah my favorite. Thanks Mom!" [Laura]

"Yeah, you're welcome. You know, not many mothers are as nice as me and usually people your age make their own breakfast. You know that right? You know how nice, amazing, beautiful, caring, and beautiful your mother is right?" [Mom]

" Yes, I know I'm lucky, you're the best Mom. I don't think you needed to mention beautiful twice though…" [Laura]

The last part of my sentence was barely audible as we entered the kitchen. With the stove crackling, the kettle boiling and the fan on the stove running, nothing spoken at normal levels could be heard over the racket.

"Sit, I'll get it for you since I'm the best mom ever, Hehehe." [Mom]

Pulling up a chair, I sit down and pull out my notebook while I wait for the food. Seeing that I'm studying, my mother asks,

"You're studying too early in the morning, its not healthy. You don't even have an exam today, just put it away and enjoy a normal morning." [Mom]

"Mom, you know I can't do that. I have to do good in school if I want to make it in a law practice. You always said you wanted a lawyer in the family, right Mom?" [Laura]

When I mention this, my mother frowns before turning back to the stove. With her back facing me, she says,

"Fine, if you want to be a lawyer, go for it. However, the serious, studious look doesn't suit you. You look almost as beautiful as your mom and you get your serious, you're your father, but the seriousness ruins your beauty. You won't be able to pick up and good men like that. Remember what I told you? You have to use those brains and your beauty to pull in those good boys. Going the serious route will only attract the unconfident and lesser men who find that attractive." [Mom]

"MOM! I don't want to here that from you. You're just too eccentric to give good relationship advice." [Laura]

"Oh? But I've been married to your father for 20 years you know. Nowadays, marriages don't last as long as this one so I must be doing something right." [Mom]

"Y-Yeah, you're right." [Laura]

{Though my mother is a bit weird, Dad and Mom are always lovey-dovey after all this time. I've seen a lot of friends' parents get divorced left and right. I guess that my mom does have a point. Although it could be that my dad is too scared to leave her. I remember last year when he jokingly apologized for being late due to his mistress taking to much time. It took 1 month of excessive apologizing and several tears (on my dad's end) to be allowed back in the house. I remember running into my mom on the first day, polishing and cleaning her hunting rifle while muttering some dangerous things with lifeless eyes. Let's just say that everyone learned something important that day.}

As if remembering something important, Mom excitedly turns around and says,

"Oh, that reminds me. A friend of mine who works at the school told me that the founders' son will be attending today. Apparently, he used up all of his leaves of absence permitted and has to return to class." [Mom]

"Okay? And you're telling me this because...?" [Laura]

"He's going to be in you class." [Mom]

Deciding to take a sip of my orange juice at that moment was not a great decision. Hearing this announcement, I spit out my juice in surprise.

*cough* *cough*

"What do you mean my class? Why isn't he with the other elite 10?" [Laura]

The elite 10 are people my age who come from incredibly well-off families who all have important roles in the empire's governance. Including the Prime minister's son, and His Majesty's second son. The founder's son being placed in that class would be a no brainer, especially due to his parents being the figureheads of the military and medical divisions of governance.

"Although this is just the rumor, apparently he said he didn't want to be with those "stuffy and fake people." [Mom]

"Wha-What!? He just called the prime minister's son and the second prince "stuffy and fake." How is he still alive?!" [Laura]

If this reached the ears of the imperial court, a head would be sent flying without a doubt.

" I see you misunderstand his parents influence. He is almost untouchable in the empire." [Mom]

"I know that his parents were in charge of the military and medical divisions, but I can't see how that would grant him amnesty for saying those kinds of things, but still…direct criticism of a prince is a little much to pardon." [Laura]

"My friend told me this in confidence and I swore to not say anything to anyone, but I'll tell you these things if you keep the promise as well. Do you promise you won't repeat this to anyone?" [Mom]

"O-Okay? I promise" [Laura]

"My friend was his tutor for his entire childhood. She saw many things there when she was teaching him. She told me that she once overheard Shin's father on the phone with the emperor himself. Although she was just walking by, she overheard a very heated discussion between the two of them. It got to the point where Captain Okamoto called the emperor an idiot and hung up on him." [Mom]

"Oh, I see…HUH? WAIT WHAT?! He called the emperor an idiot and hung up the phone on him? Wha…?" [Laura]

"Yup. He wasn't even punished for it as well. Nobody is really sure why he was placed in his position or why he wasn't elevated to something beyond a captain in the army, but he is untouchable. Some people say that the reason he isn't promoted above that is to keep him from gaining anymore power." [Mom]

"O-Okay, and Captain Okamoto's son is going to be in my class…" [Laura]

I get of my chair and begin walking towards the stairs. Noticing my change of behaviour, my mother calls out to me.

"Laura, where are you going?" [Mom]

"I seem to be a bit feverish mom. I don't think I can go to school today so can you call the school and tell them I have an incurable disease and can't go back. Thanks!" [Laura]

"Laura, wait! Don't you see that this is an incredible opportunity?" [Mom]

Having a bad feeling about what my mom is going to mention next, I stop just before going up the stairs and turn around.

"What are you talking about? If I even insult him or say something that offends him, I'm done. Not even the emperor can save me." [Laura]

My mother, hearing my uneasiness, grabs my hands and drags me back to the chair.

"Laura, this is an incredible opportunity for you. You should use everything in your power to make the best out of this situation. Your entire being will become an arsenal for this decisive battle." [Mom]

{Wait what is she talking about? I won't be able to focus at school if he's in the same class as me.}

"Listen, you have to you everything you have…to make him yours." [Mom]

"Huh?" [Laura]

"Huh?" [Mom]

"What do you mean make him mine? Have you lost your mind? Why would I go out of my way to put myself in danger for that reason? In fact, I would rather stay away from him." [Laura]

"What do you mean? If you seduce him and one thing leads to another, you'll marry him and be set for life. He inherited his parents fortune which rivals the greatest fortunes of duke's estate. He's loaded meaning that you'll never need anything. His social status is solidified, and no one can touch him in fear of retribution from either the army, or the emperor himself. Apparently, he was also trained by his father personally meaning that he can without a doubt fight and he's anything like his father, he is reliable and nice." [Mom]

"You say that like you knew Captain Okamoto." [Laura]

"I met him once when I was working on a military base. I soon as I saw him, I just knew that he was different. From the way he carried himself, you could tell that he held an air of nobility and was without a doubt someone important. So, I decided to jump him." [Mom]


"Well, if he was from the nobility, I decided to try to work my way into being either a mistress or if I was incredibly lucky, his wife. I asked him for help in the back unloading a heavy box and he followed, not knowing that it was my box I wanted unloaded." [Mom]

"Mom, that's just gross, please stop." [Laura]

"When I got into the back room, I took of my clothes and waited for him. When he entered the room, I expected him to make the first move, but he didn't show any reaction. Instead, he picked up my clothes and handed them to me, saying " I believe that you dropped these miss. You should refrain from doing that, especially in such a cold environment as this." His gentlemanly reaction put me in such a confused state that I confessed my feelings and told him directly that I wanted to do it. I'll still remember his words to this day. He said, "I appreciate your feelings and I'm honored that you would choose me. However, I am currently engaged to my fiancée, and she is my one and only partner. I have made an oath to myself that I would always respect our committal to the utmost. If I ever even think of approached another woman with sexual desires, I plan on killing myself immediately for my unfaithfulness. So, while I thank you for your honest feelings, I cannot go back on my oath, and I do not wish to die today. I bid you farewell and wish you all the luck in finding a more suitable partner." I sensed the seriousness from this statement, and I knew at that point that I arrived too late into the war and was defeated instantly. [Mom]

"You have no idea how jealous I was of that other woman who took that great man from me. I eventually found out who it was after asking around and I knew that I was no match for her, not in looks, wealth, position, or intelligence. She was almost the perfect woman." [Mom]

"Mom, what does this have to do with me?" [Laura]

"What I'm trying to say is that I don't want you to make my mistake and get in the game early. If he is anything like his father, he will be the best man you can hope to be with." [Mom]

{There's no way I'm approaching a man as scary as that, even If it was prince charming himself. I don't' care if he's the "perfect man" or whatever.}

As I think these thoughts, the smell of burned toast wafts from the kitchen and the smoke alarm beings beeping.

"Shit, I burned the toast. Anyway, you should jump him immediately, use those charms and techniques you inherited from me. If that works well, I'll go over positions and the other stuff when you come back tonight. Look forward to it." [Mom]

Watching my mother get up and hurry into the kitchen, I think to myself.

{That's not going to happen. I'll make sure to stay away and not talk to him today.}