Chapter 320 - Introductions

"Now, since you've all seen something that I'm capable of, what can you all do?" Aaron asked, Stephan and Oliver backing away since Aaron already knew who they were. Teraphim stood up first. He had his hands in his pockets. "I'm Teraphim, the Ultimate Boundless Gambler. Oliver is the Ultimate Chancer. We're two sides of the same coin. Two people that use their luck and risk it for anything they can get." Teraphim explained, Oliver letting out a small laugh. "You think you and I are the same? You spend all of your money frivolously on games of chance. I chance my life." Oliver responded, Teraphim laughing since he got a rise out of Oliver. "I'm Claux. The Ultimate Gunwielder" The Earthen-style gangster introduced himself, a Glock-17 appearing in his hand from nowhere. "Oh, how cute. You can create guns." Aaron mused, riling up Claux. "Cute?! You want to call this thing cute?!" Claux yelled, pulling the trigger twenty times, firing out twenty shots despite the Glock-17 only holding 17 rounds.

Aaron stood still, appearing to absorb the bullets. Claux stopped firing, looking at Aaron's body in shock as Aaron stared him down, holding twenty shells in his hand. "Cute," Aaron repeated, flicking each of the bullets back at Claux, watching as they slammed into his forehead, leaving bruises. The bullets never penetrated his skull, but that was to be expected. He was Boundless, after all. "You think such a puny weapon will help you if you have to defend yourself?" Aaron asked, a gun appearing in his hand. It was a Glock-17, an exact replica of Claux's own. "This weapon is, pretty much, useless against an inhuman creature, even though you can fire more shots than the magazine can hold," Aaron explained, tossing him the clone weapon. "If you're going to use guns on humans, that's a different story. However, against anything else, I'd swap to an explosive weapon, such as a grenade launcher like the Heckler and Koch GMG." Aaron told him, drawing a confused look from his face. "What the hell is that?" He asked in curiosity, shocking Aaron. "You make guns, yet you don't know about grenade launchers?" Aaron asked in disbelief, a black portal opening up behind him. Aaron stuck his hand into it, pulling out the explosive-shooting weapon, dark mist trailing from his hand as he did so. "Take this." Aaron told Claux, tossing him the grenade launcher.

The gangster caught it confusedly, looking down the barrel to see that the ammunition looked like tubes. His fingers neared the trigger, but Aaron quickly used Boundless Telekinesis to stop him from accidentally pulling the trigger. "Stop being an idiot. Don't pull the trigger since it'll explode. That'll kill everyone here, so I ask that you learn how to create that with infinite ammunition." Aaron told him before the older man introduced himself, breaking the tension. "Hey there. I'm Sebastian, but please call me Seb." Sebastian told him, performing a bow to help lighten the mood. "Well then, Seb, my name is Aaron Stone, but feel free to just call me Aaron." Aaron responded before looking at Sebastian with a confused expression. "What Boundless Talent do you have?" Aaron asked, Seb laughing in response. "I'm the Ultimate Hider. I can hide anything, even my own body." Seb told him before vanishing completely. "I can make anything vanish, including my own breath, but then you wouldn't be able to hear me speak." Seb explained, appearing behind Aaron, shocking him. "Holy! You erased your presence completely!" Aaron yelled, having been taken off-guard. "Of course! I can hide whatever I want! That doesn't mean I delete it, though. It still exists, just isn't revealed until I stop using my ability." Seb explained, a smile on his face. "I'm surprised that I couldn't detect you, Seb. I'm not the easiest person to sneak up on." Aaron praised him, the man rubbing the back of his head with a grin.

"Hey. Over here." The woman said, dragging the attention over to her. "I'm Hacyne, the Ultimate Neurodestructive Force." The woman announced, Aaron looking at her with doubt. "You're telling me that you possess the ability to destroy brain cells?" Aaron asked, the woman nodding. "Alright, stay the hell away from me. I don't want to be reduced to a slobbery husk of myself." Aaron quickly responded, getting a laugh out of Hacyne. "You really think it'd work on you? So far, I haven't tested it on any Boundless Individual, but it certainly works on humans." Hacyne replied, a tear of laughter in her eye. "Yeah, I'm not willing to have that stuff tested on me."

Aaron then pointed at himself. "I'm Aaron Stone, The Ultimate Skelengel." Aaron introduced himself. "What the hell is a Skelengel?" Claux asked in surprise, causing Aaron to lift his hand. The flesh fell away from the bones in his arms, leaving a clean skeleton behind. "I am not a human but a skeleton." Aaron explained, much to the surprise of everyone there. "It must suck to have been given such a useless Boundless title..." Claux sighed, almost as if he pitied Aaron. "It's not useless. Not at all." Aaron continued, the muscles and skin from his body falling to the ground, disappearing as it touched the floor.

Aaron's bones made themselves known. Skeletal wings prised themselves from his back, intimidating everyone present. None of them had seen wings, even though some had seen his skeleton. "This is the power of the Ultimate Skelengel, otherwise known as a skeletal angel." Aaron announced, stretching his bones as if he needed to. "Don't ask me how I'm moving without any muscles. It just works." Aaron told them all, driving a laugh out of Soul. "Yeah, you want to say that it just works, but in reality, you're using Boundless Telekinesis to make yourself move faster than you normally could, keeping your joints moving without the help of muscles," Soul told everyone, Aaron looking at him with a disapproving expression. "I wanted it to be a surprise, dumbass." Aaron told him, driving a smile onto Soul's face. "I'm the purest interpretation of you, idiot. I. Am. You." Soul reminded him. "Whatever you know, I also know. I have the information, so why not share it?" Soul asked as rumbling sounds came from outside the room, almost like an earthquake was hitting the ground. "What is that?" Stephan asked, having been in the background throughout the introductions. "Well, we better check, right?" Oliver asked, looking out the door of the Boundless-filled room, only to turn back with a shocked expression. "You may want to see this."