The side entrance led the pair to an empty alleyway showing them a view of the main road. Cars were flying along the roads, causing Aaron to chuckle slightly. It reminded him a lot like Earth. This world was almost like his own, except that monsters were part of the equation. Aaron couldn't help but draw similarities between both worlds, which he found interesting. After all, there were so many different things were like the ones he was used to. 'I wouldn't be surprised if there were phones in this world, but I'd expect stuff that was more along the lines of magical long-distance communication.' Aaron said to himself, stretching his arms above him. "So, where is this forest you were speaking of, Coranth?" Aaron asked out of curiosity, wondering where they were going next. "Well, there's a walk to the nearest transport station, and then we can go to a nearby village that borders the Forest of Trepidation," Coranth explained, causing Aaron to think for a minute. "What in the hell kind of monsters would be in a Forest of Trepidation?" He asked himself under his non-existent breath.
"Well, there are creatures like Ents, Treehuggers, Rooted Menaces and more," Coranth told Aaron, hearing what he had said underneath his non-existent breath. "I think I know what Ents are, but Treehuggers? Are they little tiny things that claw onto trees and then jump out at you?" Aaron asked sarcastically. "Pretty much, except they're the size of a human, kill you by breaking your spine and also are good enough at hiding that the human eye cannot find them on their own." Coranth continued, causing Aaron to look at him in surprise, although his face couldn't portray that emotion well. Aaron's irises shrunk slightly after hearing that. "You mean to tell me that there are creatures there, capable of breaking a human spine, and you can't see them?!" Aaron practically yelled at Coranth, who put his hands up to the sides of his head, showing that he didn't mean any harm.
"Their outer layer of skin allows them to coat themselves in ultraviolet light! Humans are unable to see such light, meaning that they are all but invisible to us!" Coranth responded, causing Aaron to sigh. "I guess I'll just have to be on the lookout for these light-bending treehuggers," Aaron told himself, creating his clothes and skin. "It's weird being a skeleton, even though that's what I have become," Aaron admitted, cracking his knuckles. "However, I'm getting ahead of myself with doing anything right now. We need to get this quest started." Aaron said to himself, Coranth picking up on his use of words. "Aren't they called jobs? After all, some other place copyrighted the term 'quest', so we have to call them jobs." Coranth questioned Aaron, who just slightly shrugged. "Eh. Every other time I've heard about this thing you call jobs, they've been called quests, so that's why I call them that. No copyright law in the universe can stop me." Aaron responded, a smile on his face, recollecting a blue blur that had once said the exact same thing.
"Well, you do you, I guess. Do you need anything before we go? It's about an hour on the transport line until we get to the town, so you may want to grab some things before we go." Coranth asked Aaron, wondering if he needed anything while also informing him about the time it'd take to reach their destination. A smile broke out on Aaron's face as he began to laugh. "You really think I'm going to go on a train full of humans when I can fly or teleport?" Aaron responded, demonstrating his teleportation abilities by appearing in mid-air, sideways on a wall, halfway into the floor, upside-down while standing on the air and free-falling from around forty metres in the air, manually slowing his fall. "My point is that I can teleport, and I can also fly, meaning that we can do a lot of things instead of taking some boring transport system," Aaron explained, confusing Coranth for a second. "How in the hell did you appear in the ground?" Coranth asked Aaron, looking at him with an incredulous expression.
Aaron just put his finger to his lips, a smile on his face. "It's best not to question what you're not ready to hear, Coranth." Aaron ominously replied before grabbing Coranth and swinging him onto his back. "Woah! What the hell are you doing?!" Coranth asked him in shock, not expecting the now-human Aaron to carry him piggyback-style. "We're going on a little flying trip, Coranth," Aaron stated, lifting into the air as if he had unlocked a cheat mod in real life that gave him admin privileges. Oh wait, that WAS his life, in all honesty. Aaron floated into the air, floating up past the alleyway and above the buildings but below the clouds since he didn't want to blind Coranth. "So, where is the town you were talking about?" Aaron asked, looking around for train tracks. "Over there, towards the large sign that says 'Transport Line' in large text," Coranth told Aaron, pointing towards the large sign that he should have noticed before. "There's a black line along the ground which leads the transport system to the next city," Coranth explained to Aaron, who just looked at it in shock and amazement. "Do you have any names for this method of getting around, or is it just called the transport system?" Aaron pondered, slowly floating over to the black line. "Well, there WAS, but over time it'd just been phased out of the used terms we have for things," Coranth explained, watching as Aaron began speeding up the closer he got to the transport line.
"And now, we can finally get started on our quest, Coranth, or do you want to call it a job?" Aaron asked him. "We should call it a j-" Coranth began, interrupted by Aaron going at speeds of 120 kilometres per hour in the air, Coranth doing everything he could to hold on, a scream flying from his mouth. 'He doesn't know that I'm using Boundless Telekinesis to stop him from falling off.' Aaron said to himself, his smile growing wider as he heard Coranth yell as they went flying along.
Now, to the town beside the Forest of Trepidation. Their next destination.