Chapter 252 - Essence

"No. I'm not starting this again. The last time something like this happened, it resulted in a planetary explosion." Soul said to himself, stressing out about the implications of this. This was not a good thing. Not at all. Soul looked down at Oki, who wasn't changed in any way. "Maybe it doesn't change physical traits." Soul wondered as Oki began coughing. Aaron looked over towards the massive hole in Oki's chest, noticing black marks inside his heart. The Corruption was patching up his flesh. The splinter had been disintegrated, which worried Soul slightly, considering that the piece of wood was the main thing stopping him from healing Oki.

"Oki, are you alright? You almost died." Soul asked Oki, informing him of the near-death experience that he had. "Well, I certainly feel like I died. I can barely move. I'm not sure if it's fear or fatigue, but I can't lift my body." Oki admitted, trying to push his body up. "Listen, Oki. I couldn't heal your body, so I accidentally did something else." Soul explained, pointing at his cracked arm. Oki immediately realised what he meant and looked down into his chest cavity, only to see small streaks of Corruption lining his heart. The Corruption was patching up his skin, even if it was slowly. After all, only a limited amount of Corrupted Essence fell into the wound.

Well, what even is Corrupted Essence? Well, it's like the blood of someone who is Corrupted. It replaces the blood, flesh and bones of Corrupted flesh. Said Corrupted Flesh, as shown there, doesn't have to cover the entire body and can explain why Soul was able to shove his finger into his eye. Now, Corrupted Essence is quite an infectious thing, being able to spread quickly if the original source wishes it. Now, Soul wanted him to be healed, so that's what the Corrupted Essence was doing.

Now, there's something that Soul hasn't properly used yet. The possession set of his True Boundless Corruption. This is similar to what Soul/Aaron used on Crystet during their final fight. However, that was called a 'temporary form' that lasted until physical death and could only increase a person's natural strength for that time. What Soul had done was something only True Boundless Corruption could do. If you, Auth, were to cast your mind back to when True Boundless Corruption was introduced, there was a specific sub-ability called "Possession Set" that was given to Aaron. This is what it was used for.

When Corrupted Essence comes into contact with a body, willing or unwilling, True Boundless Corruption can show its true abilities. It allows for the control and commandment of whoever is affected by the source's orders. Now, in the case of a chain of command, the original source naturally takes precedence over the others. When the original source commands the next-ranking commander or Corruptor, everything underneath it follows that command. This is what I, the Describer, refer to as "The Chain of Corrupted Order". Now, Soul is the original source, meaning that he would be at the top of the food chain, so to speak. At least, compared to any other Corrupted beings under his command.

Anyways, I've taken up too much time. Please, don't mind my ramblings.

"I only want it to patch up your skin, so that's what I'm doing. I'm not sure how, but nothing has happened so far." Soul explained, fearful of what might happen to the child. After all, he had never done something like this, much less by accident. "All we can do is wait and see what happens. However, if you start to feel strange in any way, just let me know."

"I'm feeling pretty weird right now, considering that there's now a large hole in my chest. What in the hell did you do?" Oki asked Soul, still able to speak. "I...don't know. One second there was just a thin spike through your chest, but after the sudden burst of energy, it became a large cavity. It could be that whatever I placed onto your chest disintegrated your flesh so that it could heal the heart more efficiently? I honestly don't know why. However, if you start to feel anything stranger than this, like a sudden relief or shot of pain, you need to let me know. We may become deaf again, and that's why we still have a mental pathway to talk." Soul responded, explaining what they were planning on doing. "I'm also going to try something different this time as we're walking. We aren't going to fight any monsters that come our way. I'll try and turn them into things like me." Soul explained.

"Why? After all, we don't need more supercharged death-defying monsters like you, Soul." Oki chuckled as Soul picked him up. "I can see what you mean, but I don't mean turning them into copies of me. More of me might break the world as we know it, so I'm gonna turn monsters into stronger monsters that possess the sentience of a human. The ultimate being. The intelligence and adaptability of humans with the strength of monsters. However, they more than likely won't have the humanities, and Inhumanities, sole unobtainable advantage." Soul responded as he flexed his hand in and out. "Opposable thumbs." Soul joked, watching as hordes of monsters revealed themselves as he stepped foot onto the path.

"So, the path is what attracts monsters? Well, let me just show you what happens when you mess with someone who's sick of this shit." Soul said to himself, placing his foot on the trodden path. Approximately ten Barghests and five of those centipede monsters rushed towards him, climbing over each other to get to him or Oki. The beaten road they were walking on turned black for a second, signalling the end of the rush. This was all the time that Soul needed to end this.

Spikes shot up from the ground, protecting Soul and Oki as the monsters were stabbed by the points. It was like an inside-out pincushion had shot from the ground. Soul watched with a smile as the bodies of the almost-dead animals were suddenly re-animated with a surprising amount of force. Pure dark flesh covered them as their eyes became pink like Soul's, but after a second, they turned red. This was because they all followed the same rules that Crystet had to follow when he was Corrupted.

"Now the playing field is evened. Come at me, monsters. Come and take down the barrier of Corrupted Meatshields." Soul said to himself as Soul let out a chuckle. "Yeah, but at least they aren't becoming clones of you."

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