Chapter 236 - Soul's Emergence

Aaron posture slumped, the black and pink liquid dripping from his eyes as if it wasn't trying to cover him. "Aaron, what the fuck are you doing?!" Crystet yelled at Aaron, aware of what he was doing. Crystet ran up to Aaron and raised his head, only to see that the black and pink corruption had entirely covered Aaron's face. "Oh, for fuck sake." Crystet sighed, watching all of Aaron's body get quickly covered in the black and pink liquid. After it was done, Soul, the monster who controlled the corruption, lifted its head, only to be met with a swift kick in its head.

Soul went flying backwards, hitting houses made of ice and stone on his way. He looked at Crystet, an insane smile on his face. Why was he out in the open? Well, that was because Soul was given a chance by Aaron. IT was his chance to prove to Crystet that he wasn't necessarily an evil person. Now, that wouldn't excuse the fact that he had previously helped Aaron kill around eight billion people due to the fact that he blew up a planet. Crystet's home planet, to be specific.

Soul stood up in the wreckage, his eyes shining. He saw crystet run towards him, something shining in his hand. "Is this is the Ultimate Skill that he received because of Aaron?" Soul asked himself, a blinding light radiating from Crystet's hand. However, he knew that it wasn't Wishgranter because Crystet had used that on Oki a few hours ago. He stared deep into Crystet's eyes as the sun went down, Soul's eyes glowing in the darkness. "We don't have to fight, you know?" Soul informed Crystet, watching as Crystet continued running towards him, disregarding what Soul had said.

"Well, if you don't want to talk it out, that's fine, although I'm not going to kill you. Hell, I'll ever try my hardest not to harm you too much." Soul said to himself, watching as light consumed his vision, as Crystet activated the Ultimate Skill that he had received. Ultimate Lightbringer. It allows Crystet to coat himself in armour derived from light and use light as a weapon in any way he desires, such as a physical sword or a blast of magic. Soul smiled, watching as blinding white light surrounded him.

However, he felt stuff piercing into his body, although he couldn't see what. It was like swords were being shoved into his back and his chest. It was almost similar to becoming a pincushion but with fewer spikes. The light cleared away, and Soul looked down towards his chest, and he was right. There were spikes of light that went through his chest and his spine. "Well, I didn't expect to get impaled today, so thanks for the new experience." Soul taunted Crystet, getting the last of his small amount of anger out. "I don't want to hurt you, alright? I know you and I never really saw eye to eye, but..." Soul began before Crystet grabbed him by the head, staring into his eyes. "You killed me, my family, and everyone I cared about. Of course, I wouldn't be happy to see you back again. I wasn't happy back when you fought Ronin, and I'm certainly not pleased to see that you can still emerge from Aaron's body." Crystet responded, holding a sword made of pure light.

"Oh, I remember that. Oh, how times have changed." Sciat said to himself with a smile, causing Erald to look at them in confusion. "So, that thing isn't Aaron? How the hell did it take over Aaron's body?" Erald asked Sciat as he explained everything that he knew. "Essentially, that monster there is Aaron's true incarnation. This is something that represents his worst emotions and feelings. Think of him as the original form of Aaron and the worst version of him. This version of him is manipulative, impulsive, naturally evil, and violent." Sciat explained, taking this from his own personal experiences with Soul. "He will do whatever is necessary to get his own enjoyment out of anything. Although, something is off this time. By this point, he would have killed everyone here in a rage. Is he being held off by the original Aaron or something?" Sciat continued, questioning what was going on.

"I already told you, I'm not going to hurt you. I've honestly just come out to talk. It's boring talking to Aaron and the other person in his head all of the time." Soul told Crystet, smiling. "What do you have to smile about, huh?" Crystet asked, a sharp tone in his voice. "Oh, it's just the fact that I'm called manipulative and impulsive, yet I'm the only person who doesn't want to kill someone," Soul responded, trying to call them hypocritical. "Imagine, me, the obvious lunatic, not wanting to kill you all. How does it feel, being the angry ones?" Soul asked.

"Well, I don't really want to kill you. Like Aaron, I've looked back on what I did while under his command, and I do wish to say that it wasn't the best. Although, you did teach me some valuable lessons that helped me through my journey. Such as how to manipulate people. I'm going to thank you for that one, as it saved my life on more than one occasion." Sciat yelled back at Soul, causing him to sigh.

"Well, at least you don't want to kill me. Erald and Jude, what are your standpoints on this? I only know your names because I've been listening to Aaron speak for the past while." Soul asked them. "I have no idea who you are, so what you've done really doesn't matter to me," Jude responded, and Erald gave essentially the same response, as Soul's past didn't affect them. "So, Crystet here is the only one, although that's pretty understandable since I did let your friend die a horrible death. However, that's all in the past now." Soul said, trying to diffuse the situation, failing horribly to do so.

Crystet shoved the sword of pure light up towards Soul's neck. "Leave. Bring back Aaron, and leave." Crystet menacingly told Soul, only to be met with a disappointing response.

"No can do, Crystet. Something is inside Aaron's head, talking to him, and it won't let me exchange bodies with him, so you're stuck with me until it's done."

"Who...are you? Why are you here?" Aaron asked the voice, causing it to continue speaking to him in an unnaturally deep voice, almost as if a voice changer was on it. "I'm the one who helped Crystet earlier."