Chapter 211 - A New Body

Sciat looked at his hands, studying them as if they were not his own. He put his hands up to his face, covering his eyes as he let out a loud groan. "God damn it! I didn't want this!" Sciat yelled as his back let out a loud popping noise. He was new to this body, so he still had to work out all the little quirks that it had, such as bones that needed to be popped so that he could function better.

"Yup. You closed your fist on that soul. That fused it with your body. I only closed my fist like that for an impressive effect. Yeah, this happening to you may have been my fault." Aaron explained, Seph and None just looking at the pair in surprise. There was Aaron with his power, and then there was someone else who now has the same power as him. Great. A second Aaron.

"Now, besides that, would you mind explaining to me what Boundless abilities you were given? I want to see if other people who become Boundless get some ability or abilities to start out with." Aaron requested Sciat, and he happily obliged as a black portal appeared in the air, although it was somehow different from Aaron's Boundless Interdimensional Summon.

"This is Boundless Interdimensional Storage Container", a storage area that has the ability to transport items between other worlds, I guess. At least, that's what the skill is telling me." Sciat explained, his eyes glowing a nice cyan colour as the black portal faded out of existence. "Oh, really? If it can store an infinite amount of objects, we might have ourselves a profitable business. Seph wanted to start up his own shop, so you, None and Seph could work together, although I have an idea for later which will give None a much greater purpose. Being able to move about on his own and return to Seph at will. It's genius." Aaron explained as Seph and None got interested in the conversation. After all, the matter involved them. "Wait, what do you mean by that?" Seph asked Aaron as None asked a question of his own. "How in the hell would you do that? After all, I'm bound to this guy until either of us dies." None pondered as Aaron simply shook his head.

"No, you're bound to him as long as you believe that you'll be bound to him until one of us dies. You see, I am pretty good at doing stuff with my mind, so all I have to do is just give you the ability to separate, and then you'll be done." Aaron explained. "However, it won't be a pleasant experience. After all, I'll have to use this ability to do it." Aaron said as his left arm turned into a black, now tar-like substance. "You know what this is. I bet you can imagine that it wouldn't be nice to the touch, right? After all, if it was nice, I'd use it on people as a relaxation method." Aaron told them as his tar-like arm returned to normal.

"Ah. It certainly wouldn't. I can kind of see why you haven't used it on any of us yet. However, if that skill does what I think it does, why don't you just copy Crystet's Supreme Timestop or whatever it's called? After all, surely you'd be able to do that." Seph asked as Aaron tapped his forehead. "Let me show you why I won't do that," Aaron responded as he asked something of Memica. 'Hey, would you mind if I sped up my mind reaction speed and physical reaction speed by a thousand times? I want to prove a point.' Aaron asked Memica.

[Sure, I don't mind. Don't overwhelm Seph, Aaron. After all, he probably won't be able to understand what's going on. Don't pull off something like killing everyone around him. I don't want to have to deal with anything like that, even if it's just an illusion.] Memica responded, and Aaron used Boundless Telekinesis to increase his thought processing abilities by a multiplier thousand, or near enough to be instantaneous. He did the same with his movement and reaction speed.

Everything appeared to be stopped or in slow motion, and Aaron could walk around while being perfectly fine. "This is perfectly fine," Aaron said to himself as he walked over to Seph, and he decided to perform a little magic stunt. "Let's try this."

Aaron used Boundless Interdimensional summon to create thirty-six knives, and he used his Status Version of Boundless Infinity to make them all spin infinitely, becoming rotating blades of death. They were spinning as fast as they did, as they had theoretically infinite speed going forward and rotating sideways, so no matter how you looked at them, you could see them spinning infinitely. Now, due to that same effect of Boundless Infinity, they were infinitely durable until they touched the ground. This was just something Aaron had set up to make sure he didn't destroy the planet.

Aaron set up the blades so that they would all shoot around Seph and None, but unless they intentionally tried to touch them, they wouldn't be able to get hit by them. Aaron, almost instantly, returned his thought and movement speed back to normal, and he watched as thirty-six spinning blades shattered off the ground behind Seph and None as they turned around to see the broken metal of Aaron's knives behind them.

"That's why. I can do something similar, and I can move around in Crystet's stopped time. What would be the point of taking his TimeStop for myself if I can just replicate it? I don't really understand why, but I can move around in his stopped time. Imagine something I can't explain." Aaron joked as he began walking towards the village in the distance.

"We've messed around for long enough. We need to go and check to see if this village over here knows where we can find some Orcs." Aaron reminded the others as they recalled why they were here. They kept on forgetting.