Aaron appeared behind Crystet, black lighting flaring across his hand. He was manipulating the colour of electricity using Boundless Telekinesis. If he could show Crystet why challenging him would be a bad idea, it might solve any unnecessary problem down the line, like Crystet complaining that he is too powerful. Aaron placed his hand into the air, watching as the black electricity struck everyone. This included the god that had almost fallen into the chasm and the one with the loud voice. This lightning was unique. It caused the sensation of pain to activate, but no marks or actual causes of pain were left visible on the target. It was the perfect weapon for Aaron, as he could attack everyone. Including Shadow, but that was accidental. She was just caught in the area of effect.
Aaron watched as Alec and Crystet were riddled with pain, along with everyone else there. "You aren't ready to fight me unless you intend to kill me," Aaron stated. He closed his fist, cutting off the electricity, but Aaron just smiled. "Are you prepared to try to kill me in an attempt to prove your worth?" Aaron asked, his hands clenched into fists. "If that's what it takes to prove to you that I'm strong, then yes." Crystet bluntly replied, getting into a fighting stance.
"Woah, hold on there, quick shot! Our duel is tomorrow! After all, you want to be able to use your Wishgranter, right?" Aaron pointed out, distracting Crystet for just a second so that he could teleport behind him. "Or we could fight now if you so desire. I'm not opposed to the idea." Aaron menacingly whispered, sending a shiver down Crystet's non-existent spine. "No. I'll duel you once my Wishgranter is recharged. It would be stupid to fight against you if I don't have access to my trump card. After all, I need all the advantages I can get over you while I still have time to think. One wrong move means that I could die, you know?" Crystet responded, closing his eyes.
"Oh, I never said that you would die. I just said that you'd have to have the INTENT to kill me, Crystet." Aaron pointed out before smirking. Crystet hadn't listened and had thought they were going for each other's lives. "You really thought I'd kill you? We made a promise when we first died. 'May we meet again in a different life. As friends.' was the promise we made. Till eternal death do us part. I'm not letting myself or you die alone. If we die, we die together." Aaron explained, bringing up an old point. "We've died twice together. If that doesn't signal friendship, nothing could. We've met three separate times, and for the first two, we left the world together. I'm not letting either of us perish for the third time." Aaron concluded as he began to walk away. "Now, would you like to visit another planet with me, or should we wait around here? Aaron asked Crystet, who was just unable to respond. After hearing all this, he didn't know what to think. He had forgotten all about what they had discussed as they died for the first time, so he was reminded by Aaron, and he was mentally hitting himself for it. "Sure, but where to? There are so many planets to explore, and we don't know what'll happen when we go to one, as we don't know the mechanics of the world."
"That's the beauty of it, Crystet! You never know where you're meant to go! I didn't know what'd happen on any of the other planets, and it was a great learning experience for me! I learned more about how people reacted to different races and learned how to be more cautious. After all, if there's any civilisation with any differences, there's going to be racism. It's pretty much guaranteed." Aaron explained as he began floating slightly. "It's fun to see what new worlds have in store for us, although some parts aren't as good as others, that's what makes a fun adventure! Trials, tribulations, hardships. They are what make you stronger! Who cares about how much damage you can deal to someone? Real strength comes from experience." Aaron somewhat monologued, showing Alec that there was a good side to not knowing everything.
[You know I could just tell you what the planet is going to be about, right?] Memica pointed out, to which Aaron just shushed her. 'Memica, that would ruin the fun of venturing into the unknown! The fun about visiting these planets is not knowing what's going to happen once you get there!'
Aaron pulled out the Demonoid God soul he had gotten from earlier and tried to use it. He wanted to see if he'd get a confirmation message, so he created a clone in its place and used that instead.
{Using a [(Willingly Purified) Demonoid God Soul] is not recommended unless you are 0% Boundless or above 50%, for there is a high chance your soul will shatter, killing you permanently. The only reason people who are 0% Boundless can take the soul is that they wouldn't have been exposed to as many of the Boundless properties. They'd go to 1% Boundlessness instead of up 50%.}
"So I can't use these yet. That's fine with me, but that means that this thing has the ability to unlock someone's boundless potential, which is why it is so coveted. Now I know why people want this thing so much. This is why such items are coveted by the gods. They know about Boundless Potential, and when someone finally gains access to it, they become an anomaly. I might not be able to use such an item right now, but I know of someone who might benefit from it." Aaron realised as he turned around to face Crystet.
"Hey...Crystet! How would you like to get a taste of true power? You aren't Boundless yet, so how about we get you there?"