My life has always been of being the model of my clan and paying attention to my attitude. I always have to put a good example and not a bad example so people do not follow my bad lead. I am the leader of the Nine Tailed Jade Fox Clan. I am used to be the person where you have to do everything perfect and not mess up so the clan follows your lead. I have about a hundred thousand foxes in my clan but not that type of foxes I mean human foxes who have magical powers like me. I have more powers than them that is why I am their leader and another thing is that I was chosen because my dad used to be the previous leader and I am his daughter. Of course in my family is only me Xinger my mom Qian-Xi and my dad Li-Xing. I have a wonderful family just that they keep on pushing me to what I don't like. I was not this obedient in the past I was different it all started when they sent me somewhere I did not want to go.