James was sitting beside habeebah James was very happy with this but he did not show it out kelvin was busy using James to laugh kelvin told some of his friend about James problem James heard what kelvin told his friend so he told kelvin that they should never be friend again kelvin want his separate way same with James habeebah ask James what happened James told her James introduce himself to habeebah same thing to habeebah habeeb got jealous he told habeebah let go home but habeebah told him to be going habeeb left in anger habeebah and James was still talking James ask habeebah what is relationship with habeeb she replied him that they are just friends and his my neighbour James okay habeebah show James her house
James:okay this is a lovely house wow it is nice very beautiful
Habeebah:thanks okay bye
James wave her good bye and he want home when he got home he saw his sibling and his parents on the dining table he joined them on the table james finish eating with his sibling