Bella, who had reached Raven first, grabbed the boy's hand. "Stop," she commanded, her face stern. "Snap out of it, Raven! Have you forgotten that Mana's life is tied with yours?!"
Raven blinked slowly and the black energy undulating around him wavered for an instant.
"Yes," he murmured. "You are right, Big Sister Bella."
An opalescent rainbow hued wave of magic began to flow out of his right hand and moved towards Mana, enveloping her.
Mana, who had been unable to stand or speak until now because of the bone crushing pain she was in, suddenly felt like she could breathe properly again.
Her green eyes blazed with fury as she let go of her big brother's support and glared at Raven.
"Are you in such a hurry to die?" she hissed angrily.
Raven smiled sadly and coughed up blood. "I can't be allowed to hurt Papa…" he whispered. "Mana, you know that…"