Lilith stands under the sign for the inn. she is looking around while leaning against the side near the window. Reiji is nowhere to be seen. Lilith has been quietly contemplating this whole time. how will she deal with such a troublesome enemy of her master.
"should I tell him what happens if a living weapon breaks? No if he knew that he'd never use me again. Maybe I overvalued my importance, and he won't care."
Lilith looks up to the the second story window. reiji jumps out landing right beside her.
" let's get moving its night an attack could happen at anytime." reiji says.
Lilith transforms into her gauntlet form. reiji starts walking through town cloaking himself in the illusion of a young girl. He hopes this will cause the perpetrator to appear.
reiji is walking down the road in the seemingly abandoned town. reiji skips along and sits at a bench in what looks like a park. while reiji is sitting there a little girl In a white shrine maiden style dress sits next to him.
[???]Hello what are you doing out here after dark?
a voice rings in her head KILL.
Reiji turns to the girl. he recognizes her as the one who smacked him into a wall. his illusion seems to bevworking so he responds.
"Waiting for my big brother."
the girl looks to reiji in disguise and says
" your big brother must be mean to leave you out at night. you know with all the people going missing."
Reiji smirks then says " what about you why are you out here?"
the girl smiles woefully, and responds " I am out here to hunt"
reiji looks at her as she jumps off the swing. reiji asks her. " hunting what?" the girl turns to look at reiji then a sword appears in her hand.
The girl is holding her head the voice in her head screaming." KILL KILL MUST KILL KILL ALL KILL THEM ABSORB THEM HUNT THEM."
" I am sorry I have to."
The girl swings down but is blocked by Lilith. Lilith with a deft movement had slammed the blade into the ground. Lilith steps forward using a palm strike just as the girl jumps back. this causes the girl to be sent flying back the girl turns to look at Lilith. The moonlight only allows one eye to show with crazed pupils.
Both the girl and Lilith look at reiji as he dispels his illusion. Reiji walks forward slowly looking down at the girl holding a sword 3 times her size.
"What is your name?"reijis says to the girl.She looks to reiji blinking rapidly.
"my name? I tried to kill you ya know." The girl says surprised at reijis question.
reiji sighs " I guess you don't recognize me from the town market where you hit me into a wall." The girls eyes squint trying to see reijis face in the dim light then her eyes wiiden.
"you how are you here?" reiji chuckles this is the most you have talked."
The girl stamps her foot " that other one isn't me you fool that's my sister.l you idiot."
reiji puts his hand to his chin " the other one you say?" reijis face widens as he jumps to the right.
A girl wearing a black shrine maiden outfit appears with the same blade as the other smashing it into the ground. the girl turns then rushes to the other girls side. they stand side by side opposing colors each with a greatsword. reiji curses himself in frustration understanding this situation.
" you two can become one can't you?" the girls laugh in shock at reijis statement.
" how did you know?"
A man appears behind the girls. the man yells at them " enough it's time to kill, and absorb them this had lasted long enough. the man says kicking them into the dirt."
The two girls turn to the man " why master why do you hit us? we have always done what you have asked."
The man smirks " Do tools get a choice of how they are used?"
Reiji starts walking towards the man with a clenched fist. Lilith shrugs understanding his anger with hiw kind he is this must hurt him.
Inside reijis mind a voice comes through " Do you wish to save these children?" reiji says nothing as the voice repeats again and again.
the man is looking at reiji smirking still talking out of his ass he says. " what coming to lick my boots? coming to grovel at my feet for forgiveness? No your life is mine all you commoners, and demi humans lives are worthless you might as well be useful to a royal.
The girls stand and laugh. Both girls start to shine. the two lights entertwining to form a single being. The combined being has a number on her forehead. She has the number zero.