The huge gust of wind begins to pull inward, as the other 6 sss ranks are covering the king and the guild master. they force themselves to stand firm. Many soldiers are pulled towards soma as well as monsters who weren't able to escape. The dead monsters pieces as well all float towards soma. The king looks devastated and grabs his head.
"The kingdom is finished."
the 7 guild members look at him in shock.
caldus speaks up "king ragnur get a hold of yourself. this isn't over yet we may all survive."
the mass of beings pulled towards soma begin to amalgamate into soma. His body growing more grotesque, but also in size and power.
Soma's new transformation has begun. a giant ball of darkness about 1 kilometers in height is formed. and the energy within swirls
Reiji attacks the ball, but it seems to be absorbing his energy.
Reiji Flys backwards a bit away as the ball cracks. A giant red zombies eye peers from the Crack. the ball shatters like glass and Huge dragon is seen curled into a ball.
the bodies grotesque form is clearly in view. Dark red scales with faces all over its body forming protrusions. the dragons mouth drips with saliva as it smirks. the wings tattered, and full of holes.teeth rotting dripping acidic saliva. hands and claws bent and twisted. his tail pure bone. soma howls as his deepened sickly voice can be heard.
"Power without limits power unending." He looks at reiji like he's a bug. he continues to speak in a arrogant manner.
" You are nothing now I will kill you, your family, and your friends. this kingdom will fall, then I will destroy the rest."
Reiji uses his skills sending wave after wave of attack at soma. soma brushes it off as if it is just a tickle. Soma slaps reiji with his tail sending him into a nearby cliff. Soma laughs and pulls his claw up. he then starts to gesture to reiji to bring it on.
Reiji spits up blood "so that hurt.. good to know I'm still not strong enough."
Reiji rushes forth shooting wave after wave of energy waves but they do nothing reijis sighs.
"Guess it's physical combat then"
Reiji rushes forth shooting a claw wave at somas eye. soma blocks it with his tail snickering at reiji. reiji just ignores him and grabs somas tail tossing him into the forest.reiji can't believe his body has that kind of strength, but he has no time to be so prideful. he goes to somas location but is smacked back by his tail.
Soma grimmaves and chases after reiji shooting a black beam across the field of trees burning them to ash instantly. reiji dodges it but is then smacked into the ground by somas tail again.
The others can't see what exactly is happening but the tremors of power do reach them even there. everyone looks worried including Rosalie and Rosanna. they both clasp each other's hands. they pray to every God they can that reiji will survive.
Soma steps on reiji but reiji catches the foot. tossing him off balance. reiji Flys back towards the battlefield. in hope to find a weapon to use. soma follows hastily catching up ramming reiji with a headbutt. reiji is shot towards the ground, and he spits up blood.
pulse pulse. reiji grabs his chest..he feels like chains are grabbing his soul. pulse pulse. time up. it can't be up I have to save them. pulse pulse. soma flicks reiji with his tail causing him to slide towards the battlefield. reiji coughs up some more blood. he wipes the blood from his lips and feels it growing stronger. pulse pulse the feeling is now worse causing reiji to hasp for breath.
soma lands near reiji looking down at him. soma crackles a deep disturbing laugh.
then soma speaks" it appears your time of strength is up such a pity."
Pulse pulse pulse reijis transformation starts to revert his body as reiji gasps for air. A chain appears around reijis neck and a lock appears on his neck. rriji is now back to being himself.
Reiji screams internally " no I have to prot.."
reiji blacks out.
Soma laughs again " this is what happens when fools get power."
Suddenly a Crack forms on somas face. His face contorts into one of true fear." it can't lied to me you bastard."
more and more cracks start to form as the guild master caldus and the other 6 appear in front of reiji guarding him.caldus goes to speak but soma cuts him off.
" I will tell you one thing caldus." Caldus nods and points to his ear not wanting to speak to him. Soma laughs evilly.
crack Crack crackle They cracks appear faster, and faster. somas body starts to drop to pieces.
[soma] This will not be the end caldus. there is more.of us. We will defeat you all eventually. humanity is fleeting, and the lost children aren't powerful enough to stem the tide. The darkness shall rise, and the protector shall fall. A new age is coming caldus..will you survive it? hahaha"
he laughs as his body crumbles and falls away.