Chapter 3 - 3

Blaize POV:

There are only two seats available in Biology. And one of them is next to Edward. My heartbeat accelerates and I feel slightly foolish about my feelings.

Pushing away those thoughts, I scoot into the stool next to him. At the same time, his body stiffens, and he leans away from me. Do I smell that bad? I showered this morning! I open my mouth to say hi, but his body language suggests he isn't interested in conversation. I feel slightly rejected.

Out of the corner of my eye, though, I can't help admiring the sleek lines of his muscular form. I quickly look at his face. He turns to look at me as well, and our eyes lock. His eyes are almost flat black. His hands ball into fists again, and I sigh. What did I do wrong?

The rest of Biology passes in a blur. The teacher, Mr Brown just drones on and on. Cells this, mitosis that.

Eventually, the bell rings. Edward stand up simultaneously and stalks out of the classroom. Hurt claws at my heart. But just as the tears come, I notice a piece of paper lying on the desk where Edward sat. Curiosity overcomes me, and I reach out for it and unfold it carefully. It's a sketch. Of me.

Bella joins me as we walk out of Biology together. 'My god that was so boring,' she groans.

I nod. 'Mhm.'

When we exit school through the reception, I spot Edward talking in an undertone with the receptionist. 'Are you sure?' I hear. 'Is there no other option? Chemistry? Physics? No? Never mind, then.' He spits the words out as if they're poison. My vision blurs with tears as he stalks past us, eyes cold and hard. I bite my lip, hard, and clench my fists.


As I drive home, my phone starts vibrating like mad. 12 messages from Mom, it reads. I sigh. When I get home, I rush upstairs and sit down on my bed. I read through the messages. [Hey, Firehead]. I smile at the old nickname. [Miss you so much right now. Wish you were here.] I see my mom has caught up on technology.

Another message reads, [how are you? how is school? please reply. Mom XOXO.]

The latest one from Mom is, [Blaize, please reply, I'm getting worried. Where are you?]

Jeez, Mom, I think. I lie down on my back and text a few short replies. [Hey Mom, miss you too right now. Nothing's up, really, except school. I won't be able to text you much this week, I have to do a Biology paper tonight. Love you. Blaize.]

Just as I place down my phone, Dad calls, 'Dinner's ready!' I grin and hop downstairs. Harry Clearwater's Fried Fish lay on the table, along with a huge bag of chips. Bella trots downstairs behind me.

'Hey, girls,' he greets us. 'How's school?'

'Uneventful,' Bella says, while I say, 'Disappointing.'

'Ah.' We eat in silence for the next couple of minutes, until Dad finally speaks up, albeit a little hesitantly. 'Security Guard at Mason County got killed.'

'Killed?' I ask.

He sighs. 'Yup. By some kind of animal.'

'Animal?' Bella stresses.

'This isn't Phoenix, Bells,' Dad points out. 'Anyway, be careful, all right?'


Over the next few days, there's no sign of Edward at school. I still hang out with Alice, and Rosalie. Occasionally. A whole week has past, and I've practically given up all hope of seeing Edward again. But when I follow Bella through the doors to Biology, I notice Edward sat in his seat. My mind goes blank for a moment, and I freeze. Then Mike behind me grumbles, nudging me forwards.

I drop my backpack and take my seat, trying my best to ignore him. Until he speaks up. 'Hello, Blaize.' I blink.

Just then, we're handed a microscope, and some onion root cells. I realise we've already done this at my old school in Arizona. 'Ladies first,' Edward says, pushing the microscope towards me. I take a peek. 'Prophase.'

'Mind if I look?' Edward asks. He takes a swift look. 'Prophase,' he confirms. As I write it down on my sheet, he asks out of the blue, 'So, you enjoying the weather in Forks?'

I nod. I say, 'I like the rain. And snow. Basically, anything wet and cold. I don't mind summer, though. Bella, on the other hand, hates anything wet and cold. She doesn't like anything hot, either.' Edward laughs, a musical chime. I can't help grinning.

He deftly inserts the next slide and glances through the lens. 'Anaphase.'

'Mind if I look?' I smirk. As he passes me the microscope, out hands touch briefly. But it's still long enough for me to feel the cold stone, and I jerk away, feeling as if an electric current just ran through me. I inhale deeply. 'Are you warm enough?' I ask, as I peep into the lens.

He shrugs. 'I don't really feel the cold,' he says. I look at him closely. I had never payed close attention to his clothing before. His face was beautiful enough. I see he wears a single T-Shirt that clings to his marble frame, outlining the sleek muscle. I bite my lip. He dismisses my staring breezily, and says, 'Let's just finish this, shall we?'

As the bell rings, I stop to as him one last question before he disappears. 'Did you get contacts?'

He looks at me. The light humour fades from his eyes, and he says, 'No.

I raise my eyebrow. 'Are you sure? 'cuz last time they were black, and now they're like a golden brow-'

He cuts me off as he pivots on the spot and marches away. I admire his graceful, fluid steps before shaking my head and turning away.


After school, I walk out my car with Bella, who decided she would ride home with me in these icy conditions.

As I open my mouth to say something, I hear the sound of furious honking and tires screeching. Several cars down from me, I spot Edward, face creased in horror. With the van almost upon us, I shove Bella away as a last second thought and brace for the impact.

Something hits me, but not from the direction I was expecting. An icy arm grips me tight around the waist. Another hand shoots out to block the van. I hear crunching, and the van comes to an abrupt halt, in the place where I'd been gaping just seconds ago. Shouting starts, and I hear Tyler apologizing profusely. Edward leans over me, worried lines creased into his perfect face. 'I'm... fine...' I mutter. Then the world dips, and everything goes black.