Chereads / Everyday Life with Magic (On Hiatus) / Chapter 18 - Chapter 15 - The Incident

Chapter 18 - Chapter 15 - The Incident

"We're almost there" Class Rep announced when the both of them rounded a corner. The infirmary was not actually that far from the classrooms, just a few minutes of walking from Class 1-A.

"Thank you again for going out of your way to help me, Miyako-san" Alice thanked Class Rep for the second time since coming to the infirmary, if not for Class Rep she would've fallen over already. On the walk here, Alice's legs started to grow weaker and weaker for some reason she wasn't sure of.

"It's not a problem; it is my duty as Class Rep to ensure everyone in the class feels comfortable being there" Class Rep proclaimed with a serious expression and determined eyes.

"Even so, I still need to express my gratitude. My Mother taught me to repay goodwill with more goodwill, so allow me to buy you something to drink; that is how you repay a favor here, right?" Alice also had a determined expression, which was quite adorable to Class Rep as she was charmed by Alice in mere moments.

'So cute…' Class Rep thought while getting the urge to protect this cute little thing in her arms.

"S-sure, maybe some other time. Anyway, we're here" Class Rep stopped in front of the infirmary door before sliding it open.

"Excuse me, I have a classmate who's feeling unwell!" Class Rep called out in the wide infirmary room only to be met with silence.

"Looks like the nurse isn't here, let's get you resting on a bed for now" Class Rep wasn't perturbed by this and helped Alice move to the closest bed to the entrance. Parting the clean white curtains, Class Rep supported Alice to the bedside before laying her down as gently as she could.

"Alicia-san, you stay there for a minute, I'll go see if I can find a thermometer somewhere" Class Rep turned around and started looking through the nurse's desk for something to measure Alice's temperature.

"You seem very natural with this process, Miyako-san" Alice, while laying down on the bed with a blanket covering her, pointed out the thing she noticed. Class Rep seemed quite used to taking care of other people, what with her expertly way of handling Alice who could barely walk at that time, and now this; it's not something a regular high school student could pull off.

"Ah, so you've noticed. My Dad is a doctor and he has taught me all about how to take care of people ever since I was in 5th grade so I can care for my little sister" Class Rep explained, giving a little bit of info about herself.

"So you were trained and even have experience in this, no wonder. I can see now why you have that mature air to you; indeed, having to care for another person can result in faster maturity" Alice muttered to herself just loud enough for Class Rep to hear. Class Rep was happy hearing this and was about to speak when…


"Is the nurse back already?" A male voice came from the door, drawing the attention of the two girls to him. They saw a tall boy with black hair and dark purplish eyes standing at the door while holding two bottles of green tea.

"?!" The boy noticed the stares and turned to the girls before stiffening up. He started to sweat a little being stared at by two beautiful girls, he was so nervous that he hadn't realized he knew one of them.

"Akirou-san, do you need something from the infirmary?" Class Rep called Hiro's name, snapping him out of his nervous breakdown.

"O-oh, it's you Miyako-san. I'm just bringing Monoa-kun a drink" Hiro relaxed a bit realizing he knew someone here, for some reason he feels less nervous meeting new people when there's someone he knows there.

"Monoa-san?" Class Rep raised an eyebrow at this; she didn't see or hear anyone else when she came in.

"He's out cold way in the back there" Hiro, seeing her confusion, walked all the way to the bed in the far corner and part the curtains to reveal a sleeping boy with pale blond hair and small stature.

"What happened to him!?" Class Rep walked over to Iniji's side and instinctively put her hand on his forehead to feel his temperature. Of course, she didn't find anything wrong as his body was at normal temperature.

"No need to worry. Monoa-kun is only tired from lack of sleep, he'll be back up and bouncing after some rest, that's what the nurse said at least" Hiro set one of the two bottles of green tea to the side of Iniji's bed before uncapping the other one and drank from it.

"It's good that he's not sick. Oh, excuse me, Akirou-san. Can I ask you to go get the nurse for me? You see, classmate Alicia-san is feeling unwell" Class Rep requested while looking up at Hiro.

"A-ah, alright. I'll go look at the faculty office, that's where she said she was going to" Hiro was surprised that someone would ask him for help but agreed nonetheless; he felt like he saw his childhood friend in Class Rep's place for a second there. Hiro set the bottle down before heading out the door and going to the second floor where the faculty room is.

Class Rep thanked Hiro on his way out before turning her attention back to finding that thermometer.

"Who was that, Miyako-san?" Alice asked out of curiosity since she doesn't recognize his face or his name, she had thoroughly gone through and looked at every student in Class 1-A, including Ren as well. Though, she didn't recognize Ren when he was in class because he had such an abrupt change to his appearance that her image of him was outdated by a few weeks.

"Oh, he's a friend, his name is Akirou Hiro and he's from Class 1-B. We became friends yesterday. Ah, found it!" Class Rep exclaimed when she found a thermometer in the nurse's desk drawer.

"Stick this under your armpit. I'll go get you something to drink" Class Rep handed the digital thermometer to Alice, closed the curtain, and headed out the door to look for a vending machine.

"…" Alice did as she was told before getting lost in her own thought. She hadn't even made contact with her cousin that was supposed to be in the same class yet and now she was falling ill already, unlike her twin brother who caught a cold because of rain but at least he made contact with their uncle's family; though from the way he described it, it went horribly wrong. The last part made her smile slightly and her mind cleared up a bit, she started to think more optimistically about the fact that she had made new friends on the very first day.

*Beep beep* *Beep beep* *Beep beep*

"37.5°C" Alice muttered while looking at the result before lying down; she has a fever, that's probably why she felt so weak. What caused such a sudden fever to spark up? Use your imagination…

"Sigh, we really are twins, huh?" Alice lamented her situation, both she and her brother, Alex, had fallen ill on the very first day they were supposed to start the mission given to them by their father for the condition of being able to study in Japan.

Both twins have a different motive for coming to Japan so they had agreed to work separately, and yet now they are both in the same predicament. This world work in very funny ways, especially now that it's running on auto-pilot mode with only one person with direct influence over it that likes to mess with people he doesn't like.


Lunch Break

I heard from Akirou during break time after the first period that Monoa was in the infirmary, sleeping. After hearing why I laughed. I remembered seeing on his occupation that he's an Indie Developer, must've slaved away at the computer till morning without any sleep.

I decided to go see him at lunch break as he's most likely to have gotten his fill of sleep and will be awake by then. I also overheard from the girls that Alicia had a fever, which I found kinda amusing because her brother had a cold from the rain I conjured yesterday.

And how did I know that? He didn't come to school and Osuji-sensei also told us the reason in Homeroom. Osuji-sensei didn't ask about Alicia so I think he was informed of it before Homeroom started.

The rest of the morning classes weren't very notable, the lessons went on like normal without incident. A guy came up and asked me to help him with some of the math problems in the textbook; I remembered he was the guy who got rejected in front of everyone.

We had a nice talk after I helped him with what he was having trouble with and I casually asked him why he asked the girl out in front of everyone. He said he just wanted to get his feelings out of the way and focused more on himself rather than keep being weighed down by his two-year-long crush.

'I mean, I can respect that but… Why did you think it was a good idea to do it in plain view of every classmate? It was kind of a dick-move to put the girl on the spot like that'

Well, whatever. It's his life and he can do whatever he wants, I'm not responsible for the consequences of his action, so what do I care? I'll just observe when it backfires on him.

Anyway, lunchtime now. I headed to Akirou's class first thing after grabbing my bento; we're going to the food court to get something for Monoa. It's located on the second floor so it's relatively close to the classrooms of all years.

I walked through the crowd of students and made it to Class 1-B in a matter of seconds. I stood by the door and peeked in, and spotted Akirou right away. He was at his desk in the front row by the window, writing something in his notebook.

I casually walked straight in and headed directly for Akirou's desk, I heard some commotions to the side but I just ignored it. After arriving next to him, I peered into the notebook and saw he was writing notes for the second chapter of the history textbook. This was the first day of lessons so there was no way in hell they've already reached the second chapter.

I mean, I did the exact same thing Akirou was doing during morning classes because I already have all the materials of every subject from first to third years memorized so my case is a bit special.

Watching him hard at work trying to be ahead of others made me kinda reluctant to interrupt him, but only kinda though. Time is of the essence, we only have an hour and a half for Lunch Break so we need to hurry if we want to have free time after lunch.

"Akirou-kun, you ready to go?" I patted his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hmm? Ah! Is it time already?" Akirou quickly and neatly put away his school supplies before closing his notebook and textbook, sliding them to the side.

"Ready?" I backed up a few steps to give Akirou room to get out.

"Mhm, all done" Akirou nodded while standing up and tidying his uniform a bit, straightening out a few wrinkles.

"Let's go, then. Monoa-kun should have woken up by now" I turned around, walking out the classroom with Akirou following right behind while ignoring the gossiping going on in the classroom and even out in the hallway.

We went to the food court; Akirou went to get his and Monoa's lunch while I went to get our drinks. After about 5 minutes, we reconvened and headed straight to the infirmary to pick up Monoa.


"Alicia-san~ Alicia-san~" A soothing almost tranquil voice echoed through the infirmary.

"Ugh… Hmm?" Alice slowly opened her eyes, waking up from her nap. Blinking several times, Alice's visions focused on the person calling to her.

"Mmm… Miyako-san?" Alice groaned and tried to sit upright as that was the proper thing to do according to her etiquette teacher.

"Don't try to get up, Alicia-san. You have a fever, remember?" Class Rep helped Alice lay back down, being as gentle as she possibly could.

"Hmm… How long have I been out for?" Alice relaxed her body before inquiring about the time.

"About four hours, it's Lunch Break now, that's why I woke you up" Class Rep brought up a bag she had left to the side and shook it.

"It's sweet bread, I didn't know what you could or couldn't eat so I went with bread as the safe option. If you don't like bread you can have my bento instead" Class Rep brought out the bento she made this morning with her free hand, displaying both to Alice.

"…You don't have to give me your lunch, Miyako-san. I'm fine with the bread, in fact, I'm grateful you were so considerate as to even go out of your way to get something for me. You are a nice person, Miyako-san" Alice smiled brilliantly at Class Rep, seeing how sincere and caring she was made her feel warm inside.

Every person that had tried to befriend her in the past always had ulterior motives behind them, just because she was born the daughter of a CEO of an international corporation. Her reason for coming to Japan was to actually enjoy her youth by making real friends and having fun as any high school girl should.

When she heard from her father that she has three cousins that were separate from the main family, she felt… envious of them. They never had to go through what she and her brother had to go through, the burden of being the scions of a wealthy and influential family weighed on the both of them.

Alice didn't know how her twin brother felt about it, but for her, she felt like she never had any freedom; wherever she went, there would be people sent by her father to protect her in the shadows.

The paranoia Alice felt every time she went out somewhere public always weighed on her mind, the thought of there being people out there who would want to kidnap her and use her for ransom money seemed to never be able to escape her mind.

Even now, the thought still lingered, despite the fact that Alice knew very well that none of those people know she was disguising herself to go to a fairly top-class private school located in Japan.

However, at this very moment, Alice truly felt safe despite knowing she doesn't have any bodyguards protecting her as per the conditions set by her father; Alice felt what true friendship is for the very first time.

Class Rep's face flushed red as she was charmed by Alice's smile; she felt her heart go doki-doki and a fleeting thought came to her. Was she gay or Europe-?

'Wait wait wait! I don't swing that way!' (Angel side)

'Maybe I d-' (Devil side)

'No no, absolutely not!' (Angel side)

'But on the off chanc-' (Devil side)

'No way! Atsuka get your act together!' (Angel side)

'Alright, let's compromise; can we at least agree that she's cute?' (Devil side)

'*Glances at the memory of Alice smiling*' (Angel side)

'Jiiiii~' (Devil side)

'Alright fine' (Angel side)

'Glad we can agree on something. Let's shelve the matter of our sexuality for now' (Devil side)

'Yeah, she's having a mental breakdown' (Angel side)


The two sides of Class Rep vanished from her inner consciousness. The conversation taking place in her mind was happening whilst her body just froze over, not moving an inch. This got Alice concerned as Class Rep dropped the bag of bread in her hand; thankfully it wasn't her bento because that would have been a mess to clean up.

"…Miyako-san?" Alice slowly rose up with a concerned look on her face; she reached out towards Class Rep and managed to grab her hand. This sent a jolt through Class Rep's hand, snapping her back to reality.

"…Huh? Wha!!?" Class Rep's hand jerked back by the sudden skin contact, pulling Alice along into her. With the natural laws of movement and gravity, Alice's body exerted force onto Class Rep and this force pushed Class Rep back making her lose balance causing her to fall backward onto the floor with Alice landing on top of her.

At this moment in the quiet infirmary, a blonde beauty could be seen lying on top of a black-haired mature beauty on the floor with a bento box and a paper bag containing bread sprawled off to the side; if anyone saw this, they would only be able to think of one possibility as to why these two were in this position in the empty infirmary.

"Waa.....Wa….Waaaaaaa!?" Class Rep blushed seeing Alice on top of her, she squealed, letting out a scream much like that of a frightened rabbit.

"Ugh… Are you okay, Miyako-san? Sorry, for grabbing your hand so suddenly. I shouldn't have done that" Alice elevated herself up with her arms and looked down at Class Rep with an apologetic look. Alice just now remembered that Japanese or just Asian people in general doesn't let anyone touch them, especially girls, unless they're close friends or family members and she doesn't fall into any of the two categories.

"N-n-no, you need to apologize. You just surprised me is all and I don't really mind it if it's you, Alicia-san" Class Rep gave Alice a reassuring smile to soothe her, hiding away her embarrassment from their face being so close. If anyone were to-


"Miyako-san, has Monoa-kun woken up ye-?" Hiro walked right through the door but froze up at what he saw; he knew Class Rep was going to be here but he didn't expect to see this. A sudden flash of an image he saw on the internet came to mind; at that moment a misunderstanding(?) about Class Rep sprouted in his mind.

"Hmm?" Alice turned to look at the source of the male voice with curiosity written on her face while still staying in the same position, completely oblivious to the suggestive position she was in.

"!?" Class Rep completely freaked out with her face turning beet red and eyes widen, she was about to try and explain to Hiro when…

Ren walked in after Hiro, turned to see his cousin Alice and Class Rep in such an indecent position, took out his phone, and snapped a photo.

*Flash* *Snap*

"Hah, caught in 4k" Ren laughed and jokingly commented with a sly smile; to which despair surfaced in Class Rep's face.

'My school life is over' Was what came to her mind at that moment.