Karla threw herself onto the bed. She has just finished putting her daughter Davila to sleep, echoing what Patricia had said in the office earlier. Karla immediately got back up and saw her reflection in the mirror. My God, it's true what Patricia said ... Her body is currently very fat with folds of fat all over the place. It is not as fat as Amelia before, but still, Karla feels that she is no longer as beautiful as before. What's more, at this time many small pimples appeared on her cheeks. Ah, David must be willing to give money for treatment. So far, Karla has endured all the luxuries David gave her, including giving birth to a baby. Even though giving birth is something she doesn't want.

Karla reached for the television remote and played the program David had watched. When she saw the appearance of the woman David had mentioned earlier, Karla had to admit that her voice was indeed very similar to Amelia. Suddenly Karla felt a longing for her sister. So far they have lived together since their parents passed away. Living together, it is difficult to be happy together until fate brings Karla to become a star. There was a little regret that Karla suddenly felt. 'Where are you, Amelia? Have you given birth? Are you married to the man who got you pregnant? ' thought Karla.

"Madame, there are guests!"

Suddenly, Markonah's voice, her household assistant, called out. Karla immediately tidied up her clothes and immediately left the room.

"Who?" she asked.

"I don't know, Madame. Earlier he said he was looking for Mrs. Karla," said Markonah.

"Alright, please take care of Davila," said Karla. She immediately went to the living room and immediately smiled when she saw who was coming.

"How are you, Brother Hendrik," said Karla. Hendrik is an assistant film director, back when Karla was still active in the world of singing and acting, Hendrik was the one who always helped her.

"Good news, Karla, wow ... now it's a bit full after giving birth to your little one," said Hendrik, assessing Karla's appearance from top to bottom. This of course made Karla a little embarrassed.

"Yes, Bro. I just started the gym and diet to lose weight, you have to understand, I just gave birth."

"Hahaha ... David's a lot of money, Karla. He can pay for your treatment," said Hendrik.

"Ah, it could be. Anyway, what's wrong, brother Hendrik? It's not possible to stop by here."

"There is a new film, Karla. It looks like you can become the main supporting role, become the mother of the main character," said Hendrik as he handed over the scenario of the film he was carrying.

Slowly Karla grabbed it, then briefly read it.

"Yesterday, you asked me to contact you if there was a role for you," said Hendrik.

"Yes, Bro. I'm bored at home with activities as a mother like now. But, is there no main role for me?"

Hendrik took a deep breath, "Sorry, Karla ... With your current condition, it's a bit difficult to get the main role. Unless you're like you used to. But, my advice is you take it first, this is a very good start to start your career again. What's more now. You've never put out a single new song again. "

Amelia took a deep breath, what Hendrik said was true. Currently, with a fat body condition and a face that is not as bright as it used to be the main supporting role of women, she also feels good enough.

"All right, Bro, I accept this role," replied Karla. Hendrik smiled, "I will immediately prepare the contract letter and send it to your email. Didn't you ask permission first?"

"I don't think so. David never forbade me to be active in the entertainment world."

"Okay then, Karla. I should have called your management first, but he said you've changed your management."

"Ah, yes. In the past, my manager was from David's company too, but David wants if it's outside of singing I have to find new management. And, for the time being, I'll handle my work."

"Wasn't your sister who was always there for you and even became your manager?"

"Ah ... Amelia, she's moved out of town with her husband"

"Okay, all right, Karla. I'll call you right away then," said Hendrik.

Karla smiled and nodded, "Thank you, brother"

"You're welcome, I'll say goodbye, okay."

"Sorry, I'm my household assistant, it took a long time to bring drinks ...."

"No problem, Karla, I'll say goodbye, Ok?."

When Karla drove Hendrik to the door, Markonah just arrived with a tray of drinks and snacks.

"Too late, Markonah! The guest has gone, just came the drink, it's just embarrassing," said Karla curtly. Markonah only laughed while embarrassed, "Sorry, Madame, this is because Ms. Tuti was in the bathroom for a long time, Davila was crying. So, I carried Davila first," answered Markonah.

"Just excuse you," said Karla.

Even though she often makes mistakes, Karla loves Markonah very much. The household assistant is very obedient and funny. Sometimes it was she who always comforted Karla when Karla felt lonely. "Madame, who is this drink for?" asked Markonah, still holding the tray. Karla turned around and looked at Markonah pretending to be angry, "Just drink for you, it was already made! So next time if there is a guest it hurries!" scolded Karla while holding back laughter seeing Markonah who was already frightened.

"Ish, Madame ... But, what is accelerated?" she asked innocently. Karla patted her forehead, "Gosh, MARCONAH! Speeding is fast, so don't be slow like that, I'm slow to fire again!"

Karla hurriedly stepped back into her room before bursting out laughing. She enjoyed teasing Markonah and making her household assistant nervous. But, of course, it never occurred to her to fire Markonah in her mind. When she returned to her room she did not see Davila, Tuti had brought Davila to her room.

Davila is calmer if Tuti is the one who takes care of her. Karla herself had to admit that she wasn't very good with babies at all. She is also impatient with small kids. What's more, she never gave Davila breast milk at all. Karla does not want her valuable asset to become less beautiful because she is breastfeeding a baby. Simply the shape of her body that is not messy like now. Don't let the others come out of shape either. Karla opened a chat application on her cellphone, she remembered that there was a yoga trainer who could be called home. She must return to her beautiful body shape as before. She had to get back to shining like it used to be before David turned to the others. Karla doesn't want to lose the luxury she has been enjoying. At least when she is back to being beautiful and attractive, other men want to make her a wife or lover. Yes, right now Karla just wants to be a shining star again.