Chereads / Bio-knight / Chapter 1 - operation red dwarf


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Chapter 1 - operation red dwarf

solar calendar date: Alpha 14th,4369

The twin suns of the binary solar of Olympus 7, one of the countless earth colonies established in the far off edge of the milky way galaxy--a vast stretch of a futuristic metropolitan city that slowly began to become shrouded in shadow; Jason Hill-a "squire" in the Bio-knight academy, Jason lazily sat laid back in the wheeled almost recliner like a chair of his dorm room's personal work desk that was provided for after class assignments and late-night studying...which was exactly what young Hill had been doing as the black circles and heavy bags under his eye which almost bloodshot.

Jason yawned loudly...the young man had almost slept through his third-period flight class-with his eyelids blinking closed then open again...repeating at least three more times before finally losing his battle exhaustion as his head soon slammed face-first into the Bio-armor manual that his headmaster suggested that he read before he and team get transported to their new post in the albegas system...and from they'll be deployed on their first official field mission.

a couple of weeks...

The Terran colony Albegas 19...the planet's sun-orange hued giant slyly rose in the east rocky mountain range where the Bio-knight base was almost fortress-like military base that stretched across the edge of one mountain; Jason hill hastily rushed into the eastern hangar bay of the mile-wide mountain forte...the young man nearly tripping over his own feet-the young Bio-knight slightly swaying before eventually regaining his balance." smooth hill...fashionably late as usual eh Jay?" an unusually tall young man with lighter brown skin tone than Jason's, says with a weary yet friendly smile which Jason returns in kind." how bad is it, Juan?"Jason asked with a half-joking tone...his voice still slightly groggy.

snared the Lieutenant first-class, Juan De Leon...Jason's second in command and best friend, the young man was half a foot taller than Jason-the young man about 6 feet while Juan 6'5 feet...aside from that the two were more or less the same in body type...though Jason was slightly skinner with silvery blonde hair that was buzzed cut into a mohawk like militaristic hairstyle-his eyes were hetero-colored eyes: the left eye a spring green and the other an almost ocean blue with a small crescent-shaped scar that was barely visible on his right cheek-A young woman with amber red hair that drooped just barely past the shoulders...a serious and slightly scary-looking expression on her face."...your late hill." the woman snared disapprovingly as briefly looked the young man over with judgment clear in her almost coil black eye-Jason quickly opens his mouth."Rose...I know you're still mad about me being chosen to be the leader but-"Rose quickly snaps at the young man...Jason taking a few awkward steps back."...look, Jason, you do your job and I'll do mine... plain and simple."

Jason nodded agreeing and three youths instantly headed off for their post-mission debriefing.


Jason could feel the sudden pulse of neon energy quickly flow through his veins," initiating Bio-armor Series gamma XO-skeleton, the sound of various mechanisms quickly locking together with the steamy hiss of compressed air spurting from in between the almost silver metallic plates of the outer shell of the young man's Gamma class Bio-armor." activating Bio-armor class type: Gamma...series number:4...initiate post-launch diagnostic scan!"Jason says neutrally and an almost completely artificial voice immediately responds beginning post-launch diagnostics...a bright neon-colored digital display screen suddenly appearing right before the young man's eyes."...initiating diagnostic scanner!" the artificial voice echoed as the screen quickly began to boot up.


The diagnostic will be completed in:...48%...60%...73%...88%...99%...100%

diagnostic completed...

body vitals:

blood pressure: normal


vital signs: normal

Bio-armor stats:

armor integrity: no damage

energy levels: normal

data stability:100%

network interface: connected

communication signal:100%

Jason smiled eagerly as he radio's the rest of his Bio squadron,"...alright boys and's showtime!" the young man said briefly before quickly launching out of the top of the line S class star carrier: the rest of the Bio squadron soon following after him in a widened V like formation." easy there chief...don't forget about the rest of us!"Juan laughed over the communications which immediately interrupted with a dire warning:"Hill...De Leon look out!"Rose was shouted over the communication channel....but it was already too late.

Jason barely manages to hear the warning from his team before hit several times by a barrage of enemy stray bolt of plasma-based energy causing critical damage to one of the young man's jets-he quickly finds himself spiraling downwards towards the solid ground below with small bursts of flame splurting out periodically as a long cloud-like trail of black smoke leading out from behind his right thigh."...captain hill...captain hill do you read me?"Rose asked greatly worried for commanding and friend-but Jason could barely hear her...his mind quickly tuning Rose out to make way to make for the pressing issues right now...well that and the fact that the blood was literally rushing to his head right-his heartbeat rising more and more gradually as fast began.

As Jason reached ever closer to the ground-his vision blurring as the blood quickly raced into the already cramped recesses of his head...he could scarcely make out what he could only assume to be the blurred makings of forest-though they just as well maybe jagged rocks or even mountain tops for all he know...still Jason quickly took a deep breath, pinched his eyes shut and said a faint prayer to god that they were trees...fortunately they were in fact trees as he soon hears the faint crunch of branches as he tumbled helplessly onto the ground.

when Jason finally did hit the ground... he found himself struggling to merely stay awake...let alone speak...slowly the world around him seem to blink in and out of existence before finally vanishing into a deep darkened void.
