Chereads / The Grievance System / Chapter 65 - Lindsay

Chapter 65 - Lindsay

Miller sighed, for he was in deep thought, he had rejected any visits and denied any work be filtered to him.

The door creeped open, its handle slowly twisting to an abstract curve, the door continued its snail like pace before being a suitable size for an average sized head to peer over.

A figure sneezed a peek around the room to see she was being watched, he coughed a couple times, "come in" he signed a deep breath once again.

The women entered, she stood by the door that remained at a slight curve, the women opened her mouth and spat out a jumble of words "um yes! I mean yes, sir.."

Miller wiped his eyes and spoke "what is it you need Lindsay" he sighed a shallow breath and locked his jaw, his lips firmly against one another.

"yes sir, the man you spoke about one Luke Murray.. has requested to be evaluated with us.. sir"

Millers jaw loosened and his teeth fell apart, he pursed his lips out to a uniform square and said loudly, "WHAT, I ME-an what? Are you sure?"

The women nodded, she was quite confused as to why the behaviour of the chairman was abnormal and especially towards this man.