A long long time ago when I was not born nor were you. There was a child "Mmenda" was her name "Mmenda Willi" indeed. she was a 11 year old girl with long blond hair, big eyes and a beautiful carved head. She was strong as a worrier, But no one is perfect although Mmenda was a strong and beautiful girl she still wasn't good at studies in every exam she would get an F or an F- grade according to her results. but because she was so beautiful the teachers in the school would not be sincere with there jobs and just gave her fake marks sometimes an A or even an A+. and because of this Mmenda would get a position in her class which she was not worthy of but some one in her class was worthy of all that Mmenda was getting
"Silli Sorow" Silly was the girl who was worthy of what all Mmenda was getting. She wasn't that beautiful but she was very hard working she was not an normal human or we can say she wasn't a human she was the princess of "witchafon" a city of witches' so according to that she was a witch . Silly could easily be a toper in her school because she was a witch she could be cheating easily using her super powers . but she never did. She worked hard and what ever she owned was on her own. Silly disserved much more but because of Mmenda she would always get less marks teachers used to change Silly's exam paper with Mmenda's exam paper. Silly was a furious young lady if she came to know about what all was going on she would be destroying the "Solow school" with her laser eyes, mega long teeth, fire potion and most importantly with her WITCH SQUAD (yea she had one π ) but after all she was not evil. living her life chilling playing was all that she did.
in the class there was this guy "Wortan Scar" He was an intelligent young gentle man. he never cheated in exams he didn't have to he was smart, cool and kind he did get a position in class but here again comes the same problem Mmenda ! hhh to much isn't it just because of here beauty she used to take false positions. but the truth is she never wanted this to happen she wanted to have worthy people in there worthy position. So one day when Wortan, Silli and Mmenda were walking in the hallway they all met. Silly asked Wortan and Mmenda to join her at break time as she had no friends. Both of them agreed at break time they all told there problems Silli and Wortan telling how hard they work then Mmenda told her case how she didn't understand any topic but still got full marks. Silly and Walton got furious Silly slammed the door of the cafeteria so hard that it broke, Walton started to fight with Mmenda they both were very upset. then after a minute a girl with full guar took out an fire potion and threw it on the ground every one ran. as slowly the potion began to create fire . No one knew who was the girl who did this. but the witch squad did π€ it was Silli