Chapter 276 Eradicating the Bloodshed!
South: Abundant Forest:
Hiking up slopes through a thick and vast forest as Dante and his brothers and Deda march on to take on the fox clan, leading the group with his face stern and ready for anything, pondering to himself, Axle states in his mind, I still feel like I need to improve. Because something tells me if we ever meet Mezo again. We need to be ready, but I can't focus on that right now, our mission is clear in this current moment to stop the fox clan from terrorizing Deda's people.
Lingering in the back of the group, side by side with Deda as he glances over at him, Dante laments, you didn't have to come with us Deda if you didn't want to.
Responding back with full conviction in his voice, Deda says, nonsense Dante. What kind of warrior would I be if I just let outsiders handle our harsh history with the foxes, I understand your kindness, but I still have my pride.
Smirking slightly as he brings his gaze forward, answering back, Dante says, I respect it. Before continuing to spout something else as he sees from the corner of his eye, seeing that Deda's hand is twitching with anxiety, vocalizing what he wants to say, Dante says with a determined tone as he places a hand on Deda's shoulder, fear not Deda, me and my brothers will help you eradicate your histories long standing bloodshed. This I promise you.
Having his eyes down as they brim with a solemness within them. Deda says nothing.
Chugging along even more so through the thicket of leaves and bark as 45 minutes have gone by, getting fed up with walking, Muha says with a slight bratty tone, when are we going to get there, I'm ready to slice some fox meat up.
Beside Muha on his left, Damian says, patience Muha, it won't belong to we reach what we're looking for. Right Deda?
Eyeing behind him after making that claim as he looks at Deda, reciprocating eye contact back, Deda responds and says, yes it shouldn't be too long now, we only have a few more steps to go and we shall be there.
Opening his mouth as Muha is about to say something either disrespectful or obnoxious, halting his steps firmly as Axle halts the group, Axle then states as he cuts off what Muha was about to rattle off, I don't think you have to wait much longer Muha, because we have company.
Appearing out of every nook and cranny as a good majority of fox grunts encircle our brave warriors, instantly removing both daggers from their holsters, grinning with ill intentions, Muha says, this is what I call service. Our preys have come to us.
End of Chapter 276