Chereads / The Four Kings of PRIDE / Chapter 221 - Is Your Boss Strong?!

Chapter 221 - Is Your Boss Strong?!

Chapter 221 Is Your Boss Strong?!

Mountain Pass: Bandit Lair: Muha Vs Fat Mace Wielder

Upset at seeing his obese brethren down, contorting his face into a snarl of rage as he glares at Muha and yells, FUCKING BRAT I'LL SPLATTER YOUR INNARDS ALL OVER THE WALLS!

Grinning with his eyes prominently shinning, Muha states as he plays with both of his daggers, fired up are we. I like that, hopefully you won't die shamelessly like your fat so bro lying there!

Done with going back in forth with banter with Muha, stepping forward with his right leg as he begins to sprint toward the wicked prince, unbothered by the charging tub of lard coming at him in fury, Muha says, so blinded by rage like a wild animal.

Upon the young dagger wielder as the fat maces man comes down with both weapons of doom, dodging the bashing strike as it creates a small crater in the ground of the lair, on the man's left now as he has evaded his death blow, wasting no movement as he zooms in and slices the back of the man's right calf with a clean strike.

Caught off balance by the cut, oozing out blood like a fountain running in a community park, so blinded by hate right now, the maces man says, are those the only tactics you have you cur!!

Speeding at him again as he doesn't respond, downed now as he is crouched on a knee, the fat maces wielder swings at a blitzing Muha, evading once again with his spider monkey reflexes, going for the knee that the man is bracing himself up with.

Eyeing what he's targeting, coming down with his left arm as he impedes Muha's path, stopping him in his tracks, thinking with quick wittedness as he is now in where he has clear access to the man's abdomen.

Springing up with strong foot power as he plunges both daggers into the man's stomach with a twisted expression on his face, ripping out his daggers one by one as he climbs up the large man like a living snowy mountain, in pain at the boy's stabbing and cutting through his flesh, dropping both of his large maces as he moves into grab Muha off of him, sensing the approaching hands nearing him, right as both huge mitts are about to grab the dreaded prince of terror, moving like a speeding ninja with his daggers as he fillets up the fat man's fingers like sashimi.

With blood flying everywhere as the large man is now fingerless on both his hands, with his anger drifting more to a slight hint of dread at Muha just dismantling him, having something to say as he speeds up toward the man's throat, Muha says, before I end your shitty existence, answer this, is your boss strong?

End of Chapter 221