Chapter 211 Speaking to a Friend!
Kabre Country:
Leisurely walking down a steep staircase that's embedded on a cliff side as he gazes over to his left with his eyes fixed with awe at the tropical looking scenery, Mondo says with an astonished tone, this place is breath taking. What place is this, Suvo?
Taking his steps cautiously as he keeps his pace as he descends down, Suvo says with a still soup type of voice, I thought the same thing when I came with Muha and Axle. Kabre country is a nice place and so are its people.
Almost making it to the bottom, just filled with wonder, Mondo ask another question with curiousness, so what are we doing here in Kabre? I didn't get any run down from King Bujon and you haven't even given me anything either so...what's up?
Finally touching down from the mountain steps, responding back as he tugs his white gloves, Suvo says, were here because the king wants us to deliver some items. Also, I need to speak with a friend as well.
Holding the straps of a wool backpack attached to his back, Mondo says with it clicking in his head on what they're here for, oh ok now it makes sense, that's why we're hauling these robust packs on our backs. The king wants us to show them that were solid on our alliance with each other.
Already starting to walk in the direction of the village, Suvo says, good observation. And Dirosa says you have the attention span of a squirrel.
Smiling from Suvo giving him kudos on picking up on what their doing, then with it hitting him in five minutes on what the last part was, forming his face in a funny what one, Mondo says, Dirosa said I had squirrel brains! After making that outburst comment, Mondo's attention goes to an interesting looking tree in a matter of seconds.
Side eyeing how fast his attention left, Suvo says with his eyes squinting as he says in his mind, and there it is proving her case.
Making the small remark to himself, no more words are exchanged between the two as they enter into the village.
End of Chapter 211