Chapter 206 Calling the Inner Strength!
Twin Vipers Guild:
Apshi Foam:
Fearful at seeing one of the people that brought into this guild get slain in cold blood as I stare down at her body severed in half.
Pondering the ultimatum, even though he said I had a choice on the matter about the current situation, I say in my inner thoughts, choice my ass. Either I prove I'm worthy and survive this huge swordsman's wrath or I get killed and my village gets slaughtered, no brainer I'll pick the first.
Poised with his humongous sheet of metal on a stick that he calls a Sword as his eyes stare at me in anticipation on my answer to his claims.
Mezo says with his blade dripping with Master Kle's blood as it lands on the floor, what do you choose Foam? Battle me and show me you can be a powerful asset to a new league or die here and I wipe this village clean.
Readying my stance for the fight of my life as my muscles pulse with blood and a strong urge to show my will.
Commenting back as I respond to the evil bastard in my sights, I say, you should know just by my stance alone I choose the warrior way.
Making the first move as he lunges towards me in a surprisingly fast speed, unexpressive with his face, Mezo says, excellent choice. I shall see if your conviction holds weight.
Gripping my spears tight as I stand my ground as Mezo charges at me, with my brows furrowed, I say quietly to myself, calling the inner strength of my ancestors. Please allow me to survive this.
End of Chapter 206