Chapter 193 The Struggles of Boredom!
Muha Charmons:
Traveling south now after getting some vague ass info from that tall shystie bastard that Dante spoke with from that one town we were at.
Moving along a stone trail with my brothers, putting my hands up on top of my head as I leer my eyes all about at the green scenery of grass and trees around us.
Filling empty inside because it's to peaceful on this path we are on, getting restless from the tranquil atmosphere, I blurt out with no regards who hears me, I'm bored! Let's go hunt something!
Being the only two to look my way after I complain, speaking first with his smarty pants tone of voice, four eyes boy Damian says, what a shame, but to bad Muha that's the struggles of boredom.
Glancing my way with a slight smirk on his face, Dante follows up with something quippy to say, got to agree with Damian on this one, I know you got that rascally side to you Muha. But I don't think we're going to get any action out here any time soon.
Right as my brother is done saying that, seeing in the distance as two folks are frantically running away from some, what seems to be some wild bastards chasing after them.
Smiling like crazed baboon about to create some mischief, I say with exuberance in my throat, looks like you spoke to soon Dante. Seems some action is coming straight towards us.
Stepping forward as I am now in front of our group.
Just taking out one of my daggers, I say with royal confidence in myself, no need for you three to move, I'll handle this! Cause I got some boredom to break!
End of Chapter 193