Chapter 114 Let's Sharpen Our Skills!
Country Of Dista: Charmons Kingdom: The Soldiers Barracks
Swinging his weapon on a warm and partially sunny day, taking practice slashes at the air trying to perfect his swordplay, Dante says to himself internally with self doubt in his heart, I'm weak! I'm so utterly weak! Even though I did help out with getting important info on my father's assassination attempt at Dardre! But when it came to battles I was completely out classed in that regard, especially when it came to helping out uncle Vic against that huge Mopu guy! Frustrated with himself, getting into a battle stance, eyeing five wooden dummies stationed in different spots. With his sword shinning in the sun light as he stands still breathing in slowly, a leaf hangs on a branch for dear life as the wind picks up, finally braking off the branch, the leaf trickles down to the ground, taking a fast quick step at the first dummy, Dante cuts it down with convicted eyes, running over to the next one in a hurry, slashing that one down as well with passion in his strike, zipping all around with an upset but also with a yearning to progress in his voice as he trains hard, Dante says, I need to get stronger! Coming to the last dummy, gripping the hilt of his blade with both hands, Dante slices the dummy cleanly in half with a powerful swipe. Clapping as he walks up after seeing Dante practice, smiling like a wild hyena as he stops his steps with his two brothers behind him, Muha says in a tamed tone, easy their Dante! What did that dummy ever do to you! Looks like your training pretty hard out here!
Breathing a little sporadically after letting out his angry energy on the dummies, eyeing Muha as he sheathes his sword back, Dante says, yeah I am. And what brings you three out here? Stepping up to the front next to Muha, Damian says in a reluctant type of tone, Muha and Axle dragged me here and said I needed to improve my physical ability. So that's why I'm here unfortunately. With his eyes pulsing with energy, walking up to Dante with a sneaky little grin on his face, Muha says in an extroverted manner, so what do you say little Dante? Let's sharpen up our skills together! Because if we don't we won't be of any use to father or anyone! Especially if a future war truly does break out right!
End of Chapter 114