Chapter 92 Word To The Fourth General!
Dardre Country: King Tiozin's Board/ Throne Room:
Pondering thoughts swirling in his head as he rubs his left temple in a circular motion, thinking to himself internally as his three battle damaged generals sit and watch him in absolute silence, King Tiozin says, if I'm thinking about the same Balman their talking about it must be that wretched King Bujon trying to pry information from me by force! But the funny thing is I have no prior business to even negotiate anything with their country so why send his men to my country and raid my castle and what for?! Rrah! It just irks me just thinking about it! Snapping out of his intense inner monologue, peering his blue and green eyes over to Dimo, King Tiozin says, Dimo I have one question for you. With sweat slightly coming out his pores, focusing his attention on his king with a down casted gaze, replying back Dimo says, yes your majesty! Sitting up straight in his chair, propping both elbows up on the table, putting his hands together resting his chin on them, vocalizing once again king Tiozin says in a calm but ominous way, can you recall what your opponent's eyes and hair looked liked? Gulping before answering his king's question, Dimo says, of course sir! How could I forget! His eyes were a light blue crystal like color brimming with confidents in them with the 1 symbol etched in his pupils! And then that old bastards hair was a dark shade of blue with a crew cut hair style with spiky tuffs of hair that drooped down slightly on his forehead.
With a vein forming on the right side of his face, thinking to himself as it clicks in his head, King Tiozin says, my hunch was right it is the same piece of shit Vic Balman! Shifting his gaze over to a severely and heavily injured Yon Lecton, King Tiozin says in a blunt and cold tone, Yon! Who did you fight to put you in a state like that? Covered damn near all over on his upper body like a mummy, hesitating slightly, opening his mouth to speak back to his king, Yon says in a flamboyant and sad tone, I apologize your majesty I was defeated by a short stumpy red and orange headed munchkin! With his expression not changing in the slightest, entering his inner thoughts again, King Tiozin says, that's a shock to hear a little red and orange haired munchkin? I would think with those injuries he's sustained, I thought he might have fought Suvo the second in command of the Blue Fang but no! Coming out the inner sanctum of his mind, standing up quickly out of his chair, eyeing his three generals with a wicked and evil gaze, King Tiozin says with a confident and smug tone, I just came up with a wonderful plan to deal with Charmons kingdom's top brass brigade leader!
Their faces filled with anticipation, placing both arms on the table, Mopu says with a puzzling tone, and pray tell your liege what is your plan exactly? Rubbing his hands together in a smug manner, smiling with a creepy smile outstretched on his face, King Tiozin says, I'm sending a messenger bird to our fourth general! So that he can takeout that pesky Vic Balman and cripple King Bujon's forces! With all their eyes lighting up with terror on their faces, all three of them tremble slightly, opening their mouths at the same time with fear in their voices, the three generals say in unison, not fourth general Mezo Sheeter!
End of Chapter 92