Chapter 60 Battle!
Kabre Training Grounds
Blushing from her statement, with his cheeks red Muha says with a flustered tone, enough talk let's start! I'm itching for this! Stepping off the stage everyone walks to the sidelines of the platform. using there right hand grabbing there red cloak, ripping it off of them, revealing themselves to Muha, gazing at his opponent with an astonished face, the young dreaded warrior says in his mind, a girl and she's cute to! Flowing in the wind her long red hair sways back and forth, smiling with a confident smile, gazing straight forward at Muha with her red crimson eyes. The young lady says, well my little cute dreaded boy let's begin shall we! Walking up in between both combatants, the bald guard says, all right since you two are ready let's begin this bout! But before I give you two the go head to start, there are some strict rules I must convey to you! And that rule is that you can only fight hand to hand! Turning toward the bald man with a surprised face, Muha says, wha! So you mean to tell me no weapons! Opening her mouth to speak, the long red haired girl says in a upbeat tone, It would seem so Muha! But that shouldn't bother you right? Taking off her weapon and placing it on the floor, kicking it over to the bald guard.
Sliding over to the man, he stops it with his right leg, looking over at Muha the man stares at him basically saying with his eyes, fork them over kid! Looking at the man with a reluctant face Muha takes off his belt with his daggers, following suit like the girl did placing them on the floor, he kicks them over as well to the man. Now with both fighters weaponless, raising up his right arm, the bald guard says, Muha and Mixa are you ready?! Yelling out in unison both competitors say, yes! Bringing down his arm with passion the bald guard yells out, battle!
End of Chapter 60