Without answering to her question I kissed her pink swollen lips aggressively and she is not the one, who take time to kiss back and adjust to other person speed.
She kissed me back instantly with the same passion. After a few seconds....I parted my lips from hers and placed my hands on her waist.... seriously I'm addicted to her waist rather than any parts of her sexy body....because it was so perfect with a thin curve...which made a permanent spot in my big hands.
Now I know it doesn't matter how we will confess to someone that we love wholeheartedly....what actually matters is our sincerity, if the person whom you love will have the same feelings as you then everytime and everyplace is perfect to say out loud about your true feelings in front of your lover.
I saw that love, longing and strong feelings that she had for me when she said 'Can we be lovers for a while'.
So being a girl and that also being as a daughter.... (she doesn't know the truth yet so Yeah according to her we are father and daughter)....she took her courage to ask me something like this.
"No need to be act like lovers... you are my love from the day you were born but it was me... I took whole 18 years to know that you are going to be my lover and...." I stopped before saying 'my wife...' because I don't want to scare her now by unfolding all my desires at a same time.
"Ara baby, listen to me clearly.... from now on we are true lovers, we know each other for 18 years...and I know everything about you... so I'm going to trust my heart, my body and my life in your hands."
She was so shocked by my sudden direct confession and more than that as I guessed she believed me. I can say that because her eyes were slowly getting moistened up.
"No...no don't shed a single drop of tears" I cupped her cheeks and tried to stop her tears from falling "I know you love me the same way I love you and I don't need any answer because your current physical state and that eyes are the proof."
"So will you let this innocent lover boy of yours to make you understand how much he loves you and you can also see how much innocent I'm"
finally she laughed and kissed my palms that were cupped her cheeks but still that tears dared to fall on my palms but now her eyes filled with more tears and as she smiled while crying and hugged me tightly.