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Fable High

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Calista and her mom got a compelling offer and scholarship for Calista to attend one of the world's most prestigious boarding school after passing the test. Ecstatic Calista is unaware of the mythical adventures that awaits her at Fable High where she finds love, indecisiveness, betrayal and passion. Will Calista wither or thrive in a whole new world?

Chapter 1 - Adieu

"Mom I promise I'm going to be fine you don't have to worry about me so much," I yell out of my room while packing my bags just enough so my mom can hear me.

"I know sweetie I know" she says while walking up the stairs to me. "Its- its just that I'm going to miss my only baby so much." She hugs me like it's the last time she'll ever see me.

"Mom you know I'm going to come back home during breaks" I giggle while she just hugs me still. She finally lets go and we both laugh. For as long as I can remember, it's just been only me and my mom. She's practically been my best friend for the longest and we both don't know what we would do without each other around.

I'm a freshman at a small public school in Chicago. I'm not very popular and I have no strong attachments to the school. I'm what many would call a popular loner because I'm only known for being my school's number 1 student. I have no group of friends whatsoever. The only person that I consider my friend is Fibian. A tall, slim, beautiful girl. She's 16 and we both met at freshman orientation week, and since then we've both been friends in a way. I still remember Fibian asking me if I was going to take Goodwill the test and I didn't hesitate to say "yes." After taking the Goodwill test that gets students accepted into "Fable High," the number 1 most prestigious school in the world, my life changed. Of course I have to get in first.

For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to go to "Fable High." It's too beautiful and prestigious to ignore. I've never seen it in person because it's so hidden away in Massachusetts but the pictures are enough to attract anyone. Plus, who wouldn't want to go to a prestigious school right? They have a one percent acceptance rate and I've always wondered why. Nobody including myself know that it's actually a mythical school that only accepts 50 human students all over the world each year except for the rest of the humans and supernaturals that go there. However, that doesn't stop me from applying. I consider yourself a go-getter afterall.

*2 months after I take the test*

"Cali" Fibian yells my name as she sees me down the hall. "Calista" she yells even louder, and I turn around as I scrunch my face at the fact that she actually called me by my full name. "Girl what?" I glare at her as she runs to me, "why the hell are you yelling my name Fib?"

"Girl hush! have you seen?"

"Seen what" I look confused as Fib looks anxious and excited at the time.

"The list dummy what else?" she rolls her eyes as I look even more confused now. "THE GOODWILL RESULTS ARE OUT"

At this point I completely blank out. How could I forget something so important, something that I've been dreaming about for months now.

"OMG OMG!" was the only thing I could utter as I ran to the bulletin board.

"Cali wait for me" Fibian giggles as I keep running

My heart is beating fast as I'm about to look even though there are only 5 kids from my school that got accepted. I close my eyes and take deep breaths to try to let go of my anxiousness.

"Ugh just do it already" Fibian smiles as she already knows that I got in.

"Okay... I'm loo-king... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I exclaim! I look at Fibian and back at the list, "I GOT IN - I ACTUALLY GOT IN!!!" I say as Fibian and I jumped around excitedly ignoring the many student walking the halls. "IT ACTUALLY SAYS CALISTA JONES" I couldn't believe my eyes until it actually hit me that I didn't see Fibian's name. "Wait- what about you Fib?"

"Eh it's okay I knew I wouldn't get in. I mean c'mon I'm not half as smart as you are Cali." She laughs as I smack her shoulder.

"Don't say that. You know you are very smart and deserved to get in also."

"Yeah whatever you say Cali," she says sarcastically. "I'm soooooo proud of you Cal Cal"

"Ewww don't ever call me that." We both laugh.

"I'm gonna miss you though. All of you. Your beautiful crystal brown eyes, your beautiful brown curls, your beautiful brown 24k golden skin, And don't even get me started on that face that should definitely be on the cover of vogue... hmm hmm hmm." She teases me.

"Aww... stop Fib you're gonna make me cry and you know I'll miss you even more. Your laughs, the way we fawn over the entire BTS group together, arguing over who was the first to stan them, buying albums, pulling photo cards together, Saturday bike rides and hazelnut Iced coffee with sweet cold foam from Dunkin Donut." We both hug each other tight before we let go and head to class.

*After School*

"Bye Cali" Fibian hugs me before she enters the car.

"Bye Fib... Hey max," I wave to Fibians's brother who's here to pick her up.

"Hey Calista... oh and congrats on getting into Fable High. I always knew you were a smarthead." I laugh but not before giving Fibian a scary death glare.

"What?" she shrugs "you didn't say I couldn't tell anyone. Besides I was just to excited." She looks proud as she makes her point.

"Thanks Max. Bye guys." We all wave one last time before they drive off and I walk home.

"I can't believe I got in." I say to yourself before I put on my airpods to play "Mic Drop" by BTS. I enjoy the music for a while but soon, I get a weird feeling that someone is watching me. I turn around and look around but there's no one around. I try not to think about it even though I still got that feeling.

"Oh well. Maybe it's nothing" I thought.

Soon, I get home so excited to see my mom when I get surprised with someone unexpected.

"MOM! MOM! Guess WHAT!!!!!! MOM!" I yell as I take off my shoes and jacket and head to the living room. "Mo-m Oh... I didn't know we had a guest." The look on my face probably already indicated that I was surprised to see a stranger sitting on the couch in the living room with my mom.

"Hi sweetie!" Mom looks so ecstatic. "C'mon in" she says and as I do, she gives me a big hug almost squishing me.

"Ugh... mom?" I say while still looking surprised.

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart! Mr Vendetta here just told me about your admission."

Vendetta? what kind of name is that? I think to myself. However, my thoughts are quickly cut off by my mom.

"Cali he's from Fable High. He's one of the admission officers and is officially here to congratulate you on your admission." Mom says while beaming with smiles from ear to ear.

I still can't believe this is actually happening.

"Hi Calista, it's officially nice to meet you. Like your mom said, I'm Mr. Vendetta from Fable High. We were very impressed with your overall performance throughout your application. Congratulations on your admission and I hope you're proud of yourself for being part of this year's 50 admitted students."

Why does he talk so formal? I ask myself. Meanwhile, excitement is taking over my whole body. Mr. Vendetta extends his hand to me.

"Oh thank you very much sir! I wasn't expecting anyone to actually come in person. I thought I'd just be receiving a letter through my email or something."

"Ah! of course," he chuckles "As you know, we are not like any other school, we like to do things in a more extra way hence my presence. I've also come to talk to you about an amazing offer we only extend to certain students. Scholarships!" he says enthusiastically.

Wait what? Did i just hear him right? I can't believe it. A freaking SCHOLARSHIP? I want to shout and dance around although mom is already doing that for me as she shouts and dances around in excitement. I on the other hand just kept my composure with a pleasant smile on my face.

"Mom" I whisper a bit to call her attention as she's still doing her happy dance. Mr Vendetta smiles while watching my mom which makes me a bit embarrassed. After getting mom's attention, Mr. Vendetta continues.

"Calista will be receiving a full ride scholarships that will cover everything from her tuition, meals, room, books, to even personal pocket money." He proudly says. "We'll offer her everything and even pay for her flight fees."

"Oh My God..." I couldn't help but smile like crazy to the point where I start to tear up a bit. Mom hugs me close to her as she also tears up a bit.

"Thank you so much. Wow I can't believe my baby is finally reaping the benefits of her hard work." Mom says.

"Thank you so much Mr. Vendetta. I'm so grateful for the generous package the school has just presented me. I promise to make good use of it." I tell him genuinely.

"Oh I know you will. Congratulations again Calista! Here is your official admissions package with everything we just talked about included." He hands me a huge envelope which I gladly accept. "In it, there's also instructions to get you started to work on accepting your offer." He then gets up. "I hope to see you soon at Fable." He says while extending his hands towards me and my mother shaking both our hands.

"Thank you so much and I can't wait to officially be a student at Fable."

"Um.. quick question," my mom says while having the most beautiful smile on her face, "After accepting the offer, when is she expected to come down to Massachusetts?"

"Approximately a week from now." Mr. Vendetta answers. "Oh also, Ms. Jones Calista has to come by herself."

"What?" your mom says confused. "I can't see my baby off? but why?"

"I'ts just school protocols ma'm. However, I can ensure you after she accepts her offer, an escort will be sent here to come with her to school." Mr. Vendetta says.

"Oh okay," mom says assured a bit. "I can see her off at the airport though right?"

"Ah of course you can! Also Calista, you shouldn't bring along all your things or clothes. You'll have the opportunity to shop down there and get school uniforms." He says.

"Oh okay cool. Thank you again!"

"It's my pleasure being here. Have a great day you two." He waves as he walks out the door. My mom and I also wave to him. As soon as mom closes the door, we both hold hands and scream in excitement.

"I'm soo proud of you Cali. I know how much you wanted this. And a full ride SCHOLARSHIP? girl what can't you do? my mom says.

"Apparently cook according to you" we both laugh and hug each other as she kisses me on my forehead before I head upstairs to my room. It's been a really long day and I just feel so grateful and blessed. I immediately go to my computer to complete the necessary steps to accept the offer that was presented to me in order to have me all ready before it's time. After I do that, I take a shower and catch up on home work while playing "dynamite," "spring day," "boy with luv" and more of my favorite BTS songs. It's no doubt that I'm an army at this point. I've been a fan since "Dope" era. I just love my "Bangtan Boys" I mean who doesn't?

*Mr. Vendetta's POV on his way home*

After leaving my house, Mr. Vendetta is soon joined by a young man who is around your age on his way to the car. The young man has beautiful pale skin, blue eyes, golden curly hair, and is really tall- approximately 6'4.

"Did you see her?" Mr. Vendetta asks

"Yes sir I did. And I think she's a perfect fit for the school. She doesn't look like a pushover either. I'm pretty sure she can handle it. She's a rising sophomore right?" The young man says.

"Yes she is. And I agree! But lets not be too sure on whether she can handle it or not that will be for her to decide. She does seem like a perfect fit though."

"Yeah I hope she's ready for Fable or it'll eat her alive." Both of them laugh as they get driven back to the airport to return to "Fable High."

*Back to my room*

After finishing my home work, I head downstairs to have dinner with my mom. We both celebrate before we both head to bed but not before we tell each other "I love you." Gosh I am so ready to leave Chicago and start anew as a sophomore at my new school. Yes I'll miss the city, my mom, and Fibian but that's not stopping me from going. That particular night, I already said bye to everything because I'm ready.

"Adieu!" I say quietly before finally going to bed.

*Officially a week from the day you accepted your offer*