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Cumulus System

Nanites, a nano robots created with a hitech engineering, this was the age of wars. When a majority of the world seek refuge from the engineers, when country sold their prides for science and science is Gods. The forbidden fruits of knowledge has been unleashed, where we studied human and their abilities and boosted it to the very efficiency it has to offers. The time is 200 years ago, the name of the era is "Nanowars". "You will grow with the main character, a steampunk industrialist era, with modern technology cowboy meet alien style, it also includes full event story, cheat skills, pets, flying pets, unique pets, girls and boys in tight body suits, romance, drama and politics" - author

Chapter 1 - The Cumolo Laws

There is a time and a place where humans will surpass their creators, the key to not overruns lies on the mercy of natures and evolution's.

- Richard Cumolo

Nanites, a nano robots created with a hi-tech engineering, this was the age of wars. When a majority of the world seek refuge from the engineers, when country sold their prides for science and science is Gods. The forbidden fruits of knowledge has been unleashed, where we studied human and their abilities and boosted it to the very efficiency it has to offers. The time is 200 years ago, the name of the era is "Nanowars".

At the beginnings told by the ancestors, a scientist by the name of Richard Cumolo found a strain of nano tech that can be embed to living organism, as a support for medical purposes, mending defects and broken limbs. But some military fraction became aware of the potential of these so called nanites and then they weaponized it. When they are online the nanites overruns the earth, the strain mutates, human and animal soon infected. It was the age of technology of nature, it was the beginnings of bio bots.

Nanowars erupted by the rivalries of the nations to developed the supremacy of the politics power, with misuses an advancements in weaponized nanites known as nanoweap.

Nanowars lasted for 18 years, it ends by a source codes unknowingly planted in the based of a structure coding that has been designed and then evoked by the founder of the strains; Richards Cumolo, the new systems restricts the manipulations weaponized of nanites out of the body. In simple terms the development of nanites became bonded from the very compiled based with a unique marker of a single DNA strains, and how to bonded the nanites? The process was the nanites will be injected to the body of and infant on the 7th days after the labor, the nanites will be processed for development using the DNA marker in the placenta, it will bear the unique DNA structure of the master nanites that will be capable of overwriting a slave nanites. A slave nanites is an unbounded freeborn nanites infected widely on the nanowars period, it was transferred through the absorbing nature of life cycle, mostly founded in an animal, at first it infects the carriers because a corpse consuming animal such as vultures, crows, wolfs and other predators, the first and the highest grade of nanites comes in levels, over time it infects all, and commonly dwells in large quantities on carnivores and omnivores creatures, some will be found in herbivores or plants, but in herbivores and plants based the nanites structure is difference and almost immediately dissolved and broke down when came in contact with stronger DNA marker in the blood of predators or human's master nanites, it became small quantities of materials for nanites replicates, which takes a lot hell of time to develops, so people tends to hunts for the best predators animal to fast increasing the quantity level of their nanites, the terms for these individuals is compilers.

There are several functions of nanites that will randomly mutates according to a unique DNA patterns, nobody knows how this occurrences happens, as the nanites on the research table will died when taken out from the host, and it will take a hell of a time to replicates these nanites, so yeah it was very futile efforts of a process, because tagging the DNA marker of a human was the initial natures of this nanites. Different for slave class nanites, since it functions for bonded found no initial human DNA for replicating, it will only replicated and does not have weaponized control functions, as default modes of this kind of nanites was healing, so carnivores will be stronger in the wild, and their natural abilities will be boosted, these nanites called zero nites. The grade of this zero nites will vary, these was the nanites which used for the breeding pool in the labor placenta of a newborn, the placenta will on induce life support as a living body vessels until the fluids will be eventually gone as being used for the replicating of master nanites. And after that, this "originally" planted initial nanites will be injected to the one weeks old infants. Because of the natures of the obtains zero nites will be carried over to the bonded source the master nanites will have a unique traits, as examples, as zero nites extract from a fish will have a traits of water elements, or one that extracted from an avian will have wind elements. Carnivores zero nites are either high, mid , or low grades with elements affiliations and herbivores zero nites are by default low grades and has no elements affiliations, perhaps because timid animals never need to weaponized themselves for survivals. So human's individuals bonded unique nanites have a ruling over all nanites, and a person will have the abilities to augmented the skill of preferred elements and enhancements, but these are at the cost of other living beings.

Compilers have 7 known based class on which 3 advancements need to be acquired to climb a class to upgrade the higher functions.

The classes was:

1. Initial

2. Developing

3. Structuring

4. Advance

5. Semi master


7. Permanent

In which development will be graded as low, mid and high in each class.

The "old" permanents have a living period over 250 years, they are archaic in content, the nanites will preserve aged bodies to the very last living chances it brings, it depends on the resources of the zero nites acquired for the methods, these class only can provide for the rich and powerful. No one lives forever, and no one can outlived nature in the process and there are set backs for these things, such as time degradables conditions, which means nanites repairs but cannot delays old ages.

Natures still will claims in the ends, this is the systems caused by the compiler source coding, it will be known as "the cumulus systems".

"Mr.Reed do you have the zero nites for the baby?" The nurse asked the young man in mid 20's in the front of maternity ward in a low class public vicinity. "Ah yes here it is nurse" giving a bottle of liquid substance with some kind of indicator and counting down number stating 45 minutes on the clock. "Please sign a non claimed agreement over failed nano implant since the source is personal request, this zero nites is in bottle, not a proper culling device!" the nurse handing a piece of paper, the man signed it and the nurse quickly enters the maternity ward operating room.

Over 10 minutes the cried of a baby was heard, the nurses and the doctors coming out from the operating room, the same nurse from before approach the young man "Mr. Arthur Reed? Congratulations it was a healthy boy, and the zero nites is in the breeding inside the placenta vessels, you can come to the recuperation room in 20 minutes to see your wife and son". A wide smile grinding from the man, as he walking back and front after thanking the nurse.

20 minutes later Arthur opening the doors of a numbered rooms slowly, when a very beautiful woman also in the mid 20's nursing a baby boy smiling softly at him, than signaling him to enter and see his son. "The first born of Reeds that will break the cycle" whispering. "A surprise looks taken over the woman face expression "Arthur reed, did you get a high grade zero nites for your son? Where in the world you get it from?". Smiling awkwardly "from Mr.Frank Adler!". The woman sneered "Are you sure of the stuff? He is a known swindler!!". The man replied "This time i came for the extraction process, it was a small portion of the stuff bought by the Barnes fraction". "Arthur James Reed, are you skimming from a fractions, have you lost your mind, they will be retaliations from these action of yours, what happens if they found out you skim their stuff?" The woman panic as a scared expression showed in her face. "Not if they value their lives also, i'll bring them down also, this is not the first time they do it" Arthur seeking justified means of his actions. "Oh you are hopeless you stupid fools" the woman smiles weary. On that day, Cassidy James Reed was born.

He was the first born of a low class worker in the slums that being implanted by an unregistered zero nites a high grade nanites taken from a rare white tiger that was taken alive and uncompiled in the black market by a fraction of the Barnes fractions, an organization of dark ops. Barnes works on the field of selling and dealing high grade nanites that requested by privateer in the rich and powerful to obtain better compiling abilities for their families and kins to develop.

After 7 days waiting, "Mr.Reeds? My i have a words with you, privately?" A doctor calling Arthur. "Yes in a minute" moving closer. "There is some complications on the zero nites given, I'm afraid the replication is not very satisfying, the quantities of the zero nites is not sufficient to makes a full dose of implant, but barely enough only, i hope you'll be aware, if second admonished does happen, you child will be bound undeveloped as master compiler guidelines implemented". Cold sweat running to Arthur Reeds forehead "how much chance it will works?". "50% as i will never bet in luck" the doctor said. "We will take the baby now for implant now, we wish you good luck for the proceedings".

"Oh Cass, daddy will ruins your future" Arthur leaning to the walls banging his head, "I'm so stupidly greedy" clasping his hand praying. "God if you exist, please help those cute little hands to break this vicious cycle to became meek cattle, and to prevail as a lion". After a few hours a nurse came to give a words of the procedure, Arthur closing his eyes and head down as he listening every words of the nurse was saying until he face up on the words of the nurse ".. so it's a success, your boy is very lucky, the strains is strong".

He hugs the nurse, and came running to the maternity ward and grinning, opening the door he hugs his wife "Cortina!! A success!!" Cortina cried on his arms a sigh of a tears, whispering "Oh Cass, you are a lucky boy".

-two years later-

"Open your mouth Cass! Nice keep it open, good! Now please say "ahhh~, good boy! Here is your candy!" the dentist give him a lollipop. "How is it? Why is his teeth grow in such of manner?" Cortina asking the dentist. "This could be nanites related growth, for all we know it's normal as in a certain compiler to be able to cheat a growth phase" that was the dentist conclusion. Cassidy was 2 years with a complete sets of baby teeth, it was strange due to normal babies will complete the growth in late 3 years old. He is smart for a baby around his age, able to understand simple command and rarely active like baby around his age.

It was around 7 in the evening, Arthur came home from his daily round about, he came in a rush, putting a box on the side of the door, glancing peek trough the blinders of the windows, when Cortina asked him whispering "What is it this time!!". Arthur smiles and picked up the box by the side of the door "let's get Cass and open this together!". "Oh Cass looked, what daddy brought home for yaaaaa" Arthur going to the kitchen flashing the box. Cassidy turn around smiling and looking at the box, Arthur put the box in front of Cass and open the lid, when a small whimpers of a bark and two bright blue eyes looking back "An Arctic Wolf pup!! Do you like it Cass??".

Cassidy pick up the pup with no struggle it calmed down in a second. "ARTHUR JAMES REED, i swear one of these day you'll get caught skimming and we'll never gonna see ya again" Cortina drop down in the floor as she is weak on the knees knowing this creature is impossible to get in a normal ways. "I can't return it, the man gonna have to killed the cute thing anyway!" Finding a justified in his action. "Oh don't you say it Arthur, i don't want to listen of what you have done this time" Cortina going to the bedroom. Cassidy is playing on the kitchen floor with the pup, as he plays the pup seems to do what ever Cass tells him to do. Cortina thinking Arthur gone as the house is quiet open the bedroom looking around only to find Arthur is watching Cassidy playing in the kitchen floor with the pup like some kind of practiced street act, "Arthur Reed what is that and what do you exactly do with it?" Cortina curiously asked with jaw dropping.

"I bond the animal initial zero nites with Cass's genetic marker, it's remotely activated on psychical touch" Cortina pass out at the moment. "Cortinaaa hunnnn wake up hunnnn!!" Arthur panic carrying his wife to the bedroom.

Arthur bought home this rare creature from works, it happens 2 months ago when a pregnant Arctic Wolf had a miscarriage, when it was a Sunday "watch" job for Arthur to watch the warehouse, he bring Cassidy to work, while taking him to go to the ice cream parlor, to buy an ice cream. While Cass sitting at the office eating his ice cream, Arthur was cleaning the animal pens, when he hear a whimpering sound of a wolf that suppose to be scheduled to be uncompile for zero nites harvest later that nite. The wolf is pregnant and had a miscarriages, three pups was horribly delivered, one of the three pups manage to be alive with a chance for life changing act, he quickly prick one of Cass's finger with a needle and inject the blood on the the new born pup, the bonding process is a rare sight, usually it only happens through well waited for family pets such as dogs or cats, which have to be done within a couple of minutes during the young animal laboring process. The bonded will happen on the detection of human DNA, that will override the newly activated zero nites entering the newly born young animal. And have to be solidify in 2 or 3 months time with renewed neural contact. The zero nites will became nanites slave of the DNA marker human nanites and will be remotely connected with low frequency between nanites wireless networks and in old age the range of the frequency will be have a very wide range farther and farther. The enslave function of nanites, only high grade source zeronites core produce such as functions, a chance by luck, even when Arthur want to take part he will have a next to never part, because of his low grade zeronites. Arthur lied that only two pups was delivered and died at birth, because of the misscarriage of the wolf, and disposed the carcass. He hide the pup in his personal locker for 2 months, sensing the DNA marker from a family of the injected marker, the pup will obey the order to stay quiet, which it was mandatory imposed by the nanites. Cassidy has performed a complete neural linked, after DNA bonded with it two months ago. And that was the story about a boy who going to raise up to the ranks of compiler because of his stubborn loving father, endorsing for his future in his own crazy ways.

The pup had a neural linking, and will accepted Cassidy to be his alpha wolf for life, and wolves is a loyal animal for starts. After the injected high grade zeronites, this slave animal is the second cumulus system nanoweap that has been given to Cass.