In middle school, I was practically a quiet person who expresses herself with dance or body language. One time just one time I happen to walk across a strange thing and she was pretty smaller than the average things and looks like a doll but breathing. I began to bring it to my hideaway house and place it in a dollhouse bed, it was the perfect size for it. As I began to think about what it was but then I also thought about what to do when it wakes up. So I began to cook small and chewable food then make comfy clothes and a bell to the front of the dollhouse. While I was waiting I fell asleep in my bed for the night. In the morning the bell rang and I woke up, "Oh your awake, I hope you like the food I prepared for you" the thing didn't reply, but it did ate the food and thanked me by floating a note on top of my head. I began to hear it go back in the house doing stuff, I got up and found a charm shaped of a necklace I put it on my neck as the creature started to talk. I spoke to the creature, "we're very similar I think" the creature replied, "I don't know about that but the food is great and this room is fancy ill just tweak it a bit but it's very awesome."
"why thank, I made the whole thing myself I don't mind if you change the items inside or the wallpaper a bit."
"Oh, you can hear me now!" flying out of the house "I'm magic being name Dymia nice to meet you, Scarlette," the flying creature said. I wasn't surprised to what she said but I wasn't believing most of it, "listen I gotta think about this but I need to go to school" the creature followed me and hid in my bag, I didn't notice since I was running to school doing flips and dances to the music I had on.
I went to a private school with fewer kids but mostly kids whom are rich and I had private rooms for tutoring except for gym as the gym teacher had not cared for my problem at all, so I was okay being in the gym and besides the fewer students in it but their very annoying for me and I sometimes get shocked or flash out when they get near me and talk but from afar they wave me up a sign for a challenge only though.
I put on a mask and went through school peacefully as everyday but during my gym, I was challenged again and won being the top of the list. I then went back home making dinner and then walked to the hid-house. I did my homework and made dinner "hey Dymia I made dinner I hope you like it, I hope viewing my life wasn't sad for you" putting the fact out there. "you already know, what makes you so quiet and why don't you go home."
"I'm a lone-wolf. I also have peoples hates, but I know that all I need is myself and my knowledge"
"Even though being alone is painful but also needing to converse is the better"
"well, I express through dancing and hands. me being alone is no pain I have my interest and hobbies, as well as online life", continued eating as the creature kept quiet and observing Scarlett throughout the days. About a year has passed as other heroes be heard from other cities, I had known nothing of it as I heard there were two main heroes with others that appear every then and there. I began hearing of this news in my school and it reminded me of Dymia so I went to my base and spoke to Dymia, "Dymia your a magical creature but are like the superheroes, Ladybug and Chatnoir" Dymia noded. I began to understand what had been going on but slowly I had not cared, but Dymia insisted on telling me everything about powers and secrets every day, or so the bases of what it could be. I consistently ignored it as I went on but suddenly my parents decided for me to move back with them, after my aunt is now being cared for in the hospital, I packed everything and realized that when I got there. The superheroes lived in the same town as me now, I don't care much until I saw them in action up close as it was amazing. Two superheroes together they made a great team as I saw each time a new superhero. I followed this website which kept updated about them, I was pretty much homeschooled because of my anti-social anxiety but I would drop if I were to speak to one. I always had a private tutor for me and my parents to help me out, but my dance lessons were at public schools. I was allowed time to time to venture out to get used to places and I passed by the school who had that blog about ladybug. I was excited until I had remembered to keep myself intact as I was walking outside. I walked myself away from the school and found a new spot for my secret house, my parent has gotten acceptance from the landowners and I was able to build my own treehouse again. As always I made it from scratch and took the trees around as well as rocks and cheated a bit with a few modern tools to finish making my tree house as it turns out good but also making it hard to find, I also did the technical stuff inside of it. My kwami praised me as she saw my work but I began to relax in it and stayed in it for a week as it was my tradition whenever I make a new house. After a few days, I heard noises in the forest not to far off as I thought the land was to never set foot on unless my parents had led dum boys to my place or they had sneaked in. I put down a "few" traps around and the boy...happened so landed in it, I put on my disguise as it made me feel better near them. I climbed and climbed to trees as I found two boys and a girl, "well. well. what are you doing here?" I said
the blond boy "what are we doing here? who are you?"
blue hair girl "can you please get us down"
boy with hat "um yo what's with the traps?"
I look at them with a face and thought what weird people they must be but they look as if they are the same age as me, "You ask many questions but all I can say is to not come back again or you'll be kicked out or never want to come back at all" they nodded and left with curiosity in their mind.