Ten years ago i was in higher secondary school and me with my parents and little sister went to my aunt's wedding ceremony.It was the month of December,when we stepped out to catch our bus, the cold air stung my cheeks so I pulled my scarf up closer to my face. As I looked around, I noticed a white blanket of snow covering the trees, ground, and houses. I was surprised by how quiet everything seemed.I carried my bag packs and waited for ten to fifteen minutes till the bus reached and then i got a sit next to the window.I personally like sits near a window because it provide us thd nature's beauty to be explored. As i love writting, i mentioned every detailed of the outside scenery that i could look though the window.
The sensations that come with the snow storms of the cold season are memorable and well-known to those who have grown used to them, and are usually looked forward to during the end of summer and the midst of autumn.
The surrounding outside the window entirely transformed when snow falls occured. Trees look like thin, bare dancers, twisting up from the cold ground, and as the snow gathers on the branches, they are clothed with decadent ivory jewels. Bushes become lumps of sugar, and the power lines that dip down between the poles become heavy, sagging as they are laden with the weight of the flakes, eventually disappearing and taking on an appearance that suggests the snow itself is suspended between the telephone poles.
The snow seems to mute the usual sounds that go hand in hand with the bustle of everyday life. As people hurry from place to place, their movements cause a quiet crunching and squeaking to arise as the snow is tamped down beneath their feet.
The smell of snow, however, is difficult to explain. The frozen water crystals have a certain scent to them, an almost crisp odor. It stifles the smell of the pines and the miasma of the rotting leaves beneath the bleak branches, replacing it instead with the smell of what could be considered the cold itself. Although they are not the smell of the snow in itself, these are so often associated with the frozen flakes that at the first snowfall of a winter, the memories of the past winter are so strong that at times, it is almost possible to catch that faint scent drifting through the air at the mere sight of such a blizzard.
Overall, the sensations that accompany snow are memorable and long-lasting, especially those of the sights, sounds, and smells.
Next day morning we have reached my aunt's house and already there is a blast of happiness surrounding with many of our relatives and friends.My aunt who is strong, independent lady working in a multinational company having long black hairs with brown eyes and a sweet smile on her face .She is a delightful person
but that day she was more excited for her wedding. Me and my mom wished her and made her feel special by giving her a necklace.
Afterwards my mom introduced me to some of our relatives that i had never met before .In that mean time,i look at a boy standing next to the front door and gazing at me.My mom introduced him as my "cousin brother" and said- "say hello to your dearly brother Raj". i said hello in a agitated manner and he smiled ,giving some reason he moved out.It was for the first time i could here my own heart beat.I was feeling restless and questioning myself if i am okay.I felt the jolt of an overwhelming attraction of the craziest kind. To say I got weak in the knees would be an understatement — more accurately, I got lightheaded from forgetting to breathe, and ended up falling and nearly dislocating my knee.