Just as I was about to head out of the house the door wouldn't budge.I pulled and pulled , but still to no avail.So off I went to look for Tay's spare key ,but they too were no where to be found. I contemplated waiting for Taylan ,but my intuition drove me against it. With fustration bubbling up inside of me and the tormenting thought of time ticking away, I made the racing to utilise my bedroom window as an exit. My heart was pulpating as I crossed my fingers that none of the neighbours or passersby would see me and mistake me for a burglar or something of sorts and have the police pounce on me. It was the last thing I needed at that time and would gladly do without it. My exit was a strenuous success and I charged to the gate.
As I was striding down the sidewalk I felt a sense of unsense . I felt as if I was committing a crime - to the same degree as escaping out of prison. It hit me than that I have been so familiarised with being surveillanced all round the clock so much so that I forgot what it felt like to be free . To have the shackles cased off into the sea . Than I realised I might not really get away from the shackles if I did not pick up my pace . It was pitch black desk at night , except for the occasional neon lights flashing on walls and the headlights of cars passing by. I did not know the area and after a few minutes or so realised I might be going the wrong direction because I did not even know which way I was supposed to be going . I went into a corner store to ask the store owner where the bus station was . He told me it was approximately one and a half kilometres away .Seeing as how unfamiliar with the place and that it the darkness of the night was being of no assistance I asked him if he knew of a nearby motel . The gentle soul of the man instead offered me to stay the night with him and his family at the corner store apartment. Seeing as I had no other better alternative I agreed.
The man as generous as he was had failed to warn me that his house was filled to the capacity. Each and every possible family member you could think of lived there. From the grandmother to his own grandchildren . The moment he opened the door a whole swarm of children ran towards him or it seemed the place was so packed that the only room left for the kids to occupy was by the door . His house was a combustion of strong aromas. Some eminating from the storm of a feast that was being prepared in the kitchen by the women of the family ,some just eminated from the humans packed in the house . The aroma of fresh seasoned lamb and tortilla chips mingled with sweaty body odour from a heavy day's work ,and little sticky feet that had ran the whole perimeter of the house when it had the luxury to do so during the early hours of the day . The air also consisted of tobacco that was curling off from some rocking throne . As churning as my stomach was after inhaling such a taboo combination of aromas I could not turn down the man's offer to join him,along with his family for dinner .
After I had had a couple of bites - enough to convince the man that I had enjoyed the meal I had to dash off to sleep . I was to share a little bunk bed with one of his nieces. I must say it had been quite a long time ago since I had been under the sheets of princess Bell.She had looked at me with big eager hazelnut eyes,as she handed me her best silk nightgown.It was the best sleep I had had in a long time . Maybe it was because for the first time in a long time I was surrounded by a huge amount of people . People in threes on one bed . Some even on the floor surrounding me . It was just felt good to be in a warm atmosphere for the first time in a long time.
The morning was not anything different. I had woken up hoping that last night was all just a dream , but realised it was very much my reality. Breakfast was as hectic as dinner had been and I realised I had to get out of these people's hairs as soon as possible. After downimg spoonfuls of porridge I shared my gratitude and thanks to the man and asked him to extend it to his family on my behalf. He offered to let his nephews carry my luggage all the way to the bus station,but as always I at our refused. I headed North East as per the man's direction .
When I came across my first intersection I had totally forgot which direction the man said I should take ,so I figured why not try each and every route and see where I end up. Terrible idea! The first right turn I took led me down a whole thread of pubs and a crater path . I went back to my starting point and took my left .About a couple of steps into the sidewalk I felt as if I had walked into a totally different place . The sun totally disappeared. There was not even one single glint of light to be seen anywhere. All every piece of infrastructure was black ,but not because it was painted as such . Even the passersby were just void of colour . My stubbornness contravened my intuition and therefore hours into my walk my stubbornness ,that I was on the right path,was put out by a sight of a ghastly colourless trees . I spent another three hours returning to my starting point - accompanied with profuse cursing at my stubbornness.When I had emerged to my starting point the sun had already dipped away . I was now embraced by darkness , even to my discontent.This time around I was certain that the path I had to take was just straight ahead. I felt like a fish out of water in that street . It felt like I had defied the laws to times and took a lung into the early twentieth century. The sight of litter was absent. Each and every car sparkled as if on showcase. The way those people were able to work an outfit ,it seemed as if everyone looked like the finest gentle man or lady that ever existed . The buildings transparent glittering walls shimmered with lights - that poured into the street. I went as far as my feet could carry ,until doubt moved in . Concluding as this was my last and only path I told myself to stay on . I went up to a café opposite my view to see if I could enquire about my destination.
The door tinkled with my push . To my alarment the café was packed . I sure certainly was in foreign territory because where I hail from ,people would be rushing to get home after a day's hard labour . To us , home equated to relaxation ,but on this side of the wall cafés equated to relaxation. I walked up to the counter to place my order . Big mistake . The whole café got ceased into a still and stifling quietness. Everyone's eyes shot straight at me . I turned away and tried to find myself a seat,to try and end this embarrassment. The only seat available was the one situated at the corner of the store ,right by the door . My eyes were so drowned in embarrassment that I had not taken any detailed notice of the person seated there . I just saw a figure and seemed it's permission to occupy the empty seat at its table .One of the workers came my way to take my order .
' Good evening ,how may I take your order?'
' Can I please have a latte espresso .' Replied ignorant me .
The blank stare came back to haunt me . Luckily this time around , I was getting it from the waitress only and not the whole store . All of a sudden a chuckle echoed nearby . I began to question myself ,if indeed history had not replicated itself. I scanned the whole place to suss where the chuckle was coming from. Everyone else in the establishment was enjoying themselves and could not care less about me . It was when I turn my attention to the view of the window ,did I discover the source. It was the stranger I was sharing the table with . He noticed me notice his behaviour ,but not solely that . I now also noticed him in detail. He was short ,dark haired and had extremely pearly white skin . His smile did nothing to help as his teeth too were pearly white.
'They only serve camomile tea here.' Were the second string of words he said .
'Uh...okay . Can I please have a cup of camomile.'
'Coming up.' Said the waitress.
I turned my attention back at the man before me .
'Thank you.' I said .
'My pleasure.'
Trying to escape any further awkwardness I plastered my eyes on the door .
'So where are you from?' He asked.
'I am from Pelay .'
'Oh . I have never been there,even though it is so close.'
I just gave him a nod and a smile and attempted to look at the door again.
'So, why are you here ?'
He got ignored again.
'Are you here for work ,to see this beautiful place ,to visit a friend or a relative ?'
I knew if I did not give him an answer he would not discontinue his guess aloud game .So with a very stern expression I turned to answer him .
'To visit a friend .'
'Wow . That friend must be lucky . I mean not a lot of friends would do that . They too busy with their lives and all their other friends .'
I moved my eyebrows in response.
'So,where does this friend of yours live ?'
'I said he lives here .' That came out more harsh than I had intended ,but I was not planning on taking it back because I simply did not have the energy to entertain him.He , himself,did nothing to help as he chuckled yet again. Some people just do not have the ability to read people.
'Well I already caught that . I meant in which part of Satyr does your friend live.'
I felt incredibly stupid afterwards and blushed in embarrassment. His clarification actually made me realise that I had no idea where Taylan lived or where I even was . Speaking of where I was ,I remembered that my sole purpose of coming to this café had slipped my mind. Was I going to save myself the embarrassment of asking the café employees or just swallow my pride and ask him , but yet again how can I bring myself to trust him . What if he is some dingy psycho who will follow me around and I end up in a desolated swamp - never to be found again . What if he himself does not know and points me to the wrong direction. Damnit! Was I really going to trust this guy or what !
'Oh, I actually forgot the name of the place . '
The awkward silence came back and lingered for much more longer this time around. Maybe this was my chance to ask him. What the hell ! If I end up in a swamp so what . Atleast I tried.
'Hy,do u know how long,from here, it is to get to the international airport?'
'Its just six hours away . Why?Are you headed there?'
"Yes. Thanks .Do you know where I could possibly get a cab to take me there ?' '
"Sure I can show now ,since Im about to finish my tea."
Meanwhile in my head :Oh my !!!!!! I'm about to die!!!!!!
He took his last sip in one big gulp and settled both of our bills. I followed behind hesitantly. Luckily for me we walked in silence. It gave me a chance to continuously stare at him to detect any suspicious move he might make . I'm busy fretting over him possibly harming me . What if he has the same suspicions as me . But than again he would not have offered to help.
'Here we are .'
'That was quick.'
'Which one you want to take?'
'This one.'I pointed to the one in front of me .
'I will go find out whose it is.'
After about five minutes he came back with a short ,meaty man .He introduced me to him and told me that he had already told the driver my destination.The only thing he left out was the fare.
"So how much is he going to charge me?"
He turned to the man and translated my question.Two seconds later he turned towards me to give me my answer .
'He said three hundred.'
'Yes . Is there a problem?'
Right then and there I realised that I had no money . I could not believe it . How would have I settled my bill if I had no money on me . Was I ever going to make it to the airport in time . Even though it was just six hours away I would probably get lost and take another six hours and before I knew it my time would be up .
'You know what ,thank you very much for your help and all but I don't think I can afford it .'
'It's fine . How much are you short by?'
'Three hundred.'
'Yeah . I think I will go back to my friend's house and see if he can help .'
'Okay . It was nice meeting you .'
'Likewise .'
There I was yet again . Fending for myself . Would I ever make it out in time . Only the universe knew. I certainly was not returning to Taylan after I had made so much progress. So I decided to walk the whole way to the airport and boy was it a WALK!