Maria looked up at Arthur and quirked her head to the side as she gave him a questioning glance. He chuckled and tilted his head to match hers.
"Are we going someplace?" she asked as she took his hand and let him help her to stand.
"We are," he cryptically said as he pulled her towards the bedroom door.
Maria waited for a moment, and when he did not explain, she asked, "Where?"
"You'll see," he said with a smirk.
They exited the room, and Maria felt her sadness about Arthur leaving replaced with abundant curiosity about where he was taking her this late at night. He looked down at her to catch her staring at him with a slight frown, which only made him chuckle more.
"Don't worry, my love, it's a surprise, nothing to fret over."
"Another surprise?" Maria asked in disbelief. "Are we going back on the boat?" She felt her heart leap in her chest. Arthur was always surprising her.